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Show TEN LAP BOil TRACK FBfl SAlTfl Saucer Js to Cost $30,000', jfl J..M. Chapman Will mLm Manager. B AMUSEM RNTS WILL BE 9 PROMOTED EVERY M T. 0. Angoll, an Old Racjfl Man, Will Supervise thfl Track Construction. 9 j The contracts have beer let for i building of a ten-lap bicycle trade Saltair fov an estimated coat of 1 This iB to l: one of the niott racS saucer tracks in the world and wil constructed of the best material ntnn the market. No expanse will be n where improvement can be hnJ or rsi It will bo built by contract undsr supervision of Captain T. O. AnejJl-ex-racing man. tbe designer and boil or tho Salt Palace track, which at present time holds tho majority of, world s bicycle competition record. surface of the track will be mnds'm 1 by 3 Inch of the best Oregon fir on edge. A maple running board h feet In width will be built all arounj" inner edge or pole of the 'track, yfi will be used for skating rocej, foot n or similar athletic events, The cents the arena vDl be d topped three foet low the maple runway whero Beata wil arranged for the public and where' racing men will get icady to mount U "wheeTs during a race. Entrance to', arena of the track will be. from mi nenlh which eliminates all dangsr J rrosslng the track whllo thera ore men rl.lln,? on It. The stating proper, b nrrauirod arour.d the outside of track and will have a capacity of" people. Every convenience possible bo arrangod fov the public Thj m structure- will be enclosed, and st heated for winter amusements a.i wl J. M. Chapman, who hat manasedi Salt Palace track during th pat seasons will bo manager of the saucer track. He stated Inst night, amusements would be held on the t or arena every night except Swi hut that band concerts may be holdot latter days, although a general prat has not as yet been decided upon. C man says that he Is working hard "to cure tho best riders in the country for track and Is confident thnt he will be i to make a success of it. |