Show ITEMS the little cottonwood gold excitement is causing a in salt lake one paper bays should an inquisitive party solicit knowledge regarding the future of gold city zions new born suburb explain that ere the corn is yellow annie dear that there will be a town there with stores rain road stations hack lines street cars and all other things needful including elmetric lights the ore essays assays as high as a ton it is claimed postmaster says that junices the hoodlums who nightly gathers at the post office and damage the pop p op erty aad disturb the deaca are aup pressed he will be compelled to close the office and refuse to do busin asB he has complained ta ane police officers but they either will not or cannot give him protection under the rules post masters are instructed to close their offices until the evil is removed laanti sentinel Ws received a week a very pleasant call from mr albert jones of prove ano ia in the interest of the youn comans womans journal the organ of the Y L M I 1 associations which is published at salt lake with mrs susan Y gates ai a i editor mr jonee baa iii ahti northern counties from some weeks as be informs us with very fair euc cesa receiving in mahard counte alone more than sixty subscribers we are pleased to know that the gentlemen has succeeded so well and hope the people of beaver and the southern country will not be behind thoas of the north tor th journal is a bright interesting and instructive magazine and receive the support of the people generally and the members of the mutual improvement association in particular reaver Uton san A daring piece of gun play developed through a game of faro was the only excitement prevalent in the tenderloin district last night EH E H or kid ad dibon as be is popularly known among the fraternity and george and maxon two other kni ahta ot the green cloth wera the principals and the gambling hall above the richelieu was the scene of the desperate dea one act drama addison wag buckine the faro game with a aboe lot of nerve and was about even when he placed 20 on the king the king won an i when the kid demanded his money he was coily ini formed that the limit was 5 and that amount was all he could have aadi son is not the kind of a man that takes any wind BO he quietly pulled a gun and suavely demanded the sum of the winning there waa no inclination to cokoly with his wishes BO he with tho aid of tbt persuasive qualities of hia gun made the charge himself the police were notified and Of ficera sullivan and placed the gun artist under arrest he deposited ago for appearance at 10 this morning and was given his liberty this mornine the case came up before judge barley in the police court and a continuance vaa taken till this after noon at 2 it id difficult to predict what the outcome of such a case will be as the blood of the fraternity ia one moment hot and the next instant normal and it is seldom that one knight squeals 04 another according to the version of the affair that haa been evau out it ia a plain case of robbery standard |