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Show Mi DOMINION A i :' VERY BUSY ME: 1 1 Company Well Financed tor Panic Times anil Work Is Going Forward. RICH ORE STRUCK IN MAIN TIJNNKI, Several Stockholders Complete Satisfactory Visit to Beaver i County Mine, j . A party of Bingham and Salt. Lake officials of-ficials and stockholders of this "Grand Dominion Do-minion Copper company returned from the Beaver county possessions of this well-known well-known company Wednesday morning more than pleased with the sort of showing show-ing the present active campaign of d-' vclopmrnt work is now bringing forth. This f ompany deserves lo bo especially congratulated for the reason that Ita treasury Is sufficiently well provided for lo enable work to be carried forward during dur-ing the present panic times, and General Manager Fteea states that there Is money enough In the treasury to keep tlie present pres-ent activity up until the coming May Accompanying Mr. Ics on his visit of Inspection were T. F, Thomas, John James, J. Mlllage and M. Bogdcn Mr. Hons stated yesterday that the tunnel has been driven towards the wost for 250 feet, and that only forty feel now separates the face of litis working from the main north ami south fissure, which ,la the objective point of this work. Wo. slates that In the tunnel Is one and a half feel of copper sulphide oie, than which there arc few finer looking giades of rok In that section. sec-tion. Assays show the rock to be worth from 19 lo 37.5 per com copper. 15 ounces sliver and $3 gold to the ton. I Some distance uwny from ibis iwlnt the management Is working down on a one and a half foot ore chute which runs oigiily ounces silver. 30 por cent lead and ?3 gold pr ton. Thr management has secured se-cured a depth of nfty feci on this up to date, ami Mr. Itees states It certainly looks' good. He has no hesitancy In ex-prcsslwr ex-prcsslwr f r utmost confidence of this properly and the future. During the current year he looks for a decided boom In thnt section of Beaver county. The Grand Dominion adjoins the Progressive property, on which at good depth the company Is working on splendid rock. New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock &. Co.. bankers and brokers, fi Wsl Second South street, furnish the following New York mining slock quotations, received over their pri-vate pri-vate wire yesterday: LISTED STOCKS. I Salcs.l 11. I I- ICIso Nuwhousc i 700 9 9 ! Utah Copper 300 241 2li! 2t Halaklala 1.975 3i 3 3i Tenn. Copper 1 200; 31 30 31 NEW YOP.K CURB P.A.VGE. 1 Salcs.l H. I L. jClse Cumber. Ely I 3,0001 Si 751 '7 Ely Con j . 1 ?i I Dotnln. Copper 1.500; 25! 2ij 25 Greene G. and S I -.000 ;i i 1 Nevada I "tab ! 25,500 5il 4i 5 Nevada Smelter 1 100 Hi , li- IS Mitchell i J ?! Giroux Con I 1.2011 4 11, 4i King Edward ' 2,000 Ji V, 3 Tlnlli: Mining i 4 I 3-2j 4 . NEW YORK. CKRB CLOSE. 1 Bid. AskoTT Newhouse . 1 S5S ? Utah Copper 2 1? I 2li Nevada Consolidated .... 10ti 11? Cumberland Ely "l S Balk 3i Zi King Edward 2; S Nipisslng " 1 '1 Davis Daly . ;. , lEi U -Giroux 1 It G. G. and S ; . ?, Nevada Smelting .'. Uj li Mitchell .'. J! Novada- Utah 17; . Sll.ver Quenn S J Silver Leaf 9 10 EJv 'Consolldatert ? ! Dominion Copper 2Ii 2? Gibraltar 9j Tintic -. I 33! 1 Montgomery Shoslione 5 Butte and London 1 ronnessoe Copper 30 1 31 Boston Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock .-. Co., bankers nnd - brokers, 6 West Second South street, furnish fur-nish the following Boston mining stock quotations, received over their private wlro" yesterday: I Salcs.l 11. I L. jClse Bingham Con. I 460 6 5 if Boston Con 1.779 Mi 14 I4i Butte Coalition .... 1.095 19J 1SJ 19x Butte nnd London.. 1,300 I 98c 1 Plaklala 1.8H H 3i 3J Cal and' Arizona.... I 250)113 111 1121 Con. Mercur f 200 SSc 3f?c 3Sc CoppAt Range ..."...) 1.980 G3 02 C22 Cumberland Ely ....! 650 Si 7- S Daly West 50 9 9 9 DavlE Daly 1,200 5 IJ 5 -East Butte 70 7 68 0J Olroux Con 4i 4 li Granby Consolidated 90 90 j 90 Greene .Cananca ..... 1.875 8J S , SJ Nevada Con 7S0 Hi 10g 11 Nevada Utah ; . 22,777 5Z At, Til Nipisslng ; 443 71 7 7 ! North Btale 2,703 51 49 50i .Trlnitv I fi75 1G2 15 IS 'United Cop.. Com : 7j 7 7j .U- S. Smelt Com..'.. 311 21 31 34s preferred 418 401 393 40 Utah Con. 831 36 34j 36 BOSTON COPPER CLOSE. Ah'meek . M 0 Bfitte and London .1 1! l-lt Davis Daly -lift' East Butte i 1 Globe '. ' p 81 Helvetia j Majestic lifi II Nipisslng " S "i S. and P .v-v G. G. and S... , u i S0 Black Mountain ., 4Jfr- 4J Cumberland Ely HQ 81 Dominion Copper .' : 2g(f? 2i Giroux-. 4 U Hancock . '. 6 Kc-w 1 0 ff.. Nevada Utah 5 w n Raven IW 11 Apex" I Q 4J 1 . v lfetal Market. . . 1 The metal .quotations for.t Wednesday. posted by McCornlck &r CO.. were a 10I7 , lows: Silver. 5rac"; lead. $3.75: copper castings, J32c; co'pper cathodes, 13 llltlc. ! Mining Notes- ' Thn Silver Shield Mining colnpany h'as levied an assesumont of li cent-si a Hhare. ' W. A. -Scotl of the Goldfield brokerage firm of Scott &. Amunn. left for Nevada ycstcitlrti uflor a several days' buslnesn visit to this city. |