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Show "YELLOWSTONE" IS REBUILT. Private Car of Shdrt Line Official Is Now Model. Spocial to Tho Tribune. . OGDI-CN. Fob. 6.i. C. Mnnson. assistant as-sistant goncral manager of the Or'gon Short Ilne. was In the city loday to view the cluingo which ha been brought aljont sinco his prlito car "Vellow-.lono" "Vellow-.lono" entered the local shops about two mouths ago. Although tho cur was only rebuilt, the Short Uno official could scarcely bollovo that the miignHIccnt nilhoiid vehicle run out of tho coach shops toduy Avas his old car 'Tollow-stone." 'Tollow-stone." Practically all of the woodwork and fixtures on the Interior of tho car have been replaced, many of the latest designs de-signs of ear equipment having heen Installed. In-stalled. Ono of these Is a folding wash basin In the iitateroonis. The observation observa-tion compartment, which Is aleo the dining din-ing room, Is tho show department, the woodwork 'bolng linished with especial elegjinco and th flxturon liarlng handsome hand-some leather upholstering, air. Iu"anaon complimented tho local force of coach repairers highly for the excellent effect they had obtained. |