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Show JKD BY J PILE CURE qt cf Moline, 111., JE Set hundreds of irnr rmend you JBlWnd ,u actua,y a SC. ?5itt,Ju5j ,;r:'!"- !Rr qul.lcly and Or rBS's knif- ita Si Forced Clearing Sale. 25 per tent on entire stock Rich & Son. 217 Main st. rilCASTORIA SIIil. 1 For Infants and Children. lESTBi "! The Kind You Have ' i Always Bought AVcfielciblePrcpaMlionforAs- M ' u similalinKlticFixidandRcqula- H UntheSlomacteiird j-j 5g3iFS tllG J A I n , ! i Signatoe w Promotes Digealton.Cheerfur-1 fi jf oj lJr nessandRest.Conlains neillier 1 r M , ' Opium, Morplune nor Uiicral fj 01 MvF NOTaNARCOTIC. aul rryt ui Semt" . Jg JlxSoma. 1 H fa likll .Wu I MM I viiu-n- .C-erf e 1 e j I 1 VtLnarar. 9 II afa Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- 'p f fy UOU 1 ' Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea tkY I Worms .Convulsions, Feverish- t-. I M P BTesa ness and Loss of SLEEP. ::, J Wljl 0f Facsimile Stcjnnlure oT L: Thirty Tears th c osrrrauaj aoM. niwvoki city. A Skin of Beauty Is a oy Forever. Dr. T. Follx Gouraud a Orlontol Croom or Mai;icol Boautifler. as,' Removes Tun, Pimples, sii- ClV Ki..lc!f .M lb Kadi . Z - : Tr--l-i. K3ti, nii ' l '-W: W I OD :ind lie u" IC.r cJfi '"' " . ,j V ha t.jort I tie trt ., p vi y cf ui bV31 A I tMtelt tobetureU S If li ir perly mde- Tj HI 1 II Si 2j S Y- fl I 7. a, "Stl -C rs -r ,,r '- A tPviyi SzSZs! Barn Mid ' A '-idS-y iS i ' lsl 1 ' 1 1 CKjV? . I ' " Patient): 1 I l W T X-w' " ' fOU ladles I S 7'-' " th'O). 1 titfV 1 recommend TOVSlo tbo , Ointoa nd Eurvpe. fEaO.T.HOPr.lHS, Prep,. 37 Great Jenes Stcei. New York. 2158-40 Main Street. RHEUM AT I S IV1 DR. RADWAY & CO. : I huv.i been a sufferer from Rlieuniatbm for more than six months. I could not rnlw my hands t. my head or put my hsn-Js behind iha. or aven ihk.- it u ..wn shirt, Bafora I had flnlhli.il three-fourths of a boltle of Radway'a Ruiiy Relic-t I could us- in urins a. well as aver You i'nn sec why I have such grant faith In your Relief Toura tru. W. C. BAKER, BA-KER, V?J Julia street, New Orleans RADWAY'.fl RKM'Y RELJEF is n sure cure f,,r every Fain. Sprolmi. lJrul-i. FaJn In the Hack Client and LUnbS Taken Inwardly there Is not a remedial agent In the world that will cure Fever find Ague and nil other mnlurlouH. bilious and oiler f. v. r-.. ull.-, I.-, RXHWAY'S 111. IS H , quickly ks RADWAY' 8 READY RELIEF. Bold by Drugststs, UAHWAY A: ".. K Rim street. New York. Bargains in Books Longfellow's (Henry W.) Complete Works. 11 vols, a vellum: out of nrlnand rare. Edition $43. QO Benjamin Franklin's Complete Works, largi papei edltlo . 10 rtCO fr vols pub ai NO 1 I, for. z'-'J-wu Storm (Laurence) CompI - Works, -1 "i-. 1 1 7 fin Bmollctt'fi (Toblns) Novels. Complete. Ed d 1 C 1 OO pub -i BL00, for , "affiP ARD i BOOK CO. OPPOSITE KNUT8FORD HOTEL Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules J0& A POSITIVE CURE b For Intinmniatlon or Catarrh of li 'J the Ulad-lf-r and IKwaied Kid- rT JT'- i ' HO CUKE NO PAY i iirei (f. t'l lulckly ond nrrnaii-nll', the Cj J!, i.t ..1,1 of CJoiMM-rboea Wt n-Dd Otcet, uo n.ntter of how I 'ir-.VllB'V, r-.ng Harellnc A I- o 1 11 t I y "'jtr horiulcM "Sulrl by drut,''leU. .,1 Frlce IIXBl or hy nvull, post-JfK&b. post-JfK&b. V P'd. Sl.ou.3 boxeo, gi.Tt, - THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. Uclor-Uilnc, Ohio. F. J. Hill Drug Co., Gait Lako City. ALBERT S. REISER, JEWELER, li E 1ST BO BELL TEL. 2G10-K. Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY I 1 We are showing for the first time in this country the new Piver Perfume. The name of the new odor is Floramye, hiving an aroma so delicate, exquisite and attractive attrac-tive that ycu will take to it instantly. in-stantly. It is entirely new and comes in bulk, toilet water, vegatale lotion, sachet, soap and face powder of different shades. You cannot realize the fragrance frag-rance of this new perfume without with-out trying it, and you can t;et It only at SCHRAMM'S. WFIERETLTE CARS STOP. The Great Prescription Drug Store. miss 6M Snow aim OisrseKns Take pleasure In announcing and extending to all our friends s hj'" In itatlon to attend the sale of hand-painted china at oar new drug store, beginning Monday, No- i en ber .'7. See the dlsp!a In our windows. HALLIDAY DRUG COMPANY Opposite and South Salt Lako Theater. MISSIOfN CLOCK $2.25 Send us $2 2.i and we will send prepaid pre-paid a hnndsome mission clock 12 inches IiIkIi one day American movement, move-ment, ti ugbl guaranteed and worth regularly $1.00. Send for our 111 it rated catalogue A4 of wati hi ) and our illustrated catalogue cat-alogue B4 of diamonds and Jewelry both mailed free 'Phone 65 for the correct time. SALT LAKE CITY. NOTHING But the best material Is used In our workshop We havi no time to m,.k.-CHEAP m,.k.-CHEAP glasses Bverj pair of eyi Klas cs mad.- by us MI 'ST STAND The test for the remedy intended in-tended J 'R. i)R NO PAY asked 1 , ted free for glasses We carry ;i complete Hue of optical goods. 1 enses ground. RUSHMER Maker of Perfect Eyeglasses. 73 West First South. Both 'phones B., 1763-K; Ind . 1763 I 1 You'vi Waited for Hewlett's THREE CROWN COFFEE 'TIs now ready for you at your gro- ceri The flncnt Mocha and choicest Java, especially selected and treated, and carefully roasted at our largo roiust- er.s Makes a drink of unsurpassed excellence excel-lence and rh hin-s s IN 1 X E - PO 1" N 1 S F. LI7D C A N'S ONLY NEVER IN BULK When tho qunlltv 16 superior, why not use Utah Goods? PARTICULAR HOUSEHOLDERS Endorse 'That Good Coal" They have found it Is nil we claim for It; that lt'a clean, well screened and promptly dollv-1 dollv-1 ered besides, ou have dlnsrenl kinds to I select from, including four sizes of tho well-known Created Butte Anthracite. BAMBERGER, 161 Meighn at., U S. A. Subscribe for The Tribune It Priots the News. I ONE, PRICE. TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD H SNOWY THANKSGINJNG LINENS I TH T WILL BE THE PRIDE OF EVERY GOOD HOUSEWIFE, ESPECIALLY ESPE-CIALLY AS THEY ARE TO BE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, j THE BEST $1.75 AND S2 00 FRINGED WHITE LINEN DAMASK TABLE COVERS, Fringed all around, full bleached and soft finished. i"- 4siz. value si 7:. at. each - JM-IO ! J 12-4 lz-, value 12 2". at each 81.39 50 dozen Irish ind German Damark Napkins, 22-lncb and fIz- all new designs, value $3.00 as .1 Thanksgiving special, per dozen $2.10 SO piece?; fine Blenched Table Linens 2 yards ul-le. value $1.7.".. U a Thanksgiving sp - la.1 t r yard $1.28 j DON'T THE SIDEBOARD AND TABLE NEED SCARFS FOR THANKSGIVING t How much handsomer they would look if 5011 decked them out new In beautiful scarfs! ' Should vou he lacking anything In this line you knov, the Auerbach Tep- j 1 utatlon for having the best of linens .11 the lowest prices in the city. This , I brief im would glv you prho suggestions worthy of note I 1 Bpachtel SCarfs, i' yards long, value 40c, specially priced at 23 I Fin quality Bpachtel DreFFei Scarf , this season's newest designs size 20x54, the regular 50c scarfs, thl.s week at 29t All the 76c Dresser Scarfs, linen annd spachtel work designs, while w nil.- they lost, at 480 Your choice of all 85c Dresser Scarfs up 1.. Thanksgiving day at... - fic The ?L00 Dresser Scarfs, as a Thanksgiving Bpecial, this week at . . .60? Hemstitched Linen and Bpachtel Scarfs, worth Si 25 g. at 84 i J1.50 Dretsor Scarfs on sale this week at OS j The grandest assortment of 51.75 Dresser Scarfs this week al , .81.28 I Mexican and Dattenherg Scarfs at Import Prices. ' fel GOLD 16 YE ARS OLD I j WSrn Jf Sixteen years apo two ,nen J1 Blackfoot, Idaho, became due Sept. 6, 1889. I z'a' When the time came to na, the men had skipped; people said to South America. The note was placed with : 9 us for collection: we found them; they wouldn't pay. We a sued them last spring. We have already collected $367.00 II on this note, and there's mare to tome. OUR LAT. DEPARTMENT is the best. If von turn in your old notes, we will take care of them, and some day may collect them. The old will be ood when it conies. WE WANT AGENTS to gather Bad Debts for us in ev-9 ev-9 ery Precinct. illage and Town everywhere. Everybody I has a claim or two, and some have hundreds of claims I needing collecting:. Both men and women can make mo-I mo-I ney gathering these for us. Address, Agents' Department, j MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION I Scientific Collectors of Bad Debts. I Commercial Natl Bank Bids;. Salt Lake City, Utah. FRANCIS (,. LIKE, General Manager. ' "Some People Don't Like Us." : j ir-grnss issiiii n't i m nmr - u.. m n vMtm,. aj in- gggBiwi mill li sssssssssmmsssofossrA II JSL It Is Like This I Hj'H'-ffi:- -:H You have heard, "as good as yrfc Rough-Riders" you have never Wm'lQ (Fl heard of a better Shoe NIV " XS' V Thc FAt'T Is. th.-re are none OS I S fkir S gooii. ii. ii can a MKTTEK Shoe be WJ Our Rough-Riders I Jy 1' ' "r Ladies, Miss.-s, Children, Boys, Ny y9 VSw J Youths, Little Men. SEP WINDOW FOR PRICES R9MNEY S.NDABLE 256 So. Main St 4tftlllBgaBsSglaBBIgSraBSSSSBBBW 1 1 I III! II PJgSSMgMSSSJJSSSJgaj are in the :ity.J Do you know how many cases of Idan-ha Natural Mineral Water there are In our cellarer Wen, there, are enough to prevent the rest of you from getting tho fs-vcr fs-vcr if ycu will use the water consistently. It is pure. RIEGER fc LINDLEY, "The Whiskey Merchanta" . linn "- sum i in i a aii m n ii t.. siTBSCKIHK FOH THE TRIBUNE IT PRINTS THE NEWS. I w Vrysnj(3wnWBfl |