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Show tel SOCIETY SOCIAL CALENDAR. v FJwH' Mrs W. H. Bramel will en- -: 3R fertaiw at a luiicheou at her j sli -JfirT iionio 'today, aiul next I lima- "life J?? she will be hostess at a five v mfg Jnuidrccl urly fl v St Mrs. William McCaskolI will JHp? pntcrtai" at the Altn club to- Iffif diiy' 'jByr jyirs. Percy Browne will on- v- iniiBij. farrnin a few friends informal- v .flc. lv Saturday afternoon in honor 'f iicr mother, Mrs. A. !N. -r ' NIf clicriy' 3 VRC Tic Twentieth Century club "ffiT will meet this afternoon "with 'r iRCj. Miss Alma McComick will en- f ' Sm'' Icrtnin at a luncheon lodaj' in j , -IP'.a Jionor of Mrs. William J3ayly, j- S0"Nlf Jr., of Los Angeles. Tho history section of tho v Ladies' Literary club will meet v ;it 10 o'clock this morning- at tho clubhouse. Mrs. A B. Gib- hon will mid a paper on "Early ; Jloninn Literature." and there J. will be one-minuto talks on the - a "Importance of Uomau Litem- h rm iuro,,J t J 4 The Browning section of the -: trJL Ladies' Literary club will meet ! -9ft K't1 Satin dav with Miss Florence ! Hall, at P2 South Fifth East ES uKr 'fS Catherine Geddes entertained a ' ,r Ef niuilhcr of friends at a tea Wednes- rJH jar afternoon at her home in honor te of" her sister, Mrs. Inopcr Dunbar. ,:M wffi Tuc roonis were beautifulli' decorated with the season's flowers. The dining 0. d i room was made attractive, with lilies 1 StS Tne va"c.y a largo crystal bowl forming the 'centerpiece, with silver T? candlebra at each end of the table. 4 if- Mrs. Walter Filer and Mrs. A. V. Pbj f'allachan poured tea and coffee, as- sistcd by tho Misses Genevieve Mc-C'omiek, Mc-C'omiek, 'Pearl Van Cott, Florence Kim-(Mf Kim-(Mf ball, 13eth .Dunbar and Eloise Sadler. M ff About sixty-live friends called dur-,? dur-,? 5T iiii: the hours of '1 and G o'clock. " Miss Pauline Terr', who made many Ji friends here during her recent visit, S ? will arrive the last of this week with - J lier mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. 14 - Terry of Chicago. Miss Terry will re-I re-I main here with her aunt and uncle, t Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Teny, while her J parents go to Portland. She will .ioin 1 tlicin Inter in Southoru California. 5 , Tr i Miss Katliei'ino Dougnll and Frank r B. Plutt were married Wodneaday noon in the Temple. A luncheon to the immediate im-mediate family followed at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt left later for the "West. They will be ut homo February 1 at -19 Isorth State street. Mrs. 0. Iv. Lewis entertained four tables at bridge Wednesda' afternoon at her home, which was prettily decorated dec-orated with pink and white carnations. carna-tions. Prizes wero won by Mrs. A. .7. Davis, Mrs. Henry LaMotte, Mrs. Goorpjo T. Brice and Mrs. J. B. Eiaque. Mrs. Harry D. Guo of Xew York, who has been visiting her sister, Miss Shearman, will leave the last of the week for Portland. Ore., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Katz. Vr U Mrs. .Tcnnie Bothwell entertained ten at the Orpheum Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. A. N. Cherry, who loaves the first of the month for Delta, Colo., whero she will reside. a Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armstrong left Monday evening for California. They will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Armstrong's Arm-strong's mother at San Diego. The Sfc. Mark's Hospital association held its regular monthly meeting at tho T. M. C. A. Wednesday morning. morn-ing. Mrs. P. D. Bickford and her mother, Mrs. Ellen Elliott, will bo at homo after Pobruary 1 at the Keith apartments. apart-ments. .Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson are at tho Kcnyou for a few days, on their "way to California from tho East. Mrs. N. M. Hamilton will leave the last of the week for New York and other Eastern cities. i- Miss CaTrie Steward will leave today to-day for a month's trip to New York. D. J. Beattie and wife left last night for Los Angeles and San Diego. |