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Show FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved YOU CAN BUY THIS HOME WITH VOI'K KENT MONKY. FOUR-ROOM RKD PRKHHKD-BRICK BL'NGAIyOW. "MKLROHK ADDITION" Thl bungalow In rdlna.ed In the abov addition, nar Twelfth South and State streets: ha four large, light and airy rrKtniH; complete plumhlng, electric Mghtu, ':r-inent basement, buffet kitf-hon, front and hak porches and (deeping porch; loi 40x119 feei to an alley, J'rl.-e f 2450. We require only nniull cash payment and the halanee may be paid In email monthly payments; Interest 7 per cent per annum. ICAST BENCH BARGAINS. FIVE-ROOM MODERN RED PRKBttBD-BR1CK PRKBttBD-BR1CK BI'NGADOW. with hardwood floors, mission mantel full cement baeement, heating plan;, front and back porcheg and sleeping porch; lot .r 60x180 fVet to an alley. Thle i- a home -Kiii table for any person and within the reach of all. The price is only $3800, - with a amall caSh payment, and the balance bal-ance on eaey monthly payments, with interest in-terest al the rate oi 7 per cent per annum. an-num. NORT H EA ST E EN C K. 130.00 will plae you in possession of a modern mod-ern five-room red pressed -brick cotrage, with complete plumbing, electric lights, bea utlful la wna. cement walk, mantel; lot 40x118 feet to alley, balance purcsese t prie may be paid in small monthly 1n-HaJlmenTfi 1n-HaJlmenTfi like rnt. Don't ml8C this if you are in the market for a home. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRl'ST CO.. ' Was. 1868. 3:' Main Street.-' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved "W KLLHILT." NEW BUNG A DOW IN NEW AND BEST BBCTION SOUTHEAST. Located JubI off Oth East, rouih of nth smith, where all homes are practically new. (las fi lurg' iooiiih iind sleeping porch extending nearly entire width or houssi nroplaoc ami bookcases with leaded kImmm doors, paw led walW with everlasting leatherette, law window M-nt, qnnrlfr-HUwed ouk llooru, extra large clothes oJosst and linen cabinet, best electric and plumbing fixtures, separate sep-arate Inllet i OOm With doors from porcll and ha i broom, full cemented b&Minonj , cement wn bin and hi eps, full front porch with Iron rail. Hull! of best mottled red prenn brick on lot 48xUS. Has been const con-st ructed slowly nd consclentloiwly, and om- "W HJLLBILT" fuarantee goes with li. IP YOU'LL LKT Ufi SHOW YOU THIS IHiMK. Vol"D, LiKK ITS MANY ATTRACJ IVE ITEATUREB, and WELL MALI', THE TERMS TO SUIT YOU. PRW !fl ONLY 13800. ON THE UNIVERSITY BENCH you an hardly find t lit homo you want at tins urine you can afford to pay, but on DOUGLAS STH BET a property owner lells ue to cut $1000 from the price of ills house if it is sold before 'be 1Mb of September, as lie desires lo move about t hat time. Built of t be best materials; stone foundation, full cement basement, i i.i rd wood floors I n e very room of t be house, bcamud ceilings, built-in features: exceUeni location ana fine neighbors. Has ft rooms, plenty of wall space for fund-lure fund-lure and X windows in the dining room. The reduced price In $42j0. Carries first mortgage of 12(00. Is an excellent buy, a nd will .'how t lie property by appoint -nient. C LO 8 GO I N , N EA R LI BERT V P A RK . naa hungalow of S rooms ati'l sleeping porch, with furnace. The basement is T feet In the clear and extends under t he entire house. Interior finish of fit , with hardwood floors. Built-in bookcase, mantel buffet kitchen nd all modern conveniences. Has large rooms. Will sell for $4500 or Lrade equity for a lot in the right locat ion. FOUR ROOMS WITH SLEEPING PGR' !H, mantel, oak floors. buffet kitchen, basement, lawn, south front About one year old. Built for the present pres-ent owner; has just been given u for sale. The price is $2750. Terms can be a r ra nged . W E K N W T HAT THIS HOME WILL SUIT. Mr. Havenor or Mr. Palmar. UNITED HOME BUILDERS COMPANY. 4S W, 2nd So. St. Was. 4285. ofi$4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BARGAINS FOR LABOR DAY CALL MONDAY OUR OFFICE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY. $1000 EQUITY FOR 1150. IS9B0 4-room mottle prick bungalow, brand new, on naved Streot, near Liberty park. Paving, curb and gutter, sewer and sidewalk RfsesH-ments RfsesH-ments all paid at this price. Sleep" 1 fig pore h and back porch h 11 screened;- cement basement and we Iks, buili-in coal bin In basement, base-ment, buffet kit-ben, bulli-ln linen cabinet, bathroom complete with A -NO. 1 fixtures: large dining and H'-lriK rooms; fireplace, bookcases, box seats built In; large . front porch, good electric fixtures. $160 'ash; 7 per cent interest; $25 a month. $2M0 -4-room modern brick bungalow near 9th East; 60-foot lot, cement walks and base men I, serened -in sleeping and back lurches, buffet kitchen. hook'-ases. large hath, medicine chest. The rooms are larze and conveniently arranged ; windows all screened. $200 cash; 7 per cent interest; $21 a month. $600 Six -room fire-brick bungalow-, Strictly modern, located near,. South Temple and Tenth East; cement walk.1-, full cement basement; laundry laun-dry coal room, drying room, finished fin-ished In bard wood; two beautiful built-in buffets, two lavatories, brfclf 'rout porcli, extra large sleeping sleep-ing porch; wired for all the latest electrical conveniences; east front, Built for a home; large lot, plenty of shade; all special assessments paid. Easv terms. P I , EXT V OF MO NET TO DO A N ON CTTT REAL ESTATE. CALL EARLT MONDAY MORNING COURTEOUS SALESMEN WITH AUT08. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved 4- ROOM MOTTLE BRICK BUNGALOW. lose io the Fourth East car line, with t on lot, cement walks and basement, buffet klichen. all built-in feature, linen closet, large sleeping porch ana screened - In hack porch. $3Mi cash, ,., month. Price $2860. 6-room mottle hrick bungalow, located close to Ninth East, with a good size lot. cement walks and full cemenl basement, base-ment, hardwood floor, built-in inntei a nil bookcase, larga dining room and living room, linen closet at id uhute, tiled bath and klichen, screened -In back porch and sleeping porch. Thl Is a beautiful mil bungalow. Look at the price! $600 cash. $8ti per month. Price $8660. 5- rponi mottle brick bungalow, located close to Ninth East, wltn beautiful lot nil in lawn, cemenl walks and full Cornell Co-rnell i base man tj screened -in hack porob a nd slfteplng porch, huff ei kitchen, fine large bath, linen closet, electric fixture and full front porch. LOOK at the price f'J50 cash. $25 per month. Price $3000. r. rooms, dose to the new IGasl Hide high IChool ttnd In n wood location; all built-in built-in feat ures. cemenl walks and basement base-ment ; modern except furnace. $860 Cash. $2fi per month. Price $28f0. 6 - room hungalow, and the finest on the university bench, op a heautiful lot; lawn and full oatnent basement, cement front porch, furnace, mantel and book esses, hardwood doors throughout, beautiful inrj,'e bedrooms, reception hall, laundn and laundry chute, plt -kI.i.-h windows, select electric fixtures, all decorated. This is a little palace and the owner, leaving town, making a big sacrifice. 5H cash. Price $4500, Balance arranged. fi-room bungalOW on the pavd Htreet and close to the new high school; large lot. cement walks and full cement bailment, bail-ment, laundry, fruit room, coal bin. laundry and laundry tray, large front porch, all cement; huge sleeping porch, all finished In hardwood with hardwood floors, genuine stone tllM ha t n. linen closet, medicine chest, mantel and book- caaee, colonnade openings, built-in china cabinet, plate-glass windows, all decorated, deco-rated, selected fixtures . nd If you want a beautiful home don't fall to see this. $1000 cash. Price $6760. C. A. LEAD BETTER, No. 9 East 2nd So. Wasatch No. 4979. Walker Bank Building. o$41 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Improvedjtnd UnijrL BRUNEAU MILL BARGAINS. $.1750 $600 cash, worth $6000; within 3 blocks of our office on pVd street, with paving paid. Lot 6S ffot by S rods. tlouse built of biiok, modern exoepl heat This house Is not new, but i good substantial sub-stantial home; with a little paint and paper can be made comfortaol. lot alone Is worth $100 per foot. $3000 $50ii cash, for a home containing in rooms, modern, with good heating plant, within 8 blocks of I lot el Hull. Thin home Is built of brick and Is-In excellent ex-cellent condition, ah special tajfoj are pabl. Large lot, noori ham. If you are looking tor a real atiup In a large home, let US show you this one. $86001880 cash, tor h 7-room modern home, with heat. Located on a corner, with ell special taxes paid. Near the L. l. S. hospital; built of brick. $.1100 -$500 cash, for an S-room modern home; all rooms on one door, I large hed- roonts, hot watfr heat, cement basement. l,ot 50x16:. feet. This home is located on 2nd ave.. within 4 blocks of the Hotel UUh. HOOO -4600 cash, for a fi-room. 2-story, modern home, with heat, on Rth la' between 8th and nth South. I rl 8XlO rods. All special taxes paid. This bonif Is being sold at a forced sale. $437,' J500 cash, for an R-room. modern mod-ern home, with hot water heat. Located on" Sth East near South Temple. 1 bedrooms bed-rooms an.) sleeping porch, billiard room In basement, and manv other features that go to make an up-to-date, modern home. U85Ota60 cash, for a new bungalow, never been occupied. contains 6 larg rooms, cement basement. S good furnace, all rooms newly papered, new Inwn In front Here la a home you can mo e Into without spending a - en'. This home Is worth $35n0. selling for $2850. 3.00 3on rash, for n new home located lo-cated on the bench, facing tfee-Oity, containing con-taining 7 rooms a no ball. I bedrooms This home is built of pressed brick with stone Mils and stone foundation, full basement. There ha been n loan on this property of I3SO0, and the place has been listed at $4500; now I418O0. $?C00- $100 cash. $20 per mnn'h. Including In-cluding 7 per cent Interest, for a good 5-room home, 132$ East Kth South, within with-in walking distance of the university end the new high school. This home Is modern mod-ern except beat, has cement hasenu-nt. buffet kitchen, good plumbing, good outbuildings, out-buildings, lot 15X1X1 to alley: 20 hearing fruit trees, connected with sew sr. alt taxes paid. House Is vacant, so you may take possession at once. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved MORE BXCBF tu'Nally aOOTJ OFT BRINGS. Splendid. new-. mottled brick bungalow, bunga-low, on paved street; 5 beautiful rooms, oak Roots, mission finish, bookcase, Eire place and built-in buffet; good furnace, cemented basement, sleeping porch, Shade t ree and lawn 18880, On terms of $t5i' cash, $30 per month. 7 per cent Interest. In-terest. What do you think of thle? A five-room, five-room, modern brick ; lot 30x 125; hum. chicken coops, lawn, hedge, shade and roaee, for $1880; $180 cash. $15 per month. Why ry rent'.' Ho you want a well-hullt brick hungalow. hunga-low. nearly new? Has 4 good - sized rooms, built-in tlreplace and bookcases, good plumbing, nh e basement, sleeping porch, lawn, and the lot 1b BOxlSB. Price J2S50, on eas' terms. You ca n ' t bea t tills: Nearly new. 8-room. 8-room. mottled hrick bungalow. In nice southeast location; has oak floors, beamed ceilings, nicely decorated, fireplace and bookcases, large buffet kitchen, gas heater, heat-er, linoleum on floors, Inclosed sleeping porch, full cemented basement, good fur-nace, fur-nace, connected with water tank, hot and cold Witter taps and floor drain ; W40O, on terms. Oozy, homelike bungalow, with a big lot full of roses and fruit trees, lawn and shade ; has 4 nice rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, good plumbing and a separate sleeping porch, also coops and barn ; all goes for $2350, on terms. A pretty, new R-room modern brick hungalow on that fine Southeast Banoh for 88000, on easy terms. It's a real snap; will tr.ide: what have you? An artistic, two-story bungalow; has eight large, alrv rooms ; plenty of closets, heating plant, fireplace, window seats, gas range, nice electric fixtures, sleeping porch. Uvwn. shade and flowers; lot 3x7; fine n. e. location; $6500, on terms. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, built of firebrick, finished In slash-grain r?r; built-in ftroplace. buffet kitchen, nice light fixtures; the lot Is 55x131; has pretty lawn and flowers and artistic cobble-rock retaining wall; southeast, near paved st.; price $3150 for quick sale, on terms. $100 cash and $25 per month buys a swell new 4-room brick bungalow near Pth East and 9th So. $2700. We have three 4-room brick cottages, all located in nice district southeast; one at $1900, one at $2000, one at $2100; on your own terms. Xo trouble to show them. US1NESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous NFKCTIONKRY STORK FOR SALBJ. 4000. with $3500 cash and $100 per nth for 15 months, will buy a confec- sen store, with light lunch and sods lor. at Pooatello, Idaho, best location town, business, long established; avT- sales $40 io $60 dally; tlMures and ant's ImnroA sraanta coat Ovai 88800: ck would invoice about T80, POCatellO 'illation t about 15. 000 and growing- -llvest town In the luternwnuialn intvy. Pig opportunity for the riKht n. hot k i . rOB 3a LK M800, with 8MO0 cash and 88000 time, s rurniture and lease of 80-rOOm hotel, 'atello, Idaho. Monthly expenses about 0; income last 11 months averejted 6500. all cash, buys principal hotel. Iding. ground aiKl flxtuies. In a good ling town In southern Idaho. Vilte PLHTOHKR K. BTJRBUS ft CO.. Real Kstaie and ln est men ts, 1 ."o. H8 N. Main tt., PocateUo, Idaho. Djggl R SALB $25u0 CAPITAL. RE- -uiied; profitable business. In it Lake -y. Best of reasons tor selling. lx-ent lx-ent opening for young man- Enquire BANKERS TRUST CO.. New house BuiMiug. n737 tNQ AND GROWING BUSINESS ants a silent or active paitner who invest Horn $1000 to $2i"ju. Profits sure. Address hoi: N-2S, Tribune. U2314 AVE AN IRRIGATION PROJECT IN :evada requiring some capital to de-"jp. de-"jp. 500, COu acres oi land available. E. Donohue, SS West 6tb South. e324a R SALE MOVING PICTURE BVSI-ess; BVSI-ess; good proposition; easy terms. " t reason for aellmg. Adaresa B-45i. oune. bgln RTY TO INVEST $2500 TO 53000 IN ood money-maKuig proposition; local Jness. Address L-13, Tribune. n5i6 R SALE RESTAURANT DOING om $7o to $o business a day; must on account other business. Answer ; :'U, ciii". nli65 it RENT BUILDING SUITABLE tr butcher shop or bakery; all fixtures 2jgj.Ce; cash register, electric fan- Mid-, Mid-, ? 49-J. or P. O. box 144. n3100 E YOU LOOKING FOR A MONEY-' taking restaurant, cheap? Address 4, Tribune. nl65 MPLETE VULVANIZING PLANT r sale. Ogden Motor & Mach. Co.. -) Grant avenue. Ogden, Utah. olT LL TRADE BUSINESS FOR AUTO nd part cash up to $1600. Other busi-s busi-s requires my time. Good for $3000 year and can be made to earn more, s is a snap for someone. V-5, Trlb- ol21 olOOl; c REESE RIVER VALLEY. BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NEVADA. First-claes agricultural land for sale. Land is level, soil excellent quality sandy loam; wafer for irrigation can be obtained from flowing and pumplny wells.' Climatic conditions for good crops are AL. Prices, $5 to $15 per acre. Only one-tenth cash required; balance ten years' time. A sk SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 15 West 2nd South, Salt Lake City. 0621 BUY THROUGH THE CAPITAL FOR BARGAINS. We have all kinds of farms and chicken ranches, which we can sell on easy terms or trade for city property. Also large stock ranches, from $15 per acre and up. Don't buy until you see us. CAPITAL INV. & REALTY CO.. 408 Mclntyre Blk. Phone Was. 1172. o647, GREAT SNAP 13 ACRES BEST LAND, 5 miles from Ogden, all under canal; 6 at-res alfalfa, 3 acres bearing fruit, berries., grapes; house. barn and shed. Eaey terms to responsible party. 229 Moose blag.. Salt Lake City. n4099 FLORIDA FRUIT FARM. TEN ACRES improved land in Florida, one mile frornj ' good town, partly in fruit; buildings, furniture, fur-niture, cow and farm tools. Will sell cheap. Investigate quick. W. H. Cutler, Russell. N. D. 0473 CHEAP FARM LANDS IN DUCHESNE county, with water rights, for sale.. Terms easy. For particulars, write Box 176, Salt Lake City. o600 40 ACRES, DRV. NEAR CANAL. CALL Murrary 1S-J-4. o537 FARMS AND RANCHES OF THE best sort can be had cheap in the Uinta basin. Come and grow up with the coun-try. coun-try. Shelton-Woolley Realty Co., Duchesne. Du-chesne. Utah. o834 WANTED BY THOROUGHLY COMPE-tent COMPE-tent man. stock or dairy ranch to run on shares. Address V-51. Tribune. o562 Farm Land For Rent. GOOD CHICKEN AND SMALL FRUIT and truck farm in Bountiful; cheap to rig-In parties. Inquire 457 East First South. - D3417 Homesteads 32ACRE HOMESTEADS, 50 MILES from Salt Lake, on the railroad, wltb almost every convenience at hand. This land is going fast and you will have to act quick. Our locating fee is reasonable. Utah-Nevada Land Co., No. 423 Atlas block. k3543 Albert D Arch TORONTO & THOMPSON 819 Kearns Bid. Was. 3426 Was. 2471. oioos "SAFETY FIRST." READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 1240 sere in high stage of cultivation, cultiva-tion, erell stocked, independent water right, fully equipped with buildings, sheds, barns, farm implements, etc. ; all fenced. Located near Richfield, Utah. $4500. 700 acres; commands good range; located lo-cated near Heher City. Utah. Stok. implements, im-plements, buildings, water rights; strictly up to date. $20,000. Will take Salt Lake property as part payment. 200 acres at Huntington. Utah, in Emery county; Independent water right, three large springs, under higti state of cultivation; 1700 prime apple trees; house, barns, implements, stock. $7000; part cash. 450 acres, well stocked, highly improved, im-proved, near Springfield. Idaho; $15,000. Will take some Salt Lake property. 120 acres, fullv equipped, with inches of water; $10,500. Will take Salt Lake City home as part payment. WE HAVE MANY OTHERS. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. THE ALLIANCE INVESTMENT CO. Was. 4443. 11 South Main St. oS48 For Sale or Trade 73250NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COT-tage. COT-tage. lot 50x157 ft., to exchange for acreage. J25.00C 725 acres. 300 acres -in alfalfa and timothy, all good land, fenced, good 9-room modern house, large barn, primary water rights, 8 head work horses, 3 milch rows, all farm implements. Look this up for an elegant fair.:. 89800 One of the finest 13 -a ere tracts in Holliday; best of water lights. Will consider city property as part payment. $6500 Two good modern houses on two corners, good location, to trade for farm land up ro $12.-000. $12.-000. $16. 50 E1esant ?0-acre tract In Draper; sufficient water, good buildings. Will consider city property as part payment. See us for fir insurance. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., 22 E. 1st Pouth St. Wasatch 244. 0638 READ THIS. THEN SEE US. We have a number of dhOiC acre traclw, well loted, several with houses and improvements. Can sell on easy terms. Two and one-half a-rrs, located southeast. south-east. Good seven-room brick house, family fam-ily orchard, etc. A bargain; on terms. Ten acres, located southeast, near rlty limits and -ar line. Will divide to suit purchaser. Price $600 per acta on easy tprma. Fourteen acres, three-room brick house and Other buildings; three acres In orchard or-chard ; all tillable. Electric lights and piped culinary water; also good irrigation water right. Will exchange for city home. Thirty-two acres at Farmingion. all in cultivation, primary water right; also I acre and five-room house, barn, etc.; right in Farmlngton. Owner says: "Trade for Salt Lake City property." Eighty-one acres, located at Burley, Idaho; twenty acree in alfalfa, one acre In potatoes, balance in grain; small house, large barn; near town. All crops and Implements included at a price of $4500. Some cash, balance on terms to cult at fi per cent Intoreat. This Is just one of our many offerings near Burley. A fine 300-acre stock ranch; no waste land; independent water right; five-room house, stables, corrals, etc.; 75 head of high-grade cattle; implements and all ranch equipment. Ranch adjoiriB unlimited unlim-ited Tree range. Price $12,500, on terms, or will exchange for other property. See us for farms and stock ranches of every description. We invite you to join our "Land Seekers' Excursion to Burley. Idaho, September ll. Round trip rate $10.15. Bring in your trades. V e RJfl match you with something somewhere. UNITED HOME BUILDERS COMPANY, New Orpheum Bldg. Was. 425. o6 NOW BEING COMPLETED. 5-RM. firebrick bungalow In Westmoreland pi. Lot 47x120. All improvements paid for. This home is constructed of the best materials and built by the da . The living and dining rooms are finished in hardwood, with rubbed finish ; hed-roome. hed-roome. bath and kitchen, white enamel (5 coats) ; large fireplace, bookcases and buffet fitted with art glass doors; leather panels in dining rm. : 1 - pa nel doors and hardwood floors throughout the house ; screened sleeping porch, largo closets and bath, cement basement containing fruit and coal rm?,. Peninsular furnace, hot water connected with same; large cement porch and walks around house. This home has been built for 15 per cent less than It has been possible to do heretofore, due to price of materials and labor. Will sell for, actual cost if taken at once-$750 once-$750 cash, balance monthly, 7 per cent. Invoices open to purchaser. Phone Hv. 2927-J. o863 J2150 $160 cash and $15 per month. Including In-cluding Interest at 7 per cent, for a new 4-room red brick bungalow, modern except ex-cept heat, built S months ago. Lot 50 140- has lawn and sliade trees, sood garden. gar-den. Cost $2500. Owner must sacrifice. f20rtO $100 cash. $20 per month, for a new 5-room pressed brfi bungalow, located lo-cated on th avenue, modern except heat' 2 good rooms finished In basement, plastered, reallv making a 7-room house Connected with sewer and paid for. Y 111 exchange for a lot bb part payment. If it Is a 6-room bungalow with 3 bedrooms bed-rooms vou want, let us show you one which we have facing south on 2nd ave.. with hot water heat, oak floors, large living room with grate and bookcase., dining room wth beam callings, bay window, win-dow, bullt-ln buffet, full cement basement base-ment with a billiard room. You must see thiF home to realize the prreat bargain we are offering. Will consider exchange Tor smaller home or lot as part payment. We have never had so many bargains on our list and never had business so good If vou do not see anything to suit vou on our Hat. call on us and make vour wants known and we wfl do our best to And vou something that will suit. Our cars are at your service any time. BRUNEAU -HILL INVESTMENT CO.. "The Arm that doesn't swerve rrom its aim to rlghtlv serve Was. 148. 8 Main St. Of48 NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU FIND SUCU BARGAINS. j450 w 5-room modern cottage, near Rio Grande shops; nice large lot. cement basement ; $100 cash and balance monthly. $3wi0 bins a very "est and attractive i-room modern brick cottage, fadng Liberty park; lot 50x157 ft.; shade trees, nice lawn, cement walks. Look this up for a bargain. bar-gain. $500 cash and $25 per month. j4"onpnap In a new 5-room strictly i molern brick bungalow, elegant location on paved street; has full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, fire-place, oak floors, buffet kitchen, sleeping porch; In fact, .everything that makes a modern home; $500 cash will handle. Investigate Marlborough place for building build-ing sites. Choicest and cheapest building lots in the city. See us for fire insurance. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., 22 E. 1st South St. Wasatch 244. 0639 McHENRY- TURNER CO. BARGAINS. $600 buys one acre land, near car line, east of Murray; $38 down and $10 per rnont h ; 6 per cent on deferred payments. pay-ments. 5 acres gon.j garden and celery land: plenty of water; terms, $125 down and 6 per cent on deferred payments. 6 years to pa y . Land will pa y for 1 1 se 1 f . $500 buys half acre land on 15th South and State" st.; $50 down, $10 per month. ljfl acre In 20. acre tracts on Main, near new sugar factory; If taken at once, $100 per acre. 4 years to pay: One water right : will produce 7 tons alfalfa or 20 to 30 tons sugar beets per acre., .1 acres good land, near .lordan river, $6Ki: $50 down, balance terms. We know more about Salt Lake county land than anyone else. See us. McHENRY-TURNER RRAL K ST ATE & LOAN fjO, Phone Murray 612. 0620 TALK ABOUT BARGAINS. LOOK AT THIS ONE. 5-room modem hrick. located about two blorka south of Ninth South on Eighth Esst street; lot 80x187 'o alley; cement walks, front and rear porches, five large rooms, a nd modern. You will have to see it to believe it, and the owner paid $.i.10r for tne property about 6 years ago. Must be sold before the 10th of September. Price $1800. EaSy terms arranged. Tou will have to speak quick. C. A. LEADBETTER. No. 3 East 2nd So. Wasatch 4!7P. Walker Bank Building. ofi40 $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Save your hard-earned dollars hv paying pay-ing us $50 to $100 cash, balance like rent, and move into one of those cozy 4 or 5-room 5-room cottages we are building" at 13th South and 5th East, the garden spot of the southeast. Will build you a home on these terms. Ree these homes today. McKELLAR REAL E3TATE & INV. CO.. INVESTMENT BANKERS, 402-2 Walker Bank Bldg. o623 FOR SALE BY THE OWNER. One of the finest new 6-room modern brick homes in the city; hardwood floors, hardw-ood work, handsome built-in buffet, hot-water heat, white enameled buffet kitchen, full cement basement, 2 sleeping porches, 3 bedrooms, green tile mantel, big porches, plate-glass casement window! win-dow! ; every modern convenience; built for a permanent home. Beautiful large corner lot, east and south front; planted with fruit trees and all varieties of flowers; fine terraced lawns front and back. Located within 500 feet of a paved street. Owner must sell at once. A great bargain at $5250, on terms. Phone Hyland 2349-W. h306 A special snap: 6-room modern brick, walking distance, so. e., $2100; easy terms. One of the most beautiful bungalows ever built: 5 large rooms, with Inclosed sleeping porch; interior finished in red gum wood, fireplace', buffet and bookcases, book-cases, polished oak floors; bedrooms have huili-in wardrobes with mirror doors ; splendid kitchen, with built-in buffet and every up-to-date convenience; best of plumbing; house is built of best mottled mot-tled pressed brick, with large cement front porch. A beautiful lot. 50x157 to alley, with lawn, shade and flowers. If you want something really elegant, see this; located one block from 9th East st. Price, including hot-water heat, $5700. Terms arranged. A real snap: A new, S-room. 2-story, modern, shingle bungalow for $2400. Think of it: Less than the building cost. Easy terms. .Close-in snaj: 65x170 and a good 5-room 5-room house on Center st.. for $2325. Terms. Pretty brand new 4-room brick bungalow bunga-low near Sth East one of those splendid little homes for little money $2600; $250 casn, $20 per month BUSINESS IS GOOD. We write all kinds of Insurance BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. 340-342 Main St.. Cor. P. O. Place. Wasatch 2030. 0575 OWN TOUR OWN HOME. STOP RENTING BARGAIN LOTS-EASY TERMS. . 49s FT. ON STH AVE.. BET. J AND K STS., $600. 50 FT.. SOUTH OF PARK. ON 6TH E.. SEWER AND SIDEWALKS, $675. 50X156 FT. TO ALLEY. SOUTH OF DOWNINGTON. ON 6TH E.. SEWER AND SIDEWALKS. $650. 75X125 FT.. 2 BUILDING LOTS. ON WESTMINSTER. JUST WEST OF STH E. PAVED BOULEVARD, THIS WEEK ONLT, $700. 50X156 FT. TO ALLEY. ON 5TH E.. SEWER, SIDEWALKS AND PAVING. $1200. 50 FT. ON 11TH SC. EAST OF 7TH E.. ONLT $700; SEWER AND SIDEWALKS. SIDE-WALKS. 37iX156 ON 8TH EAST, SEWER AND SIDEWALKS, $625. - 60 FT. ON UNIVERSITY ST., BET 6TH AND 7TH SO. : LOWEST PRICED LOTS ON EAST BENCH; ONLY $500. 43 FT., CORNER 15TH E. AND LOGAN, LO-GAN, $650. A ROVTT T.OTS HM V. A KV TVTf - 1 OR MORE INVESTED IN LEGITI-late LEGITI-late business will double In 2 years. -ite Box 176, Salt Lake City, for par-ilars. par-ilars. 0152 LL BUY FOR CASH A STOCK OF io thing, shoes or any line of gen. mer-j-ndlse. Address V-23, Tribune. n4308 E-FOURTH OR ONE-HALF 1NTER-:?t 1NTER-:?t in first-class business to party who . invest small capital. Position open t will pay $100 to $150 per month. -Iress V-16, Tribune, olS5 ,:ST-CLASS DAIRY. IN BEST LOCA-on; LOCA-on; 65 head of cattle, about 30 tons and wagons. 6th West and 11th So. o292 : LL SELL OR TRADE FOR REAL state, automobile repair business; well iblished and best equipment and Ioca-1 Ioca-1 in city: good reasons for selling. iress V-32. Tribune. o315 S. SALE THE BEST EQUIPPED "lacksmith and shoeing and auto re-"ring; re-"ring; shop in the state outside of Salt ' :e and Ogden. Two fires, electric ma-iery, ma-iery, consisting of band and rip saws. - ;ry wheel, jointer, drill press 5 h. p. :or, well stocked with material. Will on reasonable terms or lease to re-rislble re-rislble party. Reason for selling, sick-"s sick-"s and old age. Call or address B. E. "nwell. Park City, Utah. Tel. C7-W. 0445 "ESTMENT. OPPORTUNITY FOR oman past 20 to invest $500 to $100 more in established business as state -.. handling own money. Box V-55. "Tbune. o636 -HAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE leap at 37S So. 4th East. o517 ALL CAFE FOR SALE. NEAR OREM epot- for $65. Inquire 319 So. State, me Was. 3023. o3S9 XL-ESTABLISHED AGENCY BUSI-ess: BUSI-ess: selling on account of sickness; ) required. Ross C. Davis, 113 So. Main. o452 BORAGE, MOVING, MP A RE OUR FINANCIAL STANlC 3g, Insurance rate and warehouse with - other. The superiority of the Key- - storage over al others Is well iwn. Kevser Fireproof Storage Co. is. 2823. b3418 VI. TRUITT, WAS. 4330. MOVING OF ousehold goods a specialty. Will ton-:t ton-:t prices on your moving. n2257 "J BALL BROS. MOVING & STORAGE - o. Moving, packing, storage and Dping at reduced rates. 73 So. Main y-et. n2762 Moving Van - llTueT'wi 'our moving will cost. I drive my own i L. C. Harris, Was. 7215 g2469 MODERN. GOOD HOME. TN GOOD condition, close to stake academy. Preston. Pres-ton. Idaho; city water, electric light, paved walks, lawn, ornamental trees, flowers, etc.. all attractive and well kept; owner will make great sacrifice in price and give easy terms. Also all or any part of large. well-Improved farm within half mile of high school. Preston, Idaho. Also 32"-acre dry farm, near Snow-ville. Snow-ville. Utah. Also 4-room dwelling on I street, citv; easy terms; $2000. WTLL SELL 320-acre excellently improved dry farm, near Idaho Falls, Idaho: nothing better ,In the state: price only $35 per acre; small payment down, time on balance. PA RKTNSON COMPANY. Fifth Floor Vermont Bldg. o774 FOR MOTORCYCLE 2 THOROUGH-bred THOROUGH-bred Jersey cows. Phone Hy. 93-J. nl869 HORSE. SINGLE HARNESS, BUGGY. delivery wagon ; good as new: no reasonable, rea-sonable, offer refused. Automobile wanted. want-ed. 150 S. Fourth West. Was. 730. oS 40 ACRES ON MILL CREEK BENCH. Eslinger, 510 Continental Block. Phones. Wasatch 743, Hyland 1134-J. 0561 Real Estate to Exchange. w lOrTRASfTM y'eq rrTTN"Mb1 em 5-room house, Just off Ninth East: st.. on Tenth South st.. for automobile; want light four or six ; must be in goo-l condition. Mr. Boyce, Was. 4285. o629 40-ACRE FARM FOR CITY PROP-erty. PROP-erty. A 5-room house, close In. for acreage or city lot. Hy. 584. o67l For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT, A THOROUGHLY modern and artistic ten-room house, furnished or unfurnished; good garage; close in. Phone Was. 2S54-J. f2S41 CHIRODI DR. ELIZABETH L. WISMER, GKAD-uate. GKAD-uate. 7J5 Mclntyre bldg.. Ut So. Main. Wasatch 2S09. klS74 MADAME LIBBY, EXPERT CIIIROP-odist, CIIIROP-odist, formerly with Z. C. M. 1. Treatment Treat-ment from 50c up. HotaJ UtaliA nlSl6 BIG DISCOUNT. New bungalow; sleeping porch, bookcases, book-cases, mantel, panel doors, bath, toilet, basin, e. lights and fixtures, tinted walls, full basement, coal room, gas and sewer in ; fine location, north bench i Is to be sold, with fine furnace, for $2550. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 7-rm. mod. brick; 7th W. and 1st So.; price reduced to $2500. Owner must sell. LOTS. 100 ft., 12th East near 11th So., $1000. 40 ft. north bench, $450. 50 ft.', Main st., 5 blks. P. O.. $1200. fi acres, near car, suitable for chicken ranch. GODDARD INV. CO., 32 So. Main. o663 5 ACRES IN AMERICAN FORK. 4-M. brick house, barn, chicken house, water In house : 3 acres choice fruits; will exchange ex-change for city or Ogden property. 1-rm. cottage, large lot, chicken house. 12x50, near cor. ; owner in Wyoming says sell. MAHAN INV. CO.. 273 W. Temple. Wasatch 414. o622 BUILDING LOTS ON NORTH BENCH. Will build to suit. J. W. Ottenstein. 1011 3rd ave. Was. 6516-W. kl465 BARGAIN FOR CASH LOT. 100X120, near Main and new capitol; water, gas, electricity. sidewalks. Apply owner, Was. 6326-J. n3500 BARGAIN OWNERS HAVE TO LEAVE and must sacrifice lovely hone, furnished, fur-nished, as It stands; 6-room, mod.; finest location. Was. 26 40 -J, n3658 CHEAP, BY OWNER, 4-ROOM MOD-ern, MOD-ern, southeast location. Call Hyland 1162-W, 0IO8 $450 SPECIAL BARGAIN. CHOICE LOT, 37xl26 ft. to alley, near new high school; water, sewer, sidewalk paid. Owner. Hyland tUS-R. o432 BY OWNER FOUR LOTS ON SOUTH-east SOUTH-east bench. Call evenings. Was. 7212 o29fl 5-POOM HRICK. MODERN, CLOSE IN; $100 down, $30 per month. Hv. 5S4 0672 MEDICAID DR. GRIFFITH. SPECIALIST FOR men. 159 Main st. c26 DR. T. R. PARSON. RECTAL FTECIAL-Ist FTECIAL-Ist ; piles removed without knife. 153 So. Main. o63 HOUSTON SPECIAL. Iook at this. No. 6 Sprague court, and then come and let ub explain how you can own this house on about the same terms as you pay rent. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. COMPANY, 351 Sr. Main St. Phone Was. 27. o604 SEE THIS ONE- HA LF ACRE IN HOL-Hday. HOL-Hday. with one share of water In upper canal; abundance of fruit, large and small: 4-room frame house, basement; water in house ; convenient to car. Price $1100: very easy terms. For cash payment of $25. balance to suit, wc cae, sell you an acre east of State street, within two blocks of car. now in cultivation a nd producing. Price $750. 20 acres near 16th So., one-half in cultivation, cul-tivation, balance fine pasture land. This Is a bargain. Price $2250, about one-half cash. X. M. LONG CO., HOIt K EARNS- BLDG. 0535 A GENUINE BARGAIN. MUST BE SOLD. HANDSOME MODERN HCXGALOW. 5 extra large rooms, hardwood floors, mission mantel, electric fixtures, buffet kitchen, sleeping porch, full cemented basement, furnace, best of plumbing, etc.; close In on ast side. Will make exceptionally excep-tionally easy terms or take vacant lots aa first payment. FOR BARGAINS SEE McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO INVESTMENT BANKERS, 402-3 Walker Bank Bldg. o624 A 9-ROOM MODERN HOME, OX ONE of the finest corners in the city ; large sleeping porches; garage and furnace, etc.: easy terms. Phone Wasatch 3801. n4065 TR I B U N E WANT ADS PULL HOTELS NEW HOTEL REX, ABSOLUTELY fireproof; newly furnished; centrally located. lo-cated. Rates, 50c. 75c. $1.00. Private bath, $1.50. Free auto bus. 253 So. State. k319 ROME HOTEL. 265J SO. MAIN ST.; modern; rates, 50c, 75c and 1.00 per -day, centrally located. All depot cars pass the door. nl885 LAKE HOTEI-SPECIAL RATES; UN-der UN-der new management; 64 rooms; newly tinted and painted; 25 with bath; all rooms with telephone, hot and cold water; half block west of postoffice. in heart of theatrical, business and shopping district; weekly rate. S3 and up. 4S Postoffice place. J. G. Felt, proprietor. n2375 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $3 PER week and uu; with private bath, $5 and up Chester ho. el. 125 South State at. n2460 HOTEL D'CURRAN, 345 EAST FIRST - South. Rooms 35c. 50c, 75c and $1.00 per day "IJ- Bv tlie woe". Sl-50 up. n4310 SPECIAL TOURIST RATES. ROOMS $ 50 vip per week. 2-room suites. $5.50. Waldorf. 22 E. 1st So. n43U NICE. CLEAN. AIRY ROOMS, $3 PER week; with bath. $5. New Salt Lake, hotel; 372 Main. o3lS IMPERIAL HOTEL. NO- 4 EAST 1ST So. st. Rates $1.50, $2. $2.50 and up per week. Also housekeeping rooms, " cheajx o527 PATENT ATTORNEYS TcTPAT EN'MN V EN TION S. REGISTER trade marks or copyrights, see J. M. Thomas, Utah Savings & Trust bldg. 1 oltS PATENTS SECURED AND IDEAS DE-i: velopcd. F. L. Horspnol, 154 So. 4th E. st n2368 OXYOTTJi'LENJEVELDING PURCHASE YOUR ECONOMY OXY-acetylene OXY-acetylene welding machines from F. C. Stannaid Co., sole agents, 3H Dooly hldg. Il349 PETERSON R. E. & INr. CO. WAS. 3320. 54 E. 4TH SO O800 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. $1800. Small cash payment, balance like rent, for a 5-room mod. brick bungalow on 9th avenue. $2000. Small payment down, balance like rent, for a 5-room mod. brick cottage, facing BOUth. on 6th South near Tth East; 3x10-rod 3x10-rod lot. $7500. An elegant 8-room mod.. 2-etorv brick residence on East 1st South, including the finest kind of furniture: large lot: all assessments paid it) full; garage; $3000 or more cash, balance easy. These are only 3 of the hundreds of great bargains on my list. See me. A. RICHTIIR, 73 Main st O830 NEW S-ROOM BUNGALOW, S. E. ; furnace. bookcases, mantel, buffet, hardwood finish, hardwood tloors, finest kitchen in city, full cemented basement, large lot, beautiful cement walks, cement porch a vers massive home; on terms William G. Smith, owner, Hy. 684. O670 G-ROOM STRTCTLY MODERN BUNGA-low, BUNGA-low, sleeping porches and furnace. Terms lo suit purchaser. 633 Sth ave. U3737 IF YOU WANT A MODERN HOME, see those handsome 5 and 7-room bungalows bun-galows on 7th go., east of 6th East. Why go farther nut. pay more? Call owner Hyland J751-W. 0427 SPLENDID BUILDING LOT ON I ST., north bench, $800. Wasatch 5751 -R. O810 3-ROOM HOUSE, 3 ACRES. GOOD WA-ter WA-ter right; bargain. 4367 So. State. ol25 TYPEWRITERS rL MAKES RENTED, M PER MONTH . p; rent applied on purchase. Reming-; Reming-; Typewriter Co., 69 E. 1st South. xl931 It RENT TYPEWRITERS 4 MONTHS or $5 to $3 a month. All makes for b. cash or payments. 1TAH TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE U W. 2nd So. Phone 430. C3860 PE WRITERS RENTED 4 MONTHS . t $5. Initial payment applied if pur-'.sed. pur-'.sed. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. Inc cessors Wingo, the Typewriter Man 36-4th 36-4th So. Was. 2761. g426 5 OLIVER TYPEWRITER, FIRST-lass FIRST-lass condition; cheap. Cull Was. 5194 ,; n951 caetTleamng 'eamng, restoring colorsT iand work; removes ail grease or ins; reasonable. Frank Martin. 27 So Temple. Was. 7276. y302 R GOOD WORK, QUICK SERVICE .'e beat, vacuum and scour. Prices sonable. Sutton Sanitary Rug & Car-Cleaning Car-Cleaning Works. Phone Hyland 2300 0242 t Vacuum Cleaners DELIVER POWERFUL CLEAN :rs, $1.25 per day. EarUley Bros, do it ' 6"00. h307 MetRlC VAC. CLEANERS; RENT ; 1.25 day. We clean rugs. 75c. Dudze js.. Was. 7.JSC. uU(li 1REKA FOR SALE, OR RENT AT 1.25 per day. Stewart-Gleeson Co isateh 280. n2464 VjTJEmNARY SCHOOL" . F. VETERINARY COLLEGE BE-"flns BE-"flns Sept. 13. No profession offers al opportunity. Catalogue free. C. ;ane. Pres.. 1818 Market st.. San Franco. Fran-co. Il3 BY OWNER, NEW AND MODERN 5-room 5-room pressed brick in Salt lake's new and most promising residence district. Complete with large porches, convenient halls and closets; full cemented basement, cement walks and steps; finished in red gum wood; latest fireplace, plate glass mirrors and front windows; elegant light fixtures, hardwood floors, built-in buffets, buf-fets, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, soiled linen chute and receptacle. hot-water heating plant, laundry tubs: back and front yards all graded. An ideal home, ready to move into. Onlv $4500 If bought from owner. Terms. Call Hyland 1310-J n2781 A RARE BARGAIN ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. $5" CASH. $15 per month, will plac e you in a handsome, hand-some, new 4-room bungalow, with a large garden lot 50x135 feet to an alley. Cement Ce-ment walks and trees, surrounded by new homes, located In a choice location southeast. 4 M'lCELI.AR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO 402-3 Walker Bank Bldg. o!39 AT A BARGAIN. 8-ROOM BRICK. strictly modern, in excellent condition: Bleeping porch, gas range, lawn and other conveniences; back yard suitable for a garage or playground for children. Inquire In-quire 615 Donly bldg., or phone Was. 39 or Was. 1776-J. House will be shown by appointment. k2463 PROFITABLE BUSINESS LOCATION at Pinecrest. Emigration canyon. Was 4153. n236S PINE HOME ON 7TII AVE.: SMALL payment down, bal. like rent. Phone Was. 6934-J. n2968 VERY DESIRABLE CANYON LOT AT Pinecrest; cash discount or terms. Phone Wasatch 4153. nl480 MOD. 4-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, northwest, $1900; 1200 down. Phone Hyland 1659. n3067 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN KX-cept KX-cept heat. 909 E. 5th South. Make offer. Cash or time. Was. 2053-.T. 0738 |