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Show ml Issued every momlnes by Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Company. Hi TlSRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. K?; Dnlly and Sunday Trlhuno, u-cek...$ .2n mtii ' Dully and Sunday, one month 1.00 MRy Dally and Sunday, three months... -3.00 Hill ."Dally and Sunday, one year 12n Btrf Sunday Tribune, one year 2.00 Lft Sunday Tribune, six months 1.00 Krf' Semi-Weekly Tribune, one year 1.50 mkti S. C. Ucclcwith Special Agency. Sole K' - Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern of- W ; flee. Tribune BulldliiK. Now Tork; Wesi- Ifi r ern office. Tribune Building. Chicago. Business communications should be ad- St j drensed: "The Tribune, Salt Lake City, Ptf . Utah." f- ; ' Matters for publication, m "Editor The t Tribune. Salt Lake City. Utah." I Where The Tribune Is on Sale. ?i - Murray, Utah Excelsior Stationery Co.. I i lnd. phone 177-1. , . , 5 I -: Ogden, Utah Branch office, Broom hotel. Li Provo. Utah A. V. Roblson, 27 E. Center e' . street. . . Sft New York Hotel Imperial: Wnldorf-As- L 4 torla; Holallng's, Broadway and Tmr- - t ty-clphth street. ml , . iE , Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket Of- H Chicago Auditorium Hotel: Palmer House: Van's Book and Exchanre. M 'Washington New Wlllard News Stand. 'fjj Omaha Union Station Nevn Stand. IB 1 Kansas CItv Toma Xewa Co. !l Portland Bowman Nctts Co.; Orogon tw News Co. W Lie Angeles B. E. Amos. ffl San Francisco Amos News Co.; Foiur W Orenr: Ferry Bldg.. Hutchison M News Co.; Parent's Stationery Co.. st ". Wheatley. m- Seattle Acme News Co.; A. M. Kayg- lit Denver Brown Palace; "Kendrlck Boc of . and Stationery Co.; H. P. Hanson; Har- JB vey News Service, . . Boise Idanha Hotel; Boise Book and Sf Music Co. Pocatello ChafTe .1- Co. V Butte John G. Evans; ICeefe Bros.. P. O. News Stand. ji; Kntered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake n City na second-clags realtor. m i Tribune Boll Telephones. V ' R200 Circulation E 5201 Advertising fl S202 Bookkeeper II' K203 Manager li, K204 City Editor IK fi2ns Managing Editor Kg 520(5 Editor In Chief tl? 5207 , Toll desk K K20S Administration w' B209 Composing Room Mh R310 Telegraph and Art tab, 5211 Engraving Dep't K ,,r Independent Telophones. ti For all Departments SfiO. SS4. 348 |