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Show FLASHES PROM THE WIRE 'harlo Milil'T fl t'ldoago plradrrl guilty In Milwaukee Municipal cuiirt to giving a bribe of I190Q for a contract for roofing an addition to the county hospital In 1901 and '(i; flrnvl J1000. Madci at the tlnv as og-.-nt for h fhk-ago rcollng firm Ho was Indicted by a gmnd Jury two year hko. Kucpn nporgi) Schaerllno. a hartnilr, we drowsed M S iilo Monday morning In sluht f bin Wife, who was unable to ujs.t him BchaMlln rvttirned homt Intoxicated und stepped off ii whnrf on which ha livst. He Mink out or sight before hln wife i ould call ssslstanca A dispatch from Olympla. t'osh . nays that tlu.- nun .Nn X'erK'ron. Junk lloCornUck and Ed Rogers, nil of Tacoma, wrt killed at th. 'nlun l.umlicr cotnpunM lucKlng (amp bv tin- prrniuf ui rxplolon of u rift -j'iuii'1 !,.: i .Ivmonlte TourUi man. Ilrrt Morgan, wus rlouly Injured. Col Wilder s. Men air. who aaaossded Fred-crick Fred-crick lunoton uy Colonel of the TwenUetta Kansas regiment In the Hhlllpplnea, has lc n reappointed to 'he ofllca f I'niied statj pension pen-sion apent at Topeka The town of Saffbrd, Ariz . Is entirely cut oft tv high water. Th- Qloba ;ua nin i.illr..inj . v,.-.-ih..l "Hi . 't I. th --libs of th' town iu.iv mini havs fallen uii over south-cm south-cm Arlsons, Th Cionlsvllla Evening Times snnouneea thn engagt mem or Tin maa Bhovlln, captain of tin Yah- foot bull team, to Miss Kllxabeth Bherley of ixiulsvlllc. Mliu Sherley Is tho daughter "f Mrs. Hrannln Pherl-y und one Ol the nionl bi-nutlful of Kentucky's women. Mr. ghevlln lives at Mlitnraihjlls fJiwlng out of a trivial cuf. a upen-Un upen-Un of work occurred on the river front at KOW Orleans The result Is that DO rotton Is being hauled and c.th'i latorliig orgnnltntl.ins ffie Idle. A strike or the tesmStSra tWO weeks apo was lettled by arbitration. Kiint i;e..rgi- or ("ireceo If-rt Ixndnn Monday for Vienna on hlH way to Athens The Iowa State law prohibiting Insurance companies from entering Into areem"ril living inauranea ratea la deolarad conatllutlonal ba a decision of the gapreme ooan ..f th T-"nllel States In the arc of rioi l V OOX- r..n J..TVU sou.- liidlior. acsnst the tircen-irlch tircen-irlch Insursnca oompanr, et al. A niaeUni of tha principal holdsra or the Western Ufa Indemnity comiany win be h. ;.i in Chicago January - to oonalder h queetlon or rc-ln'auranea in ine Security Klfn i Annuity company. In a letter to tbe S rucuse, N. V.. Public LUiruiv b..ui l eongratulatlng the city upon the i-ompletion or Its new 1100.000 library building. Andrew Cjemogle, the donor, tokes OCCAHlon to erlticli the conimlsslon thnt erect- ei the bulldins for the expenditure of 118,000, or nearly 10 per cent of tho cost of tho buiid- lnir. for liisiMs-loii";' fees, attorneys' fees and archltecta' re. Mr, Carnegie esya he never heard .f ueli a ililnk n-s atlornevs' le !n ccnneetlon with the building or his llbrarlea an . Intlmalva tiuit thet has bean a aste of ftnaaa. |