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Show WITHIN AND WITHOUT. The Mormons are now in the minority In Salt Lake City, and the majority In the Stale also will soon be against them Industrial growth, especial): In mines ami railways, accounts fur tse change, Rrlnham Yo.ing predicted ih.ir Mich would be the result if rsilroadi and mineral development de-velopment were not limited The paragraph above quoted appears editorially In tht SI I mils Globe-Democrat. The argument of the Globe-Demo, rat is correct In essence but happily the State will not be compelled to wait until un-til tan has n pi epondei en e of Gentile population Rapid as Is the tendency In that direction relief v. ill mine to our citizenship, the tyrannies will be broken, bro-ken, the lawB will be observed, the treason will be subjuK.u.-(i some time before i he .Mormons find themselves lu a mlnorit for thousand! of the independent inde-pendent mcmlxis of the rhunh will Join the Gentiles to throw off the shackles, To a large extent the movement for enfranchisement in I'tah must be propelled pro-pelled by the national spirit, and therefore there-fore must be guided, to that same extent ex-tent by Gentiles, because the Mormon church Itself makes the Issue by refusing refus-ing to allow Its members to openly ally themselves with the American party. who.se sole purpose fl to set those members, mem-bers, as well as all other citizens of the State free from the burden of unconstitutional, uncon-stitutional, Illegal, and tyrannical ec-Cleslaajlclsm. ec-Cleslaajlclsm. Notwithstanding, however, how-ever, the warning, the threat, and the execution of the hierarchy against followers fol-lowers of the church who openly Join themselves to the great work of redemption, re-demption, more than a thousand of them found a way to aid the cause in the recent city election In Sail Lake They voted the ticket of free men and 'ildcd the work In various ways without with-out In most Instances being detected by the secret service of the. Mormon zar. This concealment was strictly moral on their part, because if they were found out a metaphorical Siberia was the,- fate. As their numbers Increase In-crease they will grow in the courage of mutual alliance and strength, and It lt not n baseless hope that the people who follow now the leaders of Ih. Mm -mon church In spiritual matters' will do as much to cast off the temporal yoke as will be done for them by the Nation and by the (Jennies of the State |