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Show OR. EDWARD t PHIE IS RELEASED OH BIO Yif of flip Accused Man Comes Forward With $5000 in Cash. Dr. Edward S. Payne, the aged physician, physi-cian, who la charged with tnunb-r In the llrst degree for tho alleged killing of Alice Ferguson Oh August 10 last, as the risult of a crlmlnnl operation, was released re-leased on bond Monday. Boms days ago. In Judge Armstrong's court, tin- case of the physician was continued con-tinued for the term and his bond fixed at J'lui Yestenl.iv I1-.- wife a ppenr. d before County Clerk Bldredge and deposited this sum In cash. An ordi r was th.-n entered for Dr. Payne's release, and he will be .-i fn-e man constructively until his trlul takes place. |