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Show I WIELD 1 I A SREAT FUTURE So Declares T. C. Dobbins, a Prominent Broker of the New Eldorado. kendIll STRIKE still SENSATION OF HOUR Nine Tons, Averaging More Than a Hundred Thousand si Dollars Extracted. T C Dobhiny. of the brokerage firm ol T. C. Dobbins it Co. Ot Goldfleld. Nev.. nfter a trip to Lof Anceles. Cal.. Is a vls-lior vls-lior to Salt Lake. City. His visit at this time, Is for business purposes, and after ' a few days he will return to the great southern Nevada cold enmp. Mr. Dob-bins Dob-bins Is confident of tho future of Goldtleld and has no hesitancy In expressing his views. Wildcatters Thirifr of Past. "The ramp of Ooldflel.i." said Mr. Dnb-bins Dnb-bins Monday at the Kmitsford hotel, "has i.e(tl-.l down to a good, solid business proposition. The 'wildcatter element is a thing of the past, and values are stead -lly increasing. Kendall Has Rich Strike. I "The pherionmennlly rich rind made on the Kendall property recently In still the sensation fi the hour The Kendall is located Just north of the famous Sandstorm Sand-storm property. The gr at find was that of vitj- rich ore In the bottom of a now j-haft at 8 depth Of "ixty fet. A hoist for this shaft has been ordered and the. work of sinking the shaft to n greater ck-pth In being pushed as rapidly as possible pos-sible This wonderful!) rich stuff, was from a email strlnni-r lis-nv-red In sinking sink-ing the shaft. Nine tons of ore. of the value stated, were extracted and placed In the vault of the John S. Cook ft Son s bunk for snfwkeeplng. The ore Is thor-i'i:i;hly thor-i'i:i;hly impi .gnat ed with free cold, which an be seen with the naked eye A ten-inch ten-inch streak has also been uncovered In the new shaft that will average $2ivo a ton. The work on the old shaft Is also progi essmg Satisfactorily, Block Butte Also Looks Good. "The Rlark Butts property, at Dla-tnondfj)eld, Dla-tnondfj)eld, also came t" the front recently with good strike, ore running .1 ton having been opened up near the sur-l.o-.- on a M.tuin ut tin- pr.'p.-rtv whl h hail until recently been given little attention. at-tention. Th- Rol Top mine Is loiklng up especially well. The shaft Is down more than two hundred feet, and there Is an Immense amount of shipping and milling ore blocked out. There is bmit irrt.nt tons of shipping ore on the dumps, but this will not l conveyed to the smelt, r.s until there Is a reduction In the freleal rates. Expiration of Reilly Lease. ' The famous Reilly lease on Florence I roperty Is a thing f the past. It having hav-ing recently expired. lt.- life covered a period of one year, and during that time the sum of $o.oao was extracted. Joseph Reilly, John Y. M -Kane and Jack Camp b II were the owners of the lease. Prar-tlcally Prar-tlcally all this vast amount of gold was taken fr..rn the I' as.- during the last ninety nine-ty days of its life, the leasers getting but little for many months. When the lease expired there was uncovered In the bottom bot-tom of the shaft, more than a hundred and fifty feet down, a three-Inch string Of almost pure gold. Flyers were actually actu-ally used In extracting the yellow metal Goldfield's Weekly Output. "The weekly output of Uoldflcld now averages about 1X00,000, and there Is every indication that it will .-tea. Illy imrea.se. Things in the Bullfrog district are comparatively com-paratively quiet, while the Tonopah ii-trict ii-trict Is holding its own BS a producer." |