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Show I REAL BUZZARD STRIKES SALT LAKE Long Expected Snowstorm Arrived Ar-rived Monday Night; It Came From Everywhere. The Tong-prondsed nnd long-expected snowstorm came Monday night, it was a real blizzard for a while, nnd c.tme apparently ap-parently from everywhere if one hop-pi hop-pi ned to be traveling along In the stonn, going in a southward direction, he would have dei-lnred thnt It crime- from the south. Turning :il n corner and going west, he was just as convinced that it blew In from the west, the storm Center Monday. So with the other parts of the ompass. The storm came from whatever direction a man happened to be facing. Began With Rainstorm. It bepan with a rainstorm shortly after O'clock Which entile down first In a gentle drizzle. This rapidly Increased to i he pouring Mate, nnd then changed to grent Makes ,,f wot show The real storm followed Intermittent sprinkles through the afternoon, tint which amounted to practically nothing Lightning and Thunder. A peculiar feature of the snowstorm wns that It was accompanied by thunder and lightning, .several peals of thunder being heard. The storm kept up mini I. it.- In tint night, but owing to the verv wet wit "re of the snow that fell. It mpld-I mpld-I . disappeared from sidewalks and streets Barometer Is Low. The barometer In the local weather of-llee of-llee reached the lowest point uf the season Monday. It fell belOW 'S; while the normal nor-mal for this section is (6.00. The weather director wore a contented smile, when he gnz.-d at the barometer, for he has re-ii-lved munv Importunities from his constituents con-stituents of late tor h snowstorm big or little, and when he Kluneed at the barometer bar-ometer he knew he would he able to till the bill. |