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Show Salt Lake City survey, In Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah, and running thence west 164ft feet; thence north 9 feet; thence east 58 feet and 1 inch; thence south 494 feet; thence east 106 feet and 5 inches, and thence south 48 feet to the place of beginning: together with an undivided one-twentieth interest in and to an area way commencing 1644 feet west and 60 feet north of the southeast south-east corner of said lot 1 and running thence west 45 feet; thence north 3ii feet- thence east 49 feet, and thence south 37ft feet to the place of beginning. (3) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor in commencing 221ft feet south and 330 feet west of the northeast corner of lot 8. in block 40. plat "A," Salt Lake City survey. In Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah, and running thence west 165 feet, along the south side of Walker place; thence south 26 feet; thence east 165 feet, and thence north 26 feet lo the place of beginning. (4) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor In commencing 211 feet west of the northeast corner of lot 8, in block 40, plat "A," Salt Lake City survey, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah, and running thence west 284 feet, along the south line of Fourth South street to the northwest corner of lot 6. in said block 40; thence south 15oJ of way over a strip of land 68 feet wl'l adjoining said parcel on the west; art also together with a right of way ovs a strip of land 66 feet wide adjolnlm said parcel on the east. (7) The undivided one-tenth Intent! of said minor in all of lots 7, 8, 11 and! in hlock 22, 5-acre plat "A," Big Field survey, in Salt Lake county, Utah. ' (8) The undivided one-tenth interwt of said minor in all of lot 4, In block 1!, 5-acre plat "A," Big Field survey, In Salt Lake county. Utah, said lot bein? between Main street and West Tetnpit street and Tenth and Eleventh South streets for the sums or $50,000.00, IN,. 000.00 and 315,000.00, respectively. Aat upon the following terms, to-wlt: Cud, upon confirmation of sale and delivery of guardian's deed, as appears from til return of sale, filed In this court, hn been set for hearing on Friday, the Wl dav of September, A. D. 1915, at 2 o'cloci p. tn., at the county courthouse, In n courtroom of said court, In Salt Lalt Citv, Salt Lake county, Utah. Witness the clerk of said court, nii the seal thereof affixed, this 2Sth iv of August. A. D. 1915. (Seal) THOS. HOMER, Clerk. By J. E. Clark. Deputy Clerk. Bradley. Pischel & HarknesB, attorney for petitioner. feet, along the west line of said lot 6. 1 to the north line of Walker place; thence east along the north line of Walker place 2S4 feet to the. corner of Walker place and Carson street, and thence north 155 feet to the place of beginning. (5) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor in all of lots 17 and 19, in block 22, 5-acre plat "A," Big Field survey, in Salt Lake county, Utah ; subject, sub-ject, however, to a right of way over what is known as Major avenue. 6i feet wide, running north and south midway between Main street and State street through lot 17 ; and subject; also, to a right of way over the northerly half of what is known as Worthen street, being 66 feet wide running east and west from Main street to State street. (6) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor in that part of lot 6, in block 22, o-acre plat "A." Big Field survey, sur-vey, in Salt Lake county. Utah, described as commencing at a point 3,t feet north and 66 feet west of the southeast corner of said lot 6, said corner being on center line of Main street, and running thence west 297 feet; thence north 254.1 feet to the north line of said lot 6; t hence east 297 feet, and thence south 254.1 feet to the point of beginning; together with a right of way over a strip of land 33 feet wide extending easterly and westerly wester-ly and adjoining said parcel on the south, and extending from Main street to West Temple street; also together with a right IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PROBATE division, in and for Salt Uake county, state of Utah. In the matter of the estate and guardianship of Alberta Winifred Walker, minor. Notice. The petition of Winifred S. Prosser, the guardian of the person and estate of Alberta Winifred Walker, minor, for confirmation con-firmation of sale of the following described de-scribed real estate, to-wit: (1) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor in commencing at the northwest corner of Main street and Postoffice place, in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake county, Utah, and running thence north on Main street 66 feet; thence west 165 feet; thence south 66 feet; and thence east along Postoffice place 165 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of lot 7, in block 51, plat "A," Salt Lake City survey: together with a perpetual right of way over the following: Commencing Com-mencing at a point 165 feet west of a point 33 feet north from the southeast corner of said lot 7 and running thence north 132 feet; thence west 165 feet-thence feet-thence south 16 feet; thence east 147 feet; thence south 45 degrees east 11.31 feet; thence south 108 feet; aJid thence east 10 feet to the place of beginning. (2) The undivided one-tenth interest of said minor in commencing at the south -east corner of lot 1, block 69, plat "A,' |