Show H M JJ KNIGHT toneri KNIGHT LAWYERS booms 13 14 and 15 union block CITY UTAH thuvan wildwood WilD TOOD ATTORN ETS AT LW bank building PROVO UTAH SAMUEL A KING IT UW rooms 6 and 7 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH J W M AT LAW booma 11 anil 12 corn and savings bauk PROVO CITY UTAH JOHN attorneys AT LAW excelsior alock up et aira PROVO CITY UTAH J F M D physician and excelsior block over pyne drag store PROVO CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ AT LAW room 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney at law rooms 1 3 3 aad 4 swasey martins bank bldr PROVO UTAH J E at LAW AND OFFICE AGENT 23 N J street provo city W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER and water power glanb special city surveyor of provi deputy U S mineral office at court house PROVO CITY UTAH alt LW collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT LIW rooms 4 and 5 reed block UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath at PROVO office haars hoars 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A Me Curtain M D PHYSICS atno SURGEON office palace blocs 2 blocks east bank corner residence no 45 office no 28 UTAH SAM landscape sign painter UTAH coraor F and ath straat PATENTS a witt no lit trad k and ail other patent abe i tal befaro iho prompts tl prom cutell apon r all of in galloni make careful examination and wi aa to tree with my directly asro row ao at mt baing in there it la thai 1 haye aper jr t tor mattine prompt lor ana more roos ana atte nUni to al eo trusted to tare in the conot no not pOR gible mt ff 0 o pani at clyl n references sent on request nest J R LITTELL y ithol and attorney in patent washington D 0 opposite V 8 patent office J I 1 JONES Ai cy at in thurman boffice fice babic PRO VO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN county physician servos B J W ballway Bail way office at Eee Meace smoot brick houas 1 block emt of tabernacle PROVO UTAH F H SIMMONS physician and surgeon office no 34 centar street in hed baist block CITY UTAH K B S L JONES knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH F F REED dentist save all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY sal work excelsior block provo sera care for loss of manhood emissions nervousness self distrust loss of memory dc wilt vigorous price a boass 00 directions dauid with each box etayl ecca at LOUIS MO A LADYS TOILET Is not complete without an ideal 2 a H J 1 I I 1 combines every element of beauty and purity it is beautifying soothing healing healthful and harmless and when J rightly used is invisible A most delicate and desirable protection H to the face in this climate upon having tha rii i 11 mir n 11 in i u i r 1111 J jg IT IS FOR SALE everywhere mj bial and sayings PROVO atty UTAH capital was DIRECTORS reed smoot preat D T dark vice P rat john jonea jumps A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L 8 hills J R general banking business transacted 6 per cent interest on savings depos ts compounded four times a year CROATS AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUCTS AND SEWING CHINES tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leavo orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW THE louis globe democrat EIGHT PAGES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison the bis zest debt and news and family journal published in america PRICE ONE DOLLAR A will be cent FIFTEEN MONTHS FOR ONE HOLLAR to adv reader of abia paper not now a to THE GLOBS BLANK MUST BE to escure benent of this extraordinary offer ni JL aai it ia worth three months free subscription fill in your name till I 1 post office and state and mail with ONE DOLLAR bank vu draft post office or express money orber or registered letter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copies of TUB will be seat frei on application ayder to GLOBE CO st louis mo herewith find 1 00 for which band to address given below TUB twice every week for FIFTEEN MONTHS as oer your special afler to readers of THE published at city utah name of post office state be anre to nae this blank it is worth three months free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND YEAR only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition circulation throughout all the counties has a larger the first judicial district than all other f 0 r apera combined the is the oran of utah republicanism protection and alie encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription eee top of first column on second page may FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR 3 1 ED ANE FINEST VIRGINIA efte HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN EMPLOYED 1 MAKING THESE atie amen can tobacco 0 o successor no MORE BACK ACHE omea A AVE 1 05 constipation oni BLADDER ALL KIDNEY DISEASES IF YOU AKE GOING TO KANSAS CITY ST bours or any point east and wish 10 enjoy a daylight niile through the grandest scenery of the rocky monn bains be anro to aek for a ticket that reads via ane no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard elegant and thoroughly equipment and ug chair gars in which tbt peats are free to holders of regular train cali on or address j commercial freight pass aal j room 21 morlan block salt lake H OTOWNSEND general st louis mo DAILY STOKER FEBRUARY 1 syrup we this to be the beat couch syrna manufactured in the whole vide world this id saying a reit deal ut it is true for boughs roughs sore throat more chest a goopin congh and all of and lungs we positively guar anee baliarda Bal larda horehound hyrup to be an equal on the whole face of thi g obe in support of this statement we refer to every individual who haa estr used it and 10 every who bus ever sold it such evidence ie in by smoot drug co 4 or miles pain nila atoo headachy Head acha do you travel are yon a shipper 19 rand railway guide 1 hand book contains all pertinent formation aek your newn dealer ARD argest assortment afeld lowest prices I BANK chaia st rait lale aty apen saturday cv eina from 7 to 8 10 lock lo 5 pel cent interest paid on tie its t of 1 00 or more and compounded r flimns limns a year TITLE INSURANCE CO capital full paid JEDo orr president W 8 mc MCK vice president A L THOMAS F rotary and casbier NEW SERVICE TAKE R C ky leavine p nu connecting at denver with abe burlington ROUTE train lor omaha kanaan city st joseph rt bt T anih find ana ni cago MODERATE feta j domce is U s PATENT hornoc id we can secure patent ia less time han those dreb nair ara laate from g drawing br photo de scrip cars A la carte dining pa we advise or not free 5 secure lisbets lic bets at hajee our cc not duo till latent is secured R G W ry office ft hoa abt patents R Tm FaAst gentala D B 1 O B 0 sabay bl AT eveirn batore 9 milben s drug store j t LOOK OUT FOR big stock of holiday goods spectacles scientifically adjusted to all without charpe ahe to their of the beace attorneys and all othera requiring blanks will find it advantage tu order I 1 us of school Sum jnes wholesale as well as buyers will receive thi th i bust attention COMPLETE THING IN stationery assortment OF THAT LINE our prices are way down prompt attention given to mail orders BOOK AND stationery GO fiovo CITY UTAH S TAYLOR manger U AS manufacturers of and dealers m IF YOU WANT information ABOUT ADDRESS A OK TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney P 0 box washington D C honorable discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days or over in the late war are entitled if now aUyor wholly disabled lor ordinary maneaf labor whether usability was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances such soldiers and tailors are entitled if not remarried whether soldiers death was adne to army service or not if now dependent their upon own labor for support widows pot dependent upon their own labor arc entitled if the soldiers death was due to service CHILDREN are entitled if under sixteen widow or she has since died or remarried years in cases where there was SO PARENTS arc entitled if soldier left neither nor child provided soldier died in or fro of service and they arc nondependent now dependent port it makes upon labor for aup no difference navy whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or soldiers of the law without losing any pensioned ander one law may apply for higher rates under oth thousands of soldiers drawing from 2 to 10 per month under the old law are entitled to also for rate under new law not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned bal others whether due to berrice or not entitled soldiers whether and sailors disabled in line of duty in navy Inc ethe war are also discharged for disability or not ida survivors and their widows of the creole cherokee Che robee and Senu nole or nor indian wars of 1833 to 1813 18 13 are entitled under a recent act or dependent mexican war eold lers and their widows also entitled it sixty two years of age or disabled old claims completed and settlement obtained whether later laws or not pension has been granted bacer claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or illegal certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who have lost their original papers send for laws aad information no charge for advice adnrew THE PRESS JOHN wedderburn managing attorney |