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Show I IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIAN-shlp GUARDIAN-shlp of the persons and e.sfntes of Howard Lee and Thomas Tl., Ifur, minors. The undersigned will feH at prlvato sale the undlvldod one-third Interest of the minor. Thomas H. Lee, In and to the following described tracts or parcels ! of real estate, situated In Sail. Lnke j county. Utah, to wit: fcftt'12, block 1. Heath's subdivision of bl&Clk 40, plat C, Salt Lake City survey, contuming 21.30 square rods, more or Icfh. Lpt 8, block 21,- amended plat. B, Garden Gar-den City survey, containing 20.57 square rods. niOL'o or loss. Lot fi, Jjlock 64. plat A. Salt Lake City survey, containing 200 square rods. On and after Thursday, the 30th day of January. 190S. and written bids will be receiVRd at the office of Bradley, Plschel & JlarknosH, 300 Atlas block. West Second South street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Termp of sale, cash, on delivery de-livery of guardian's deed. RUBY LEE,. GAiardbin. atcd January 15, 1908. xlG27 |