Show n 3QNTLIKEUNSDOWNE British Public Irrespective ofT of-T Party Against Him DECLARE HE IS A FAILURE Salisbury However Has Confidence i in the Secretary of the Foreign Office Of-fice He Believes Eo Will Make a Strong Officer Bosohorys History of Napoleon Has Brought Forth I 1 Unanimous Unbounded Praise It is a Careful Story of Bonapartes a Closing Days LondonWINTOV 3CIad 5n the rotfes nt dazzling failure is the wayvone liberal newspaper describes tire Marquis Mar-quis of LansJownes entry into the Foreign olllcc This undoubtedly expresses ex-presses opinion of a preponderance of h tim Britten public irrespective of parly lines Even among those organs feebly upholdlng the advisability of Lord jLansdownes appointment there is a tendency to allow him the position oC I a mere nominal head of the Foreign of llcc blindly following out every wish of the Premier This the Associated Press learns Is quite opposed to Lord 4 Salisburys own Idea lie docs not r nliarc the general belief that In the It War ofllcc he did badly In fact the Premier is so convinced of the reverse re-verse that he gave Lord Lansdowne the option of continuing In his former office or taking the new billet SALISBURY DELIGHTED Lord Salisbury was delighted that Lord Lnnsdowno was willing to accept the Foreign ofilce portfolio lie be lieves he will make a strong Foreign Secretary and had long contemplated Lord Lnnsdowne as his successor should the doctors refuse to allow him to continue the severe duties he un dcrtook during the past Parliament One of Lord Salisburys closest friends said to a representative of the Asso clated Press Lord Lansdowne by I his training and social career is more fitted and available to meet dlplomots and tieS tie-S cide large Issues Should lie fall of success it will only be because he Is too much of a gentleman HISTORY OF NAPOLEON 4 Tho publication of Lord Roseberys i history of Napoleon has not only brought forth unanimous and unbounded unbound-ed praise but has given rise to a general gen-eral feeling of regret that the present undistinguished Cabinet could not avail Itself of such a brilliant intel led It is a careful monograph oC Bonapartes closing days and while I Itf discloses no new historical facts It deals so masterfully and impartially with all the available evidence that it must stand so the critics say aa an authoritative record in addition to be I ing the most perfect character sketch ever penned It teems with powerful epigrams and touches of humor and 0 Imagination while the British Minis ters responsible for the arduousnesn 0 of Napoleons captivity are treated with merciless satire On all aides It is admitted that this latest work reveals re-veals Lord Rosebery at his besL What will he do next This Is the question which arlbcs on all aldea POLITICS BITTER IN IRELAND How bitter politics are grdwlng In Ireland can be Judged from an open letter from Mr William OBrJeiv say Jug ho renter Parliament vltlt the utmost repugnance and with no more satisfaction than ho would rccnlcr an English Jail But Mr OBrien adds he considers it a national duty He also says the exclusion of Hcaly and his faction from the Irish party la the only means of enabling men of honor to remain In It AMERICAN METHODS INTRODUCED INTRO-DUCED Once more the Introduction of Am r jean methods will revolutionize British traffic As a result of the visit of the superintendent of the Southwestern I railroad to the United States the directors di-rectors of the road have decided to substitute for the present Lever sys tem of signaling the pneumatic method employed on American roads the lat ters installation is now occurring Other lines are likely to follow suit so that the Immense signal boxcu which have long been features of the great termini will probably disappear r TOlD SLOANS DISMISSAL The Pjrlncc ofWalcss dismissal of jrt Tod Sloan is received with joy by the racing world of England as a sjg nlrtcant Indication of the t feeling i againstAmerican jockeys and trainers train-ers Thd Prince of Wales yielded lo f the pqjiular clamor While the method meth-od and manners of a number of self nrjverJlHlng Amelpan owners hav un doubtedly given the Jockey club an ex LUKC f6r Us pioscnt attitude there Is ailtlc doubt that Jealousy of1 the con tlnucd American success had more thajiiJiything else to do with the mat ter There ar many Indications too that the campaign against the Amer 4can horsemen was not undertaken without plenty of premeditation This is evidenced by the sporting columns of almost every daily paper in England nntl ninny of the best Weeklies who are S reveling In the chance of a slur at i American Jockeys 4 GAMBLERS AGAINST SLOAN i TrtUb cannot find words of vituperation vitupera-tion enough wherewith to denounce Sloan and all the others it can reach r But the greatest glee of all prevails i 3 In the London sporting clubs and cafes where the English turf gamblers as fiemble to settle betting The gambler1 who for years have held the English S turf by the throat and who finally found all their calculations smashed by the AmerIcan successes hope to be able l to resume their trade TIOOSIER IS CHAGRINED JI Sloan is much chagrined His retainer tc4 re-tainer was to have boon foOOO He had tliWc other offers of like amounts but now that the Prince of Wales has thrown 5rk him over no English owner Is likely lo 4 employ him as first Jockey Sloan returns O0 re-turns to the United Slates November 1lth but the story that he docs not Intend to apply for a license here in 1001 In regarded aa being at least premature pre-mature ii Leigh the trainer of Mr Frank ij1iil Gardners stable which Sloan manages 1 and whoso application for a license to train at Newmarket caused so much of the present trouble has occurcd quarters at Epaom Twentysix American Amer-ican yearlings have already arrived there rUgby will not apply for a license here for 1901 au he ia engaged by Madame Menler to ride In Fravce Morgan 1et Mor-gan and Eddie Jones go to Australia i |