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Show I HAS RESPECT FOR I SALT LMETRI8yNE Jst Medium of Advertising, Declares (ioo. II. Knowlden j to tho Court. I REACHES MORE PEOPLE THAN OTHER PAPERS This Opinion of an Ex-Polyga-mist Questioned Before rise Ritchie. No Jurors woro BWOrtl t the first dav's H session In the CMC "( W. R- Jones, Jr., H aKiiln.Mt Th Salt Lake Tribune. Joseph H l.lpptnan and Frank 1. S frit for nllejfivl libel, although twenty-five veniremen Win examined as to their QUallflcatlona. m' When court ro.o for the day there wore eight ni-n In the Jury box. seven of whom had been passed for cauSS. The plaintiff has used two peremptory challenges and tne defer. so one. Polygarnist Examined. The feature of the afternoon developed H In the examination of tit-urge )l Knowl- den. who admitted iimi in- hail entered the plural marriage relation, but ex- plained thai he was afterward divorced from his ilrrt wife and lrpully married to the plural Mr, Knowlden Insisted that despite the fJaot th:it The Tribune's policy hail aruiiM-d Iti him strung feeling? uf op-position, op-position, ho OOUld try the caee fairly, but the court believed otherwise, end the Juror was eXCUSCd lipon th defendants' m- challeniro for cause. Best Advertising- Medium. In answer to Questions by Judge O. W. pi were, who. with Judge IXOiibneaux, represents thi- defense, Mr Knowlden Maid: "i do not indorse The Tribune's editorials arid cartoons reflecting upon the head of the Church" (meaning the Mormon church), "but I have rypect for Tin- Trlbutie as an advertising medium." Reaches More Readers "Yon mean by that." he was asked, "that as The Tribune reaches more peo-pie peo-pie than th- other city papers, It Is tin-BB tin-BB Ik si medium of advertising?" "Yes. sir." B "You have seen the cartoons thai The BV Tribune h:i published reflecting upon the BB head ot the church?" "Yes - You did not approve of them?" Pitied The Tribune. "They aroused a feeling of Indignation in roil, did they not?" "No sir. Not a feeling of Indignation ex- actly." BB "What kind of a feeling was If?" BB "A feeling of pity." BB "Pity for the- head of the church, or BB for tho men who ure running the nws- BBj uncr?" B "For tho men who arc running the BB newspaper." BB "That feeling still exists, does It?" BB "No sir BB "When did It cense to exist?" Has Forgiven Paper. "After the election. I think the pollcv BB of The Tribune has changed somewhat." BB "Have you n undlvorced and plural BB s Ife ii vine BH "No BH "Have you hail a plural wife?" Had Plural Wife. "I have a plural wife. I divorced my BB first wife and wa remarried according to BBl the lawn of the land." "And you still feel th:it you could try this ease ,hs fairly and Impartially as though your feelings had nut been aroused by the policy of The Tribune in nttm-kini; the head of jour church?" "Yes i-ir. i believe I oould." Bias Indicated Judce Ritchie, in sustaining the dc-fr-ndani.s' challenge for cause, held that the answer" of tho Juror Indicated a stato of mind Indicative of Max or prejudice. Three Challenges Ubed. The plaintiff exercised Ids first per- mptorv ehallenge to excuse William El-llott, El-llott, w ho is a reader of The Tribune, but swore ih.it he had formed no opinion OS to the merits of the case. j. jf. Beck-Ktead Beck-Ktead of West Jordan, who had been active ac-tive in the i ountj campaign during whh h the articles alleged to be libelous by th plaintiff wi re published, w is excus- d bv the defendants, and the plaintiffs exhausted ex-hausted their second peremptory to re-leaei re-leaei Richard a. Keyes, a Well-known business man 'r tin- city, who while frankly stating thnt he was In vmpathv wlth The Tribune's political polloy, de-elared de-elared thai he knew nothing of the case and is without bias or prejudice. Men Now in Box. When COUTl adjourne.l for the day the box was fdlcd as follows: James R Asher. Fred J May. M. H. Walker, A. tJi-er-new.iM. ;.urge S Smith. Iferber: Ciedge, Richard w. Ballard, Mnurlce K. Pal-sons. The examination of Mr. Pnr- "oiis im not concluded, the others have been passed for cause by both sides ft is probable that the jury will be com-jdeted com-jdeted and sworn before noon. |