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Show 0LC0TT SEES ROOSEVELT Rumored He Is Advised to Withdraw From Race. WASHINGTON, Nov. ;7.-Tho question of tin- .-hol?e of a churman for the New York county R ipnl II an committee occupied much of the time of President Hiosevelt, who was twice visited by Representative J. Van Vech-ten Vech-ten Olcolt of New York elly. a candidate for the place. During a portion of the nrst Interview, In-terview, which occurred In the morning. See-retary See-retary Root was prpnent. Mr. Olcott's second Interview with the President occurred at 6 (i i loek t his evening Mr Olootl als.i had tWO Interviews with Senator Plutt. who Is Dm king him for the place Of chairman ol lhe county commute.-None commute.-None of the prlnelpals to these conferences would llaousS wh-u eoncluslons. if unv, .-ie reached regarding the Question There Is a general Impression, fiowover, that it hus been Intimated to Mr Oleoti that for the eake of harmony and for other reasons It would bo Well for him to withdraw from the r.n Mi Oleott left for New York tonight |