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Show BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEj REAL SNAPS. $23:, will buy an u-TOom pw side, close in; bldg. i I, very modern; not entirely ll Fine elm Due for someone wilt, lslt fnrnilure ,, their own. Vnt "5 $1,0 will liaiidle a a-room place 1 A1 from Automobile row; fine renin,,., tion: niee bldg. and furniture- iff510 rented. Bal.; $275, payable XliV 2S.-- will liandle la-room hotel- fiP.tr "l sicnt location; snap for $55o" lriB- $5tHi will buy one of the most' in, , cigar stands In Salt Lake; a i i any, humidored fixtures; clean ' centrally located, and rent on!i,,tV; This place is easily worth S1000 ''l $00 will handle a 65-room rnoder, i. hot and cold water in even-rL 01a. ncr bldg. This place easllv Si !r'' per month; rent only $3.75 per r: chiding steam Ileal free. Pr , $900 will handle one ot the swell.,, " houses In Salt Lake; ideal local K 'f-gain 'f-gain furniture; no vacancies "' $1600. payable $50 per month ' 2 pool hall bargains this week ' If you have anything to self or see us. t C. L. WESTLAKE, Mgr. Bus. Opportunity, HETTlLYON HOME BUILDERS n 340 Mam St. Was. itvT- - BUY THROUGH THE CAPITAL Pe. BARGAINS. 26-room modern hotel, excellent i nlshed, $2000; terms. 15 rooms, mod., close in, $S50; ; caiti 11 rooms, all rented, modern' lm handle. 8 rooms, good furnlturo; price jom 22 rooms, h. k. apts., $500 down " i interest in good cafe. $350. Downtown saloon. See us for term Grocery stores from $350 and up. CAPITAL I.N'V. & REALTT CO. PHONE WAS. 1172. w 408 McINTiRE BUILDINQ. Hil CAFE. ONLY $265; WORTH 3 OR i times this amount; excellent locatia, lor hotel and transient trade. 7-room rooming house, close in; itml ' lure recently cost $476. Will sen k 2S. Rent $30. Owner leaving Wn and must sell. FOR SALE For Sale AUmwbile3 YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A GOOD CAR CHEAP! "We've got about twenty crackerjacK. used cars on our floors cars we ve "traded In" on 1916 models-cars In many instances Just as good as new and you can choose at a mere fraction of original prices, and to reliable parties we win extend liberal terms. Here are just a few of the plums on hand now; Buick model 43, ''5-passenger. Buick model 31, 5-passenger. Buick C 25. electric light and starter. Chalmers model T, 5-passenger. Cadillac 1913, 7-passenger, electric lights and starter. , . ; Cadillac 1914, 7-passenger, electric lights and starter. Cadillac 1911. 5-passenger. Reo 1911, 5-passenger. Sludebaker 1913, 5-passenger. Velle roadster, electric lights and starter. Thomas model L. . Rambler roadster, electric lights ana starter. Buick truck, 1914. Garford, 7-passenger. Garford, 6-passenger. Ask for Mr. Cherry, manager of the used car department. RANDALL-DODD AUTO CO., Was. 4560 Auto Row Was. -loH- . OoOo FREE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE TO CAR BUYERS. Get the honest opinion of an expert automobile man before deciding on "hat car to purchase. No ax to grind. Weie here to serve you. We can advise as lo what car Is best suited to your purpose. We can also help you get a car if sou have decidod on any certain make. Information In-formation of any nature pertaining to automobiles gladly furnished. Address Auto Information Bureau. Box 659, Salt Lake. No charge for Information. n-G5o FORD, OVERLAND, STUDEBAKER, seat covers, $5.00. United Vulcanising, 325 So. State. "824 MOD. GARAGE FOR 1 OR 2 CABS. Was. 1463. 360 E. So. Temple. 1,1386 1913 OVERLAND, FLANDERS, STUdJ baker, Dayton roadster, new X motor and car, good inclosed delivery body. 1U' N. 1st West. Was. 6626-J. nlSH METZ ROADSTER, 1913, IN EXCEL-lenl EXCEL-lenl condition; all new tires. Call Was. 2182. 41 South State. n2Qs ONE 1500-LB. PIERCE DELIVERY truck, In first-class condition. The Motor Shop, 661 So. State. "2791 FOR RENT For Rent HousekeepirigRorns UNDER NEW .MANAGEMENT. OLAD-stonc OLAD-stonc hutel. 2125 So. State. 24 sleeping sleep-ing and housekeeping rooms, newly papered pa-pered and painted and thoroughly renovated: reno-vated: modern conveniences ; steam heat; special 10-day rate; large. light, airy rooms. $1 per "week; two nice housekeeping rooms, $12 per month: also 2 front ground floor housekeeping rooms. 14 So. 2nd East. n3654 HELVETIA. FURNISHED APTS., $3.25 to $4.50 week; modern; strictly respect; able. 23 North 1st West. W313J 2 OP. 3 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS with piano. 433 Hazel ct., 4th So., bet. 5th and 6th East. I3785 TWO NEAT. WELL-FURNISHED, H. and c. water, light, gas. 65 3o. era East. h22o0 NEWLY PAPERED AND FURNISHED housekeeping ' or sleeping rooms, mod. 35S So. West Temple. "-3664 LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED for housekeeping; $7 per month. 6j.l So. 3rd East. Woai 3 NEAT, FURNISHED, MODERN H. K. rooms. 661 So. 2nd E. n730 FURN. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT light b. k., from $2.50 up; hot and cold water and light free; gas for cooking; strictly respectable. 6S E 4th South. Was. 3608-J. nS8o WELL-FURNISHED. CLEAN. AIRY rooms. 311 So. 5th East. nl521 2 AND 3-ROOM FLATS FOR HOUS-E-kceplng. 12 Kendall square, W. Temple, Tem-ple, bet. 4th and 5th So. n2445 3 NICE MODERN ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; close In. 76 E. 5th So. n2440 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CLOSE IN. 122 West Fourth So. No children. n2627 THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 361 Earl court, between Fourth and Firth East and Third and Fourth So. k2611 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; GAS. porch, bath. 61 4th ave. n26S3 ONE OU TWO CLEAN ROOMS', MOD. 545 W. 2nd North. n3H8 3 CLEAN, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor; gas range, light, phone and bath; good location. 369 0th East. n3346 FOR SALE For Sale MisceHa,10? line of good., econd-liand tun gwjnS the city, consisting L.,r,u,S'oieum coal dressing tables, brass beds, glOO oa ranges, gas ranges, gas W""", n 0( refrigerators, etc.; also a good line office furniture In roll-top, , w i . typewriter desks, chairs a d 1 Bnj ' nets. Prices reanablt Fisner. bins Co.. 60 W. 2nd South. J doots of Orpheum theater. i rrAiE5TciOAl. . CASE , AaND BrnTOSSTi, SStoi CO., o32 Richards 3t. BARGAINS IN' HHTW ANlT hand generators and i notors, a winding. Thomas Electric Kepaar 311 So. W. Temple. Was. 1-4- . CAS RBGIBTBB.' BQU" a pool table, steel safe, good oornplete lunch counter was.ach Exchanse Department, 1. Stare. 2827. THE COLDEST AND STJMSS OF beer. 5c; a pint of bonded J pint. 60c. S. quart bonded a S. qt. good whisky, 5llc. " ' heer. bottle. 3 bottles American Beauty only 50c. Social Bar. B02 So- Statte gl' ONE RANGF.; DROP-LEAF JABLE, kitchen cupboard, .center table s range, davenport, sanitary oat 1th n tress, electric grinder, 1 Tiioune Call 140 E. 6th South. UNCALLED- FOR SUITS ; YOUR OWN price. 265 So. Staie. . HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO .SELL OR store, such as new o nd m"nSi machinery equipment, ',-11''lmnent & automobiles, etc.? Utah B4"'?mBI"- Storage Co.. 780 W. 4th South. W 2648. A FEW MISFITSUITS AND OVErt-cTih OVErt-cTih So'ufh. n2608 Le. .XM West 1st South. , ngl' DOORS, WINDOWS, WITH GLASS AND frames. 32 E. 6th So. j YOUNG HORSE. WAGON AND HAR-ness. HAR-ness. good for peddler, $60. 332 So 7tb East. 1 BROOD SOWS,. SHOATS, registered Berkshire boar. Phone Murray Mur-ray "32-J-3. Murray R. D. No. 3, box 90. "-" FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS. SllTABLE FOR 2 gentlemen; close m. Phone Wasatch 1313-J. f2330 THE ALEXANDRIA. CENTRALLY Located, Lo-cated, new management May 1. Ele-gantlv Ele-gantlv furnished single apt., with bath privileges. $12.50. Was. 7099. f2363 3 ROOMS. MODERN; FRONT AND rear porches? gas range. 677 North 2nd West. 15. gl4s3 VERY NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room in line, close-in apl. Wasatch 5136-J. h2341 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI-vate PRI-vate family, suitable for two gentlemen. $1.50 and up. 123 West 4lh South. Phone Wasatch 7110-M. h2961 FRONT ROOM. NICELY FURNISHED; close in. Was. 6155-M. 129 W. 4th South. k2043 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. NO. 4 Louise. n2779 STRICTLY FIRST -CLASS FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences; rates reasonable. rea-sonable. Cumberland hotel, cor. Second So. and 3rd East. New management. n3033 TWO NICE MODERN FURNISHED rooms, furnace heated, close In. 476 East 4th South. Tel. Hyland 1091-R. n3122 THE CRAIG. Eagle Gate and First Avenue. Xewly furnished. Slngle or suites; rates reasonable; nothing like it. Phone Was. 2280. H3329 NICELY FURNISHED. OUTSIDE RMS. No. 5 Fairmont. Was. 7552-M. n3649 NEWLY FURN. ROOM, STRICTLY mod.; private home; phone service. 38 South 3rd East. Was. 7020-J. h3648 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, witli piano. No. 9 Emery apts. Wasatch 1285-W. n4243 NICELY FURNISHED. MODERN RMS., one block north of Hotel Utah; reasonable rea-sonable prices. 102 North Main. H4302 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen at 247 East Fourth South street. Phone Was. 3789-NW. o32 IN TOWN OUT OF TOWN COMFORT-ablc COMFORT-ablc furnished rooms. 325 So. 2nd East. ol9 CHEAP TO RIGHT PAP,TY, PRIVATE FOR RENT For Rent Houses rnrushed NO. 75 K STREET. FURNISHED, 3- j room, modern home, with garage; nice- I ly furnished: rent reasonable to right; party; home open today, 377 E. 3rd South, corner 4th E. and 3rd South ; 9-room home; nicely fur-, nlshed; rent reasonable. BRUNEAU-HILL INV. CO.. Was. 1498. 313 Main St. ' OS07 I 4-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW. with garage; modern. very desirable location; rent reasonable. Hi'. 715. oS06 j 4- ROOM MOD.. SLEEPING PORCH. I lawn. heat, garage. 123 II street. nl262 BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM MODERN. ON E. South Temple, completely furnished. Phone Wasatch 749, between 3 and o p. m. n3286 I PLEASANT 7-ROOM MODERN; BEST residence district; porches, fruit, shade; reasonable. Owner wishes board for parr rent. 20 O St. n3571 THOROUGHLY MODERN 7-ROOM house: sleeping porch. 188 Q si Call Mrs. Andrews. Was. 2702-J. ol89 4 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH ; F.YERV-thlnff F.YERV-thlnff modern. 766 Browning ave. o299 5- ROO.VI HOUSE. NICELY FURNISHED. Gas and electric light. Or furniture for sale and house for rent. 213 W . 4th North. 0307 STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM BI'NGA-low BI'NGA-low with sleeping porch: moderate price to responsible parly. Was. 6364-J, mornings. morn-ings. O460 6- ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WITH piano; reasonable rent to right party. 343 E. 7th South. 0615 6-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED; UNI-verslty UNI-verslty St.; strictly modern; large sleeping sleep-ing porch; rent reasonable. Phone Hyland Hy-land 591-.T. 0567 5-ROoM MODERN, WELL FUR-nlshed, FUR-nlshed, close in. . 157 N. State. Was. 8992-R. 0614 FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. MOD, 64 W. 7th So. oS31 FURNISHED HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; sleeping porch; fruit. 1142 Blaine ave. OS45 STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. FUR-nished FUR-nished or unfurnished: lawn and garage. gar-age. Inquire 175 A St. Was. 2495. 0993 FOR RENT For Fent Houses JJnfurnished BEST HOUSES IN THE CITY FOR THE MONEY. 664 3rd ave.. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors In every room, new furnace, $40. 1047 3rd ave., X rooms and sleeping porch, oak doors, hoi-water heat, garage, $40. Corner s and 2nd ave.. 9 rooms and sleeping porch and garage, furnace heat, J40. 1278 East 10th South, 10 rooms, hot-water hot-water la-at, large lot, flsli pond, all kinds of fruit, $35. 712 91 i East, 6 rooms; no heat; $22. 1119 Sovth lUh East, new (-room bungalow with sleeping porch; no beat: $25. 914 9th ave., 3-rm. mod. brick, $15. liltUNEAU-HILL INVESTMENT CO. 343 Main St. Was. 1168. oS03 7-RM.. STR. MOD., 25 It ST. VERY desirable terms on application. 7-rm., str. mod., ot'l Till ave $30.00 7-rrn. mod.. 187 H 22.00 7- rm., 731 E. Ilth So 12.00 4-rin., 1153 Kensington ave 12.00 3-rm.. 1076 Kensington ave 6.00 PETERSON R. E. & INV. CO., Was. 3320. 64 E. 4th So. o793 8- room brick. 4th West and 3rd So..! 9.00 3-room brick, It Brunswick ave 18.00 fi-room modern. 411 10th ave 2o.00 6-room modern. 569 Hamilton place. 22.o0 . . S-room modern, 435 10th ave 25.00 6- room modern, 809 9th East 7- room modern. 157 C street 40.00 SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST CO. No. 32 Main Street. Was. 1868. 4i O1006 7 ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN, IN first-class condition: hot-water heal, fireplace and mantel; fine basement, with laundry complete; within walking distance; dis-tance; exclusive neighborhood; best location loca-tion In city. Reasonable rent. Key at 524 First avenue. Phone Wasatch 1960 or 8685-W. . n3630 3-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, DISAP-pearlng DISAP-pearlng bed, gas range, coke heater. Apply 51 East 6th South. n3974 9- HOOM MODERN. LARGE SLEEPING porches, gas range and heater, furnace, also garage; carpeted on lower floor. Phnne WnRnleh R801. ll406t 15 housekeeping rooms; all roomi rent. cd: good location; line furniture; fum. heat; rent only $50. Price $750. 14-room rooming house; always ailed-excelient ailed-excelient location; clearing $66 per m' We handle bargains only. CARNEY & HANSEN, Phone Was. 2931. 26 E. 2nd Son m SPECIAL BIG BARGAM8. 23-i oom hotel; corner location; rem 13; 5-year lease; only 8900. 8 rooms; transient or permanent; l:;-rent l:;-rent $30.. 12 rooms, housekeeping; rent M; only $225. Swell apt. house; $1000 will handli 30-room hotel, elegantly furnished 1 big money-maker. Several good out-of-clty proposition ROSS C. DAVIS. HOTEL BRCJKE& 113 So. Main. Was. Ill S FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE OF 7-BH house; one block trom Auerbach's sua. Call. Wasatch 6263-M. Hooms tm) rented. h3G FOP. SALE BY OWNER FIRST-CUB rooming bouse; twenty-five rooms; A-l location. 176 W. 2nd So. HS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTDNffl for the right party to purchase a root well furnished rooming house or famY hoteb at a great bargain; 37 rooms, lie heated, hot and cold water, etc FR1TSCH LOAN &. TRUST COMPAR 201-203 Felt Bldg. 10 FOR SALE, OR TRADE FOR S. 1 propertv, furniture of 42 modern row hotel, steam heat furnished. Reasoiuls sacrificing. A good money maker. Pbos Was. 5830, or call 240 W. So. Ten Owner. a FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOl'W small payment down, balance like rt All rooms rented. 308 E. 2nd So. M 5156-W. g 16-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, HOI IS cold water throughout. Was. wU 5-PASSENGER CADILLAC, NEWLY" painted, good condition, liy. S37-W. n3661 1914 5-PASS. BUICK, ALL IMPROVE-ments; IMPROVE-ments; good condition; bargain. 104 Q st. Was. 3586. 160 FORD ROADSTER, JUST OVER-hatlled; OVER-hatlled; good condition; $160 takes It. S. L, Auto Exch., 109 W. So. Temple st. O305 FIVE-PASSENGER BUICK AT A BAR-gain, BAR-gain, $125; owner leaving city. 747 So. Slate. o390 FOR SALE 1916 MODEL OVERLAND, 5-passenger car, good condition; bargain bar-gain price; owner going east. Apply Browning Auto & Supply Co., Wasatch 1934, 55 W. 4th So. . 0668 FORD ROADSTER. JUST OVER-haulcd, OVER-haulcd, in perfect condition; cheap. Address Ad-dress X-8, Tribune. OS46 Auto Tops. SEAT COVERS, TOP SLIPS, GENERAL upholstering; guaranteed. Trimmings sold. Wellington Auto Top Co., 44 S. W. Temple. Was. 7410. o651 Wanted Automobiles AUTOMOBILE, LATE MODEL, A-! condition; no Fords; give price, description descrip-tion and condition. Address T-53, Tribune. Trib-une. n4290 WANTED FORD CAR, 5-PASS.; MUST 1 be in good shape. Call Hyland 16S-W. 0224 For Sale Motorcycles TWIN INDIAN, NEW ENGINE. FULLY equipped; must sell; Dargaln. H. Berry, Hotel Fifth East. O403 POPE MOTORCYCLE, MAGNETO, electric light, horn and carrier; fine 1 condition. No. 7 Birkinshaw terrace, rear 337 East 5th South. $50.00, 086C ! SINGLE X, 5-HORSEPOWER, MAG-1 MAG-1 neto, a goer, $35. 717 West First So , 09S! 2 ROOMS, PANTRY AND CLOSET, mod., furn. for h. k., $12.50. Apply 58 No. 2nd W. k3616 FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN, FOR bedrooms or light housekeeping. 341 Oblad ave., between 3rd and 4th East, 5th and 6th So. n3439 3-ROOM MODERN; SLEEPING PORCH. gas. phone. 859 Green St., bet. 6th and 7th E., on 9th So. No children. H3492 'NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; $2 TO $6 per week. 443 East 1st South. n4067 2 ROOMS, $11, FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeping; HOUSE-keeping; near university. Call Was. 0414-M. o9 ONE SUITE OF NICE. CLEAN, housekeeping rooms; gas, electric lights and running water. 445 So. W. Temple. 0112 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD-ern; MOD-ern; no children. 228 West 5th So. 0237 FURN. ROOMS FOR H. K. ; NO CHIL-dren. CHIL-dren. 157 So. 1st West. 0244 2-ROOM MODERN APT., FURNIS-HED; gas and coal range: close In; no children. chil-dren. 555 S. W. Temple. o245 LARGE. iJlGHT. FRONT ROOM; REA-sonable: REA-sonable: gas. light and heat furnished. 423 So. W. Temple. ol84 2 'GROUND-FLOOR ROOMS: LIGHT, bath. Phone Was. 1970-J. 524 So. W. Temple. O20C 1 OR 2 MOD. ROOMS. CALL WAS. 704S-.T. 352 E. 1st South. o28S 2 ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 164 E. 2nd South st, 0291 3 NICELY" FURN. MOD. ROOMS. FUR-nace, FUR-nace, lawn, $20. 438 So. 6th E. Was, 5145. 016S 2 H. K. ROOMS. CLEAN AND PLEAS-ant, PLEAS-ant, modern. $10 and up. 127 So. 6tr East. o33( i Axm ra a rT"R TNPT.TTniwr: nac BURRO; GOOD PACK ANIMAL. HY-land HY-land 487-M. 240 9th East. o309 MOVING TICTURE MACHINES FOR sale- 2 Powers No. ,5, in good condition, 2 flaming arc lamps. Photoplay theater 207 So. Slate st. "14 GAS RANGEsT WE HAVE SEVERAL in most all the leading makes that we will sell for about half their former cost. Come early and select your choice. Fisher & Robblns. 60 W. 2nd So. St., 3 doors west of Orpheum theater. giais GAS RANGES. WE HAVE SEVERAL in most all the leading makes thai we will sell for about half their former cost. Come earlv and select your choice. FIsner & Robblns", 60 W. 2nd So. St., 3 doors west of Orpheum theater. 00 ' ABOUT 900 PAIRS OF CHILDREN'S, misses' and boys' shoes; average wholesale whole-sale cost $1.07 a pair; am closing out the stock and will sell same at 50 cents a pair. Address Samuel Douglas, Pay-son. Pay-son. Utah. C442 FINE JERSEY MILCH COW FOR SALE. Call Hyland 1154. o . "-H P GAS ENGINE AND ACCES-sories. ACCES-sories. 909 Kearns Bldg. Was. 1991 or Was. 5391 -M. O703 ALMOST NEW RIVER MINK FUR coat. $75; will sell for $25; 38-inch hust measure. Apt. 8. 640 E. 6th So., in mornings; going away. oSla FOR SALE FRESH ' COW, WITH week-old calf. Call Murray 622. 06SI ' FOR SALE GOOD EIGHT-Y" EAR-OLD horse and rubber-tired surrey. $7o.00. Chicago Cleaning Co.. 27 East 4th South. ONE OF THE BEST-MADE X-RAY machines, in perfect condition, cheap. Address X-7, Tribune. o847 1 MISFIT AND 2ND-HAND CLOTHING for sale, cheap. Wardrobe. o7 W. 2nd South. a3276 ' THE LARGEST LINE OF UNCALLED-for UNCALLED-for eloth'.ng In sity. Nobby SuitGrium, 1 219-21 State. k2731 family; 2 blocks from P. O. 62S So. Main. ol 2 NICE, FURNISHED ROOMS. 730 E. So. Temple. 0127 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT NO. 7 Emery apt. cllO ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 LADIES. LIGHT b. k., close in, cheap. Address V-10, Tribune. 112552 ELEGANT FURN. ROOM, CHEAP TO right party; 2 blocks from P. O. 628 So. Main. ol MODERN FURNISHED ROOM. NO. 3 Louise apt. "Was. 3815. ol93 3 ROOMS IN NEW MOD. HOME; bath, hot water, sleeping porch, gas range. Was. 3635-N.I. ' 0195 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: SU1T-able SU1T-able for 2 gentlemen. 762 East 4th South. Hyland 2419-J. O9go NICELY FURNISHED RMS., WITH OR without board. 104 E. 2nd So. 0431 LOVELY FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS: reasonable; close in. Phone Was. 7052. o425 NICE FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two; steam heat, bath and phone. 132 B street. o616 ONE FURNISHED ROOM. 116 NORTH State. o603 A FINE ROOM. CLOSE IN. MODERN home: reasonable. 80 2nd ave. o594 NEW. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED rooms, hotel service, clean, light, airy, hot ' and cold water, steam heat: an elegant ele-gant place for nulet, permanent people; good location. 4th So. and Main: $3 per week and up; with bath. $5 per week. New Salt Lake Hotel. 372 Main. 0438 IN MODERN HOME. NEAR UNIVER-slt5 UNIVER-slt5 Hyland 669-R. o660 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, $2 AND up: bath and phone. 139 E. 2nd So. 0637 JWARD ANDJiOOM FIRST-CLASS SINGLE OR DOUBLE rooms, with board, close in; rates very reasonable. Temple ,'iotel, 12 W. North Temple. f4347 SINGLE R.M., WITH BOARD, $5 PER week; rms., $1.50 und up. Rear 114 E. 2nd South. g4672 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD AT 69 North State. h2001 WANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD IN modern home; best of care; by day or week or month. Hy. 639-N-R. . 1132 E. 4th South. k831 ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 IN PRI-vate PRI-vate family. 16 Grace apts., 1st ave and State. k965 BOARD AND ROOM: EAST ON SOUTH Temple street; close In; elegant rms.; $26 per month and up. Was. 3355-J. n518 GOOD HOMELIKE PLACE. ONE ROOM to rent, with or without board. 318 First avenue. nl256 FIRST-CLASS ROOMS, WITH GOOD home cooking; splendid location. 605 E. 1st So. nl307 THE STANCOMBE ONE LARGE RM. for two. 327 E. 1st So. nl512 WITH SLEEPING, PORCH; DELIGHT-ful DELIGHT-ful location; ten minutes' walk from business center; private family; for two business men. W. 1941-J. k2371 BOARD AND ROOM BY DAY OR week; home cooking. 223 So. 2nd East. n2098 BEAUTIFUL LARGE FRONT ROOM, suitable for two; home cooking; near Eagle gate. Was. 21S6. n4239 BOARD AND ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 IN private family; close in; reasonable. Was. 4763-R. o53 NICE ROOMS. GOOD BOARD, 1J blocks Hotel Utah. 40 W. N. Temple h2731 NEW 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK, OAS range, 39 E. North Temple. Wasatch 2730-R. n4066 4-RM. MOD. ; GAS RANGE, 2 CLOSETS; $17. 576 So. 2nd West. Was. 3617-R. 0238 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 334 E. 4TH South. oll3 DANDY BUNGALOW ON HILLSIDE. above smoke; 13th ave.; modern; cheap lo right parte. (Joddard lnv. Co., 32 3. Main. Q661 LET MB DO YOUR MOVING. PHONE ml set my prices. Joe Mollerup, Was. 2 2 1 1-J 039 : 7 -It' u14 BRICK, NEAR OQU1RRH nool, mod. Apply 420 E. 3rd So. 054 STRICTLY MODERN, S-ROOM, 6 n East and 4lli South $30.00 i Modern 7-room and .barn, 9th East and Ketmout 25.00 Moil. 5-room and barn, 830 South Isl West 18.00 1 Mod. 4-room, 2nd So. and 3rd East. 22.50 ESLINGBR, r, 10 Continental Block, i Phones Wasatch 743. Hyland 1134-.I. o560 a 6-ROOM MODERN. 430 G ST.: 6-ROOM modern, on corner, 977 9th East. Phone Was. 6376-W. o450 A SNAP 6-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE TO school. 4 blocks from car, $7.00. 304 N lOlh West. Was. 3305-M. o436 i.-.OO -5-ROOM BRICK. PARTLY MOD., one-half block east of Main st. or 4th SoAth. Hyland 61S-R. 0433 ! 7-ROOM NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, sleeping porch, canyon breeze, or 5-room 5-room modern brick; reduced rent. 486 G slreet. o52S 3- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1020 SO. 8th East. Was. 5323-R. 0574 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HARDWOOD floors, gas and electric lights, furnace, large lawn and garage, $35. W'as. 1457-W or was. 4S99-J. 0063 COMMODIOUS. MODERN 7-ROOM flat, main floor, steam heat, large porches, $40. 1320 E. 2nd So. O404 FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR rent. 860 S. W. Temple. O401 TWO BBAUT1FUL NEW SIX-ROOM houses at Nor. 738-740 Browning avenue. ave-nue. Absolutely modern, with furnace, ill Apply at Utah Savings & Trust Company. No. 235 Main street. y!953' MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. INQUIRE 132 H St. o597 6-ROOM. FURNACE. STRICTLY MOD-ern MOD-ern apt., $15 per month. 1010 So. W. Temple. 3-room strictly modern, large basement. $13 per month. 809 Washington Washing-ton si. 2 rooms, strictly modern. S9 per month. S135 Washington st., Graham 1 ten-ace. Hyland 279S-M. 0593 . 7-ROOM, STR. MOD. HOUSE, FIRST-class FIRST-class condition, close in. 522 E. 2nd So. Phone Hy. 2944. o710 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEAT AND CLEAN, at 1142 So. 4th E., $15. 0732 FOUR SPLENDID MODERN ROOMS near capltol building. 24 East Third North. O730 f.-ROOM. STRICTLY MOD. PHONE Was. 5427-R. 0819 HARMONY PLACE, 7TH AND STH E.. on East So. Temple: 5-roorn cozv bungalow, with mantel, fireplace and furnace. fur-nace. $27.50. Five-room modern house, $20. Janitor service. Call Was. 56 or 302, or house 31. oSIS NICE 3-ROOM BRICK. STRICTLY modern, close In. Apply 271 West 6th South. , 0743 5 NICE ROOMS. CLOSE IN. BARGAIN. It I 322 W. 5th So. Was. C12t. 0S56 STRICTLY MOD.. :! ROOMS AND porches. 128 O st. Was. 4611-N-W. . 0749 FOUR-ROOM MODERN, NEWLY painted and papered; phone 3594-R.: SI 2. o986 I- STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE, FI'R-cislied FI'R-cislied or unfurnished: lawn and gar-R gar-R age. Inquire 175 A street. Was, 2495. 0994 For Rent Canyon Cottage ! ONE OF THE PRETTIEST PJRnI cottages at Piecrest for rent by month or for remaiii,r ot season: rt'A-sonable rt'A-sonable terms. Call Hv. 'S52-W. 0393 3-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE PORCH front and rear; located Mt. Tharaoh. Inquire Was. 5806. n3295 WORK BACK SAilbl DAY (IF ReP quested). No extra charge. PALACE LAl'N'DRY CO. Office 11 Vest let South. Ollice TO West Second South. Was. 52S7. Office "9 East Second Souths Was. 1-JS1. Office 38 East Third South. Was. 3710. Works "iaS East Kourth South. H viand 2562. 562. La'indry brought to office saves 25 per i cen cl708 TOACXCOUPONS '!; WE BUY ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO ccaons. Raor Shop, West 2nd So. nl49S ATTRACTIVE SURROUNDINGS. walking distance; references exchanged Wasatch 30S9-W. n4227 BOARD AND ROOM FOR UNIVERSITY students and teachers In a new, modern mod-ern home. 147 South 10th East. Was. 2080-J. o306 FOR 2 GENTLEMEN, IN NICE PRI-vate PRI-vate home, 66 I st. Wasatch 2540-J. O340 GOOD HOME COOKING, CLEAN ROOM. use of piano, bath, phone. J25. 311 So. 5th E. Hy. 2065-W. o633 TWO DOURLE AND ONE SINGLE room; pleasant, homelike surroundings. Convenient to town. 439 East South Temple. o437 BOARD AND ROOM, WTTH GOOD home cooking. Hyland 760-W. o422 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING OR single. No. 2 Sharp flats. o374 FURN. RMS. FOR RENT. WITH OR without board. 409 1st ave. o788 FIRST-CLASP ROOM AND BOARD. 24 So. 9th E. Was. 6829-J. o832 ATTRACTIVE SURROUNDINGS, walking distance; references exchanged. Was. 3089-W. o974 BOARD AND ROOM. $20 A MONTH. Good place for students. 25 North West Temple. Was. 3156-M. 0983 MASSAGE MINERAL VAPOR BATHS. MASSAGE, scalp treatment, manicuring. 176 So. State, room 20. ml239 MASS-AGE AND MANICURING. 263 SO. Main, room 7. g3008 SAN FRANCISCO MISS FERGUSON. electric cabinet baths, massage. 12 Geary St.. offices 307-308. n2364 VIBRATORY MASSAGE. ALCOHOL rubs, by Dorothy Harris, 36 Hercules hotel, 56 W. 3rd So. n2444 NEWLY" OPENED MASSAGE PARLOR; vibratory massage: scalp treatments. 326 So. Main, apts. 2 and 4. n3496 MASSAGE PARLORS OPENED, PRAC-tlcal. PRAC-tlcal. experienced. 628 No. 2nd West. Was. S566-J. Take Warm Springs car. kl908 ST. FRANCIS MASSAGE PARLORS. Wayne hotel, suite 57, 3rd floor, left. front. Was. 7421. o973 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING EPD1E GREEN PAYS HIGHEST PRICES for old clothes and shoes. Wasatch 1503. n4307 NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS PAY, I will give more for your old clothing. Phone Wasatch 5235. r764 DON'T KEEP YOUR OLD CLOTHES OR throw them away. 1 buy men's suits and shoes. Best prices. King. Was. 1467 kl68S HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC-ond-hand clothing. Call Wasatch 5552. h2510 VETERINARIAN DR. M. RICE. 15 YEARS' PRACTICAL experience U. S. army. 242 S. W. Temple. Tem-ple. Was. 501&. n3056 EXCELLENT LARGE FRONT ROOM, for one or two gentlemen; in refined, modern home: 3 blocks from Hotel Utah. References exchanged. Phone Wasatch 7224 -W. 0746 STEAM HEAT; ROOMS $1.50 PER week and up. 106 2nd East. o769 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT-able SUIT-able for couple. 14 Grace apts. First aye. and State. 0688 NICE. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ROOM: close in: bath and phone. 277 South 2nd East. 0S22 3 MODERN ROOMS. FURNISHED; garage: $25. 125 H St. o820 LARGE FRONT ROOM. STEAM HEAT-ed. HEAT-ed. furnished or unfurnished: suitable for two. 76 E. 5th South. n645 2 NICELY FURN. ROOMS: GOOD Location. Lo-cation. 30 First aye. Phone Wasatch 4790-W. o757 NICE FRONT ROOM, NEWLY FUR-nished; FUR-nished; furnace heat; walking distance-reasonable. distance-reasonable. 106 E. 2nd South. oS62 For Rent Rooms, unfurnished IN PART OF HOUSE. TWO NICE large rooms: e. 1.. gas ranee and water In house. 344 E. So. Temple. n2106 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LARGE light housekeeping rooms. $8 per month. Inquire No. 15, Board of Trade Bldg., 154 West 2nd South. n!702 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 51 W. 1ST South; rent very reasonable. Call Progress Cigar Factory. 0725. For Rent Stores and Offices CHOICE OFFICE ROOMS IN THE Tribune bldg.; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F. J. West-cott, West-cott, 1008 Kearns bldg. X3909 DESK ROOM, VERY REASONABLE; best location In city. Boyd Park bldg., 162 South Main St. e2S56 EXCELLENT STORE ROOM. NEAR splendid Newhouse hotel. Apply J. Q McDonald Chocolate Co. (461 M'lNTYRE BLDG. ; STEAM. LIGHT. fine janitor service; very reasonable rent. Little & Liftle. 202 Mclntyre bldg g969 ONE LARGE STORE ROOM: REAR OF 57 W. So. Temple St.; suitable for furniture, fur-niture, etc. Apply at 40 No. Main el. It3267 ONE STORE ROOM; 27 RICHARDS ST. Apply for particulars at 40 No. Main street. k326S LARGE SIZE OFFICE ROOM. 1 51 J SO. Main. Inquire Salt Lake Electric Supply Sup-ply Co. n3562 FRONT GROUND SPACE, CHEAP. FOR wholesale or brokerage. 170 W. 2nd So 031 1 STORE ROOMS. ALL SIZES AND ALL prices; rents away down. Apply P. O. Perkins. 163 So. State. o6:t0 For Rent Pianos PIANOS FOR RENT. CALL HYLAND 357-J. n3141 For Rent Miscellaneous GARAGE FOR RENT. CALL HYI.A.Mi I 61S-R. k3370 and lights, $3 and $4 week. 254 So. W. Temple. O-302 A SUITE OF 1-1. K. ROOMS, $10 PER month; also sleeping rooms. 1551 E. 3rd South. 0786 2 H. K. ROOMS, MOD. 633 SO. 1ST West. 0785 A SUITE OF H. K. ROOMS, LIGHT, gas and phone. 331 So. 3rd E. o7S4 2 NEWLY PAPERED ROOMS FOR light h. k.. lights and water, $9 monlh. 404 So. 4th W. 0783 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR H. K. ; ALSO one single room; near school. 443 So. 1st W. 0782 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, close in. 48 S-outh 2nd East St. oS04 TWO LIGHT H. K. ROOMS. FURNACE heat. 216 Burns ave., 2nd So., bet. .ith and 6th East. o805 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 23 West 6th So., under new management. Wasatch 2049. oTOO 2 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 822 West 3rd So. o729 2 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, ground floor, modern. 217 West 4th South. 0739 HOUSEKEEPING OR SLEEPING RMS. Imperial Hotel, 4 East 1st South. o526 BUFFET APT., MOD. CONVENIENCES; cheap to single person or couple. No. 1 Kendall sq., off W. T. bet. 4th and 5th So. o558 2 NICE, LARGE MOD. RMS., GROUND floor. Was. 1212-W. 560 So. 3rd East. 0544 THREE, BLOCKS FROM U. OF U., ONE or two rooms, furnished, 1. h. k.: cheap rent. 222 So. 10th East. Phone 1490-W. o451 1 NICELY FURN. H. K. ROOM, WITH kitchenette. Was. 2563-W. 39 Canyon road. o85S 1 MOD. FRONT ROOM AND KITCH-enette. KITCH-enette. $10.50: also 2 rooms, closet and pantrv. $15; light and phone free. 426 Sth East. Hyland 312-W. oS65 3 H. K. ROOMS. $12: ONE. S6: CLOSE in. 225 N. W. Temple. Was. 3166-M. 09S2 TWO NICE ROOMS. WITH BATH. FUR-nislied FUR-nislied for housekeeping: modern cot-lage. cot-lage. 715 South "West Temple. 0984 FRONT SUITE OF 2 ROOMS, FUR-nishprl FUR-nishprl for housekeeping; modern. Ill East South Temple. o992 TWO AND THREE ROOM SUITES FOR housekeeping; gas. light and water, $20 and $30. Was. 3S0S-.L O909 HARDWOOD FLOORS POLISHED. HARDWOOD FLOORS CwaSeD, waxed and polished. Was. 5672-R. n!572 CONFINEMENTS MODERN MATERNITY DOME. PRl-vate PRl-vate euses solicited; homes found for child; en. Phone Was. 7059. 525 Cen-I Cen-I ter si. vi'ji? For Sale Bicycles $5 CASH AND $1 PER WEEK WILL buy a Flying Meckel or Hudson. Meredith Motor & Bicycle Co., 56-60 East 4th South. H355S For Sale Horses and Vehicles WILL EXCHANGE PAINTING AND paperhanging for horse and buggy, wagon or chickens. Was. 4683-W. n2277 SINGLE TOP BUGGY, CHEAP. MITCH-ell MITCH-ell Van & Storage. 273 So. W. Temple. n392 BROADWAY STABLES. Boarding; saddle horses for hire. First South, bet. Main and State. Was. 4290. 111309 FOR SALE FINE MARE, EITHER FOR buggy or wagon; also wagon and harness; har-ness; cheap. Hyland 1164. o324 WANTED TO HIRE TEAMS. PA Y-ment Y-ment in land or city property. Was. 2260. Tuesday. 0662 GROCEU1T WAGON. HORSE AND HAR-ness, HAR-ness, cheap. Was. 6196. o!39 FARM WAGON, HARNESS AND horse. Wasatch 6195-W. 629 E. 2nd South. o455 CHEAP SMALL SADDLE HORSE. IN-quire IN-quire rear 47 South Gth East. Was. 354 1-R. S35.00. 0716 ONE-SEATED BUGGY, NEWLY PAINT-ed, PAINT-ed, new rubber tires. Phone Ilvland 3391 -M. " 0977 ONE PAIR OF GOOD FOUR-YEAR-OLD mules and 3 work horses: also several single rigs. Geo. Ross, 35 North Second West. Was. 5S47. o98S 7-YEAR-OLD BLACK HORSE, WEIGHS 1150: good for delivery or heavier work; not a blemish on him. Inquire SOS Belmont Bel-mont ave. oioil For Saie Poultry and Pet Stock BABY CHICKS TODAY; POULTRY bought and sold. Ramshaw, 2415 So 5th E. Hyland 304S-J. g3867 THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH BULL puppies, pedigreed, 25 E. 5th South. k2862 For Sale Furniture FUIJlTJREUPH springs restretclied, mattresses made over. Was. 3299. S. L. Mattress Mfg. Co. pl35 I ROOMS GOOD FURNITURE, ALL OR part. Was. 1632-R. 55 No. W. Temple- ol65 FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE OF 5-TiM apt. Was. 4518. o790 ONE LONG GOLDEN OAK EXTENSION dining room table and one plate rack 1150 East 1st South. 0(;6 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE and pay reasonable prices. You save time and worry by calling up Fisher & Robblns Co.. 60 West 2nd South. Was r'17'- 0672 To Trade WHjTTlTArrrX mTiTkEtTbLE Cottonwood mining slock for good late model 6-pass. car. Address V-40 Tribune. Trib-une. o;7s WE BUY ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE and pay reasonable prices. Y'ou save time and worry by calling up Fisher & Robblns Co., 60 W. 2nd South. Was. 5171. o571 FINE TOMATOES. ALSO BAILED straw. Call Murray 20-J-l. 0991 ONE SADDLE, HARNESS AND WA11-ing WA11-ing boots, good as new; cheap. Hv. 3270-W. 0995 FINK PEACHES, WILD PLUMS AND tomatoes, delivered fresh from farm. W. P. Gardiner, Hyland 1106-M. 0997 SEVERAL GOOD TENTS. 35 NORTH Second West. Was. 5S47. o9S7 For Sale Pianos STANDARD MAKE PIANO THAT COST $400. WILL SELL CHEAP. 614 ROOSEVELT AVE. n2646 ILALLETT & DAVIS PIANO AT HALF price; little used. Phone Was. 2703-J. 0773 ASSAYERS CR1SMON A NICHOLS, ASSAYERS and chemists, 229 South West Temple. W1793 R. H. OFFICER & CO.. ASSAYERS 169 South West Temple st.. Salt Lake city. 111200 BIRD-COWAN CO.. ASSAYERS 160 South West Temple. Phone Was. 4114 b453 UNION ASSAY OFFICE INC 15". 154 South West Temple. P. O. box 1446. xl3 A. E. CUSTER. ASSAYER AND OHKM-1st. OHKM-1st. 31 P. O place, Wtasatctj 2041. n44 ACCORDION jLEATING SUNBURSlOXNDsmE'LEAT-ings. SUNBURSlOXNDsmE'LEAT-ings. Mrs. M. M. Jennens, SOS E Broadway. Hy. 787-J. w879 ACCORDION PLEATING IN 24 HOURS" Regal Cleaning & Dyeing Co.. 166 E 2nd South. ' c!740 EWING MACHINES WE SELL, RENTAND lUCPAlR "aLL makes. 139 Slate. Was. 4703. g2104 FLUFF RUGS PLtfFF RCoTaND CoXoVlu. RUGS wS :,4'7,WI""el"' 7g SECOND-HAND STORES HIGm3STCASH PRICES PTrFOR 42"wd 3rdrt"r-as.Ag2lj WALL PAPER CLEANING- home paper "clvn7ngco WcTii,? guaranteed; prices reduced. Was 3154 . (13179 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO BEST EWork. best prices. Hyland ' 179 PS19 furn1turepa1rTng W, WILLIAMS & SUN', m N STREET Maatch 2866. Upholstering, oSurf 0942 A GREAT BIG BARGAIN. J 8 rooms of elegant furniture, ml 5750, being sacrificed for $350 II sold 0 the 10th. Party leaving city. Roa' Davis. 113 So. Main. 5 A BARGAIN 11-ROOM ROOMlJ house, must be sold, leaving town;w will handle. Possession any day, -Ea si Second South. Was. IOOj-M. m MONEY TOLOAN LOTS "of" "MONEY. WITH NO lj vance of rates, no delays and m lege to repay In partial repaymeMIJ any time, stopping interest Ahomttcj cern that loans Its own money, am interest payable at home and c,nctin loans the day paid. City or iar.n loans- , THE HOME INVESTMENT 4 S INGS CO., . J Glen Miller, President; George 6ul land, Vice President; K. Hardy. Cashier. 6 West First South Si m COULD WE MAKE MORE Utt upon real estate than any mt J petitors combined unless our meu were right? Twenty years expw with onfy ore foreclosure Tracy M Trust Co.. 11 E. 1st South. Jg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPtf and others, upon their own nanie., CM rales easv payments, confidential Jj drews I Co. room 339 Alia. bMltJj AL4RY LOANS NEGOTIATED Ti ""persons permanently employed, ness confidential. 717 Walker Banl sTlRIExT PEOPLE ACCOMMUWII without delay or publicity. Drake. 403 Scott bldg. Z ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; "j ?ral options. Miller & Viele, 801 Ketf bldg. - 2FW Wasatch 641. ' ON REL ESTATE. VTIU, mortgages.' Elmer E- DarltnJ. Ij 2nd South. FOR KEAI, ESTATE Tutlo Brothers company, i . . WE CAN L.OAN MORE J0 cltv real estate; 2M TORONTO THO.Ml 319 Kearns bldg. "J MOM'To LOAN OX f Salt Lake City real ' Glesv '-NY allien. Co., wnIvTo loan on nf'iir!51'' Any amount. $1000 ja"" $ A PETERSON, 54 .FTcTTi m on wwJSS&l rcnl cMsic or farm: rrlliilei dress ;.. Tribune Remedial Loan . .; : ,,; cKNT'AMONTftWfflfl sonable Murage charge. "J(i k lev, dry. Utah Finance I. j bld' --Tvi'll TKIBUN K WANT A |