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Show I"'W'riIIII'I'l "T? i City and Neighborhood x r .... ... -j taT I" I I"" I" 1 I' 'I' MAYOR j BRAKSFORD lins approved of all actions taken by the City Council, Monday nght. THE COMMKRCLAU NATIONAL bank Is suing A B. Scott et al in the Third District court, to collect ?6.13 pn a promissory prom-issory not.t BORIs A't St. Mnrk's hospital. January 10, lOOS, lo Robert H. and Mrs. Edna McRwaii. a fine baby girl. The mother and halve are doing well, S-. K. WU1TEIY, charged with a statutory statu-tory offense, Is free again, his cose having hav-ing beon dismissed by Judge Armstrong, on motion of District Attorney Loofbou-row. Loofbou-row. JINXII3 OCKLlcr. colored, Is charged with robbery and grand larceny In a complaint com-plaint Issued ugainst her by tho County Attornoy, Tuesday. It is alleged that she assisted In holding up Fred Wagner, January 19. ROSliluIA RASMUSSI0N has, filed an action against Neal Rasmusscn et al' In the Third District court, to quiet tho tltlo to certain proportv In he first addition ad-dition to Highland park: . MISS DRSKRI2T THOMAS and Wlllard Reese were, married Tuesday 'night at 7 o'clock ip their own home, 711 ( South Fourth ISast slroet, by Bishop Uardly, They will he af home after February U rVDlA A IIASL,AMha "filed r petition peti-tion In the' probate division of the Third District court asking that she bq .appoint- . cd administratrix of the ostute of Sarah Ellen Haalam, who died In this city January Jan-uary 9. Tho eBtato Is valued at 36360. . D, CT.EM DKAVBR, general agent of the land seekers' bureau of Information of the Burlington route, arrived Jn Suit Lake over the Rio Grande. Tuosday afternoon, aft-ernoon, to attend the Dry-Forming congress, con-gress, which opens this morning. Mr. Weaver will sppak at iha congress on the "RelPllnri of the Rnllronds to Drv Farming." |