Show FOR Fb r i Suppressed I Menstruation1 sro PAINFUL I Menstruation AnflnPRBVENTiyafpr ariffi L J I PBMLE tGgLAR1TIES U II Aro Sata and Rohloble I J Perfectly I11TP1 n fi Imiomom m PR1CE10O Sent postpaid on receipt at price Monoy refunded K not M wo BB7HinuQ Cinchona Co De3 Uolnes lono Druchi Si Franken s e cor Main 3d S A C Smith 112 So Main ID n aonroUonona or lionorrhica fOUIiCbfJ licet Spcrmatorrlrrn VIa 1 a Jiy Whiles n r natural dio Cuinttti J clifUueo or any iDllamtnn I i7i1l bt 13 Itlttl3ci ion Irritation or ulcer ltyinu coUmbt1 tlon of uincoun mom uQ U TtItEuHs CHaaioatCo brancn onnmltiRent ftiolcl hy Urureists or ecnl In plutn wrapper l > y oxprc prtpalil for flCO or 3 bottle 74 Clrqular eeut on rcauttt EVERY WQRJAW Bcraotlmca necdo a rmiiabio J monthly regulating DR PEALS ti PENNYROYAL PILLS Are prompt safe nnddrrtaJnla remit io gtn Ice Dr Pcaln nevcrdUapnolnt Sect cnywhe 3100 Peal IJcdfclno Co CkncIioJ O P J Hill A Co 0 W 2nd f3Git Lbk IT10N ASSAY OFFICE UITIOHT if S IIANAU13R Manager Removed to 152 South W Tcroplo SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will rccolvo prompt attentiomi Analytical work specialty Send for prlco Hat TOHN MVICKER j ASSAY OPPIOE NO IfO MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY Ores cinjfullv assayed Samples sent from alllntanco promptly attended to r I amid returns miulo the lollowlnj day Cliiirgoa reasonable T T7 GUHHIE ASSAYER 150 Main St Suit Lake City Prompt attention plvqn to nil ordcre by and Charges unlfovm mall or express reasonable DANGER SIGNALS Says Dr Bennett Are Given tat Every Man and Woman Whoso VI1 tolity and Energy is Slowly and Surely Ebbing Away Electricity the Only Known Cure When Man Looses HJs Manhood He Cares Not for Fame Wealth or Power Tha Doctor Advises You Against Imitations Imi-tations of me Electric Belt Sexual Tvcakncss and disease faomtn Ihomaclvcn upon men like vamplro sapping sap-ping away their vitality and life In older men It comes llko tho hot poisonous I breath from an African Afri-can desert upon a young and tender plant withering and robbing It of Its lifo nlrcnKth and vitality vitali-ty Nature warns you In tlmo 1C you ic1 would but heed Electricity Is time iJlIfl s ono cure tho only cure for these vital IitlJE discuses of men and women It IB safe sure quick and permanent 2 per-manent Electricity applied by Dr Bennetts I i Electric Belt I unequivocally Ruarantco to cure In every case Jt cannot will not fall Electricity la tho Nervo and Vital Forco of every human being When you are sick thoro Is a wasting oC Electricity My belt Is to supply this loot electricity Dr Bennetts Electric Bolt ban soft silken silk-en chamolBcovorctl wponfro waterCham bcr electrodes that do not cannot will not burn fry blister and cremate ho flesh of Iho patient as do tim baremetal electrodes used on all other makes oC belts Those electrodes are my patent and are used on no other electric bolt Letter patent No G31733 My Belt can bo renewed when burned out for only 75c no other belt can bo renewed for any price and when burned out la worthiest Guaranteed one yean My Electrical Sus pensory for the permanent euro of tlvj various private weaknesses of men free to every male patient If you have been hoaxed Into buying buy-ing ono of these imltationa of myi Belt and burns or blisters or givaa no current and does you uo good send it to mo as half price of one of mine Beware of the bare metal electrodo Bolts Verdigris forms on the bare metal and may cause blood poisoning and perhaps death Some concerns advertise electrodes covered cov-ered with a thin veneering of chamois or felt and claim thin will do away with tho burning Do not he misled Electricity Elec-tricity will not pass through this venccr rig but verdigris will My Belt will not cure alone Sexual AVoaJcnvsH but I absolutely fjuarantco It to euro Vnrlcocelo Hydrocolc Rheumatism Rheuma-tism In every form Partial Parplyslc Spinal Weakness Constipation Kidney Liver amid Bladder Troubles Dyspepsia all Female Complaints etc as well an every form and guise of Sexual Weakness In cllhcr sex Wrlto today Sacredly confidential Do not delay xour case may reach time In curablo stage before you know lu I will scid you free postpaid for the asking my Uooks literature and symptom blanks Soldonly by ITiiD iEftIlUGTT ELECTRIC itiVo BiGririJDI i BELT co Rooms 15 to 20 Union Block Denver Colorado pT7 Vfburno = Lax Will Stop those Headaches Viburn oLax Will stop those backaches They are all due to some female troubles I trou-bles And ViburnoLax removes these causes and gets rid of the lesser ailment at the same time Hundreds of women have been cured Why not you One woman says I was troubled with headaches and backaches so much I had to go to bed about half the time The doctor told me it was due to Irregular menstruation He prescribed pre-scribed for me but tho medicine did me no good I have taken four boxes of VIburnoLax and am entirely well ViburnoLax comes in tablet form only 60c and 100 a box at all druggists and F C Schramms Salt Lake City 1 4 A Cure Guaranteed or Money S Refunded A Positive Curo for OONORRUcJA and ff PPT VJi JLwiLw JLw U Price J2 For sale by all druggIsts rmlfg ly Antiseptic Chomlcal Co N T NeldenJudaon Western Agents JrL CHICHCSTER3 ENGLISH p CNGLISHIILL GrilnoI flat Only Qc3uIn Azeu F AmlImIuc 14dlCItUrautt 5 I fcr Cli umnsrEus icrmsn IO JtlJ itt lniu CKluua wx mv lliU rlU Mi TuLe no other Hereto IZ J Dnnccpou huli lltutlon and Imlta I if Hour lluy of joqr Dmc or ° J la I 2Y uuar Sir Inrtlculuru Testimonial c ai Itellct for Lndlc in Ittur ty rt turn JIall 10dlnl TttllEsooUli SoMbj I til Dnf1iu ChlclicitcrChcnilcnlCa Mention tUi p r r Jdxulltoa Haaare 1lllLA 1A DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL IICEEI Third Judicial District For District Judges WILLIAM C HALL 1V Salt Lake County < i JOSEPH T RICHARDS Sail Lake County SAMUEL W STEWART Salt Lake County For District Attorney DAVID B I1EMPSTEAD Salt Lake County Private and Glironlo Diseases of Hen CONSULT MencnfforincfrpmoTllof VAJrtoua facts of youthful inclftcrc ri tloneerpulliB gonorrhoea 3loot otricluro oosuat i weakness vsricocclo unnatural m 1 i un-natural discliorccs bit c J vitality falling mwnory rJ unfltnP53 to marry blood ft skin kidney or privetit the i paoes are upccdrly CD red DR COOK lion nx > n > 30 ycara of peroiutcat cudy fi1t r iimW4ii anti OPCrICUCO ifl 1mb omro ilDOCTOICOOh DOCTOECOOIL cur CUiO miud mali gnmimnteo ofl a pcrmanoflt codes housammds who I cured Ito imns at muoderatit coil All 1ottcr private 11iSSipp hopeless thought their dm001 J nmihtitt10U fre blank Vrilo for ciuomtioa McdlcJnra CQcnt ron from obwrvoUon CookncdicalCot jCqrtiaStOcnvcrCoJ NO CURE NO PAY f9 m1 t 1 Hyoo haro tuiall weakorRarii iiL1 vLi loat power or weakcnlnir drain im ii I hI Mjr Vacuum Oman DpTelor < = f xflu 11mi Ii r > i > tcm jcu vritbout Jncj or u u u tta ui vJ olcctrlclerj 53000 In uCj not ono 4 fallurct wtonoretumnlj OO p fniudi vrllofpr partlculnn wntwnlcUIn plain cnTclopo LOCAL APPIIAIICE CO 414 Cftiles Elk Oeovcr CslB a P |