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Show M TAKE TUMBLE 1 . 11 LOCAL UHETj Xcw Shipment of Fresh .Vegc-! .fables Displayed; Fine . j Apples Shown. J ; ' I Prices of eggs cniiiie down Wednesday, Utah eggs dropped to 10 cents a dozen. I For the past month they have been up ' around 45 cents nnd scarce at that. Other eggs are down to 25 and 30 cents per dozen, A ifew shipment of vegetables arrived Wednesday, such as radishes and lettuce. Radishes, fresh and flne ns though they came from a Salt Lako garden along about May, sell for 5 cents per bunch, and the bunches nru not small. Fine wlncsap apples, best on the market mar-ket for eating, sell at 10 cents n pound, which means about four apples' for 10 cents. Other apples vary from little scrubby fellows to the big Ben Davis, and the cost varies according to the size aud quality. Liverpool Wheat. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 22. Close: Wheat-March, Wheat-March, 7s 7d; May, 7s 7d; July, nominal. nomi-nal. Duluth Wheat. DL'LUTH. Jan. 22. Wheat No. 1 Northern, $1,074: May. 51.10J; July. 1.11. Minneapolis Wheat. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 22. Wheat No. 1 hard. 51.114: No, 1 Northern, 51.091; No. 2 Northern. $1.074 : No. 3 Northern, 51.034 tfjl.05i; May. $1,093; July. $1.101.104. |