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Show FARMERS PLAN TOSEUl DIRECT TOC0NSU. BUFFALO, Feb. G.-A i&Jl of actiou to do atrnv witi hZmM man and to build up a co owriftH vem wherebv farm piodneti sold and delivered bv tie p:,.mI tho consumer wa adopted t S session of the fortieth antahS tioii ol the New York Stato GruS The plan- provides that, i tvtmm shall formulate a workable tho organization of co-opmtirf H ties in the various suboroi:iJe after -which a supor'iror ffillfcjgfl to direct a state-wide omisX The second step will It lUtB lishment of co-operative- bM9 retail mnrkcts in Now York ntfH cities thrfriiprliout the staff. Iw |