Show 11 Co c UYi j tu d C a I t ifr C 2 llll I j P l r iw I I i I I x Iffi t sJ l of h ray t I o I t J I II 1 ls L I II ekl l ttdt lttts i4 Where was the battleship Texas qty ot A3ulltV S SAt In3 r Ii S-At Portsmouth navy yard ncar Norfolk t Nor-folk Va t H t T 1nr On what day In September 1595 was the moon full WM WOn l 8ttt t t 1 W-On the 4th majority did McKinley i Wlth what tto I f 3t u i1l carry New York SttLteC H W 215SOO his plurality His majority was d3 li 1p Att over Bryan 2GS1G9 e b r j a ttrechi What was the source of the order for tEll n b it ill rl loslng the Worlds Columbian exposition uric f r exposi-tion at Chicago on SundaysF E c laic a U ihtioi The act of Congress providing for n tbr bJ gift of souvenir coins lu4 a rt is What years since 1S7D has had the year-s tt4 p pcatest number of national bank failures hc y1 I d J fail-ures In the United StatesF R B ttkkr Tho year 1593 with sixtyfive failures HI tf was away ahead of any other year l < J r elf y ThnV I r What was the greatest amount of tq i rain that has ever fallen In on Fin s year F-In any part of New England during the W 11 last fifty ycais7 L F r I The highest recorded by the Government Govern-ment stations Is 422 inches at New letrd ln London Conn In 1894 ok l1ih o l1 d dsItt Salt Lake Oct 25th Editor Tribune When and where albr was Paderewskl married and whom did on F i ncr he marryLn N + + Write to tho New York Musical Courier prlrr Salt Lake City Oct 30 1900 Editor Tribune Please explain the nature and Intent ot the three amendments RerlFl1 amend-ments to be voted for at the coming mot Jn ry b n election 2 Have they ever been published pub-lished during this campaign and where 1e a could a voter secure a copy1T A W iing line They are published dally In The hr a du Tribune and explain themselves o P p9eli Have acrobats beer able to turn as sur uu many as four somersaults frorfi one ere ref r rise 2 What Is the greatest number silt ii num-ber L C J lklr The triple somersault Is the limit aurs1ha and the chances of fatal consequences ircd are so great that it is very rarely ° turned d to eo dere ere y salt I L How can I obtain pamphlets on new iifw t patents published by the Government 7 Jennyct X Y Z only V The Official Gazette of the patent office of-fice contains the claims of all patents aE issued with drawings to Illustrate the ht i1 Inventions It Is issued weekly and h subscription by the year costs 55 r r oftatri lr ozcta Has tempering copper ever been accomplished ordlp K ac-complished If so where and by to dekoy whom 1S S S fcderali Occasionally some smith announces a Ilts with a great splurge that he has rediscovered af eye re-discovered the lostart of hardening rd tit 1 copper but nothing comeS of It perhaps rcpt r per-haps because steel Is cheaper harder ° nflr and better Bttr eo the raaf Salt Lake Nov 2 rem nca Editor Tribune Please state In Sundays Cay47 Sun-days Tribune where the term SolidS Solid-S uth originated and what constitutes 1 dckrltlo the solid SouthFrcd Black BU yg The solid South term originated ii after the war and In the political cptanltLl s contentions of that period It I comprises is e2 the former slavcholding States the niLC 1 northern line comprising Mbtfouri n Kentucky West Virginia Maryland 13 5 and Delaware teMi h b T m itt Ogden Oct 29 1900 I to Editor Tribune Please tell me jt R through your valuable paper how it was that California received eight sD > I trCI neet electoral votes for McKinley and one i o th for Bryan four years agoD C McGltt of tt It was because eight of the McKinley Iltcmtar electors were elected by the people and uttDy onG of the Bryan electors The State II r n yL Is entitled to nine electoral votes and r5 the result was so close that the small nri variation always found In the vole oC I re t the candidates for electors brought the mil Le result stated LearrC a The arrival of the transport War I afl tl j en at Nagasaki I with the Ninth cavalry 1nd cav-alry on board was recently noted and the statement was made that they were r to leave the next day for Manila when Iloxfcor did they arrive at ManilaS M W a 1 The Warren was reported as hayIng ofd 1 hay-ing arrived at Manila on September r yrctrl 10th StlitFril I xturH Oil City Every commune In France es has its Mayor and there ate over 36 ° Putt t1 OCO communes 0 F t eo eo Ede f Vs1toi Will you tell me something of brant m hr M P FIt Oabni F-It Is a small wild goose that breeds in the Arctic circle coming south In the fnll to the coasts of Europe and Ir eastern North America It Is of a n Is o n biownlsh gray above pale gray below I nbtCr IIG and Its head and neck are black tho latter streaked about the middle with white S Editor Tribune Has the VIce = Prcsi ke dent of the United States of America any vote other than that when the house i is equally divided 2 Has he 1I1tt1 ° I aJ rot power to vote to make the minority Jll fsJ an equal division 3 Can he not call the Speaker Of the IIOuset 19 the chair 1 lcr the VlcePiesidenl taking the floor I a ge III i to speak and vote at his discretion 4 Is IIG absolutely confined to this one vote voteNo 2 No3 The Speaker of the diDC House presides In the House a separate t sepa-rate body from the Senate 1 He is so confined I IE 0 4 IED Highland Utah Oct 31st 1 DG Editor Tribune Please answer In next Sundays Tribune Is there a law 111 I upon the United States statute books 9t punishing a man for striking another A > 0 f11J under ground If ao what Is the penalty AI1J + pen-alty 2 Was the bill passed by the Colorado Legislature Identical with and ESIOND nn exact copy of the Utah eighthour E law 3 Did either or both go to the Supreme Qourt of the United States for gIP n decision on constitutionality On f o 4 what ground and in what way was the epl Colorado bill defeated An assault underground Is as amenable amena-ble to1 the law as one committed above i and Is covered by local statute wlih 1 JO RI I the penalty governed by tho grade of the offense 2 No 13 lYes 4 Because Be-cause It failed to Incorporate a hygienic or sanitary clause e i YI t Salt Lake City Nov 3rd r acif t Editor TrlbuneiTH Hawaiis 151001 I I people t were Included In the United K U4 I I States census for 1900 then why were O i erro Porto Rico Guam and the Philippines left out 11 B oi Hawaii was Included because his un l jutltcsl l r rt Jer a regular form of Territorial gov i ct C ornment us Utah was prior to 1S95 the 1 ilo others are not and the Indians of this Me 1lt tf t lt 1 G country are not Included cr 5tI r tJ 0 0 f cio 1 When John Mitchell returned lo Ireland JotJ r fj Ire-land had he completed the term for urej5 i Svhlch he was transported 2 yAnd how C li t i4 was his election to Parliament decided C ° 1i616 oj r P J C rapb 15J I No he was transported for fourteen Over + 3 yearn and escaped to New York when s iIle f I y nbout a third of that time had expired giCe 2 On his llrst election he wap declared Ineligible He wnsjf aghln returned but 5 died before action was taken on the second election 05 rAre b R r-Are the peal kthumlcr and the flash ith y t 1f lightning ever accompanied b y the dO a nu Inan A r t c fall of solid matter that Is In the nature na-ture of a ntissileYS A No meteorites nml aerolites sometimes some-times Call In thunderstoims but one ia not the t cause of the other Many so called thunderbolts arc lightningtubes caused by heavy lightning striking and entering sand The sand Is melted fOr seeral feet into a glasslike tube that suggests a missile to many o How Is the position of railway postal clerk obtained 2 To whom shall I apply ap-ply 3 What kind of nn examination would I have to stand McK By appointment after civil service I examination 2 The first step Is the filing of an application blank which should be requested directly of tho I Civil Service commission at Washington Washing-ton 3 It would probably include orthography or-thography penmanship letterwriting copying and simple arithmetic Specimen Speci-men sots of questions which will be I I furnished on your request will give a clear Idea of the examination A special spe-cial test In the railway mall service Is I exercise In readinG manuscript addresses ad-dresses Is there any device manufactured that can be attached to a typewriter to record the number of words written Curious G It Is more than likely that some such device has been Invented but none Is in common use In ordinary typewriting it is easy to make a close estimate of the number of words so there would be no great sale for such a device and typewriter inventory have recently had a more Important task that of providing < < provid-ing a typawrlter lo work on books r o Where < was the first cotton raised In America and for what dId It sell 1 W W The early history of cotton culture in this country Is obscure perhaps because be-cause the pioneer cultivators did not grasp Its possibilities The first cultivation culti-vation of record was In Talbot county Md in 1521 and was for the flowers not I for the lint or seed Prior to the Revolution Revo-lution small areas In Virginia and nearby near-by States were devoted to cotton the lint and seed being separated by hand thread and cloth being of home manufacture manu-facture I Does Queen Victoria have the veto power over Parliamentary legislation 2 Can a Roman Catholic be President of the United States If he gets votes I enoughJ D S Nominally she has absolute power of veto over both Parliament and colonial Legislatures but the last exercise of It over Parliament was in 1707 and the prerogative is considered practically obsolete 2 Yes provided he Is a native na-tive born What decides the apportionment of Congressmen among the States 2 What was the electoral otc between Tllden and Hayes 3 Should two candidates can-didates for President receive the same number of voles would the one iccelv Ing the greater popular vote be elected PoAll An apportionment bill for which each decennial census Ip taken as the basis 2 Tllden 181 Hayes 185 3 Not necessarily neces-sarily In case no candidate has a majority ma-jority In tho Electoral college the House of Representatives voting by States that Is each State having one vote chqqse the President voting for the three candidates having the highest high-est electoral vote eo What proportion of the energy of a water power do the best water wheels make available for running machinery II A Over 00 per cent Is obtained rarely Theoretically tho entire power Is made available when water enters the wheel wlthqut shock and leaves with Its velocity ve-locity entirely exhausted But it Is impossible Im-possible to effect either of these conditions con-ditions absolutely and frictional resistance resist-ance causes further loss S 4 What are the comparative weight and value of cold and platinum What Is tho latter used for and where Is it foundM W The specific gravity of gold Is 1926 and of platinum Is I 2150 water being taken at Ion Pure gold Is worth 20C7 an ounce platinum about half as much us price varying greatly from time to time Platinum Is used chiefly in dentistry den-tistry jewelry electrical mechanisms and In stills for the manufacture of sulphuric sul-phuric npid Russia IB I the main source of supply tho Americas and Australia furnishing a little M It Has the national Government ever done anything to promote agricultural colleges Does Europe have such Institutions In-stitutions A R E It has done much By the socalled land grant act of 13C2 Congress gave to each State and Territory land scrip representing 30000 acres for each Senator Sen-ator and Representative This was for the purpose of establishing In each State Institutions where agricultural and mechanical branches should bo taught with military tactics scientific and classical studies being left to the direction of the several Slates Supplementary Sup-plementary to this was an act of 1S90 making annual appropriation to each State of 15000 with yearly increase thereafter of 31000 till the annual amount should reach 25000 2 Yes and they have been of great benefit |