Show 1 MEAL MINES PROSr I What They i Have Paid During Past Ten Months SHOWING A SPLENDID ONE II I I i Dividends Paid During the Period Mentioned 842068071 Largest DhrtdondPayero Were Copper Companies Boston Montana tho Highest 113 Per CentIn Utah tho Silver King Company in Other Moll Group Pnid 25 Per Cent Period Mentioned Prosperous New York Nov 31n the ton months ending October 31st the metal mining companion in this country reporting to the Engineering and Mining Journal paid a total of 5135C3071 1 In dividends This Is an excellent showing says that Journal of the returns received by capital invested In the meta mining industry During these ten months the largest dividendpayers wore the copper companies com-panies of those In Montana the Amal gamalcd Copper company which controls con-trols the Anaconda and Parrot companies com-panies and a large interest In other i companies declared 0000000 or S percent per-cent on its capitalization The Anaconda Ana-conda Copper company is credited with paying SlSCOOOO or 1C per cent on its I capital stock the Boston Montana company 51200000 or 113 per cent and the Parrot company 1379100 or CO I per cent on Us Issued capital stock The Amalgamated Copper companys dividend however is really n duplication duplica-tion a it works no mines directly and its dividend fund is derived from the stock of other companies which I holds Of the Michigan companies Calumet Calu-met Ilccla paid In the ten months 55000000 or 200 per cent on Its capitalization capi-talization Quincy 5900000 or 36 percent per-cent and Tamarack 5120000 or 28 percent centIn I In California the Mountain Copper company paid 512COOOO or 192 per cent I on Its share capital In Arizona the United Verde ex Senator Clarks properly Is credited wllh paying 1650000 or 55 per cent onUs on-Us capital stock and the Arizona company com-pany 557CJ29 or 18 per cent The next largest dividendpayers In the ten months were the gold mining companies which also produced some 81cl and lead In this group time leaders lead-ers were Stratums Independence limited lim-ited of Colorado with 1789337 or I 35S per cent on Its Issued capital stock Inn I-nn Portland 5750000 or 25 per cent In South Dakota the llomestako Gold Mining company is foremost with I 51050000 or 5 per cent on its share capital In Utah thc Silver King company paid 750000 or 25 per cent on Its capl tallzallon and the DalyWest company com-pany 5412GOO or 137 per cen tIn t-In Alaska the AlaskaTreadwell Gold Mining company paid out 300000 C per cent on Its capital stock In Arizona thc La Fortuna Gold Mining company led with 232500 or 93 per cent on Its capitalization and In California we have time Yellow Aster company with 5130000 or 13 per cent Of the silverlead dividendpayers those In Idaho are the most prominent being the Empire SlaloIdaho Mining company with 5295541 or 30 per cent on its sued I shares the Standard company com-pany with 5295000 or 59 per cent Buffalo Buf-falo Hump 225000 or 10 per cent and f the Bunker HillSullivan company with 210000 or 7 per cent Of the lead and zinc mining companies I com-panies in Missouri and Kansas the St Joseph Lead company leads with 112 E00 or 15 per cent on Us issued share caplnl There have also been numerous numer-ous smaller dividendpayers especially In the gold and silver mining Industry while in the lead and zinc sections the number has grown leas owing In part to the end of the speculative bubble which favored the incorporation of companies lhal promised and In some Instances paid 1 per cent monthly divi dends dencjTime The dividend disbursements mentioned men-tioned above do not Include those made by the coal and Iron mines m110s1 oil companies com-panies and the metal smelting and ro lining companies which have been enormous In time past ten monthn There are also many private corporations that do not report their dividends and these If added would bring the grand I total paid to stockholders In dividends to a very large amount unequaled n larJc uncqlale I I I probably country by any other Industry in Ibis I |