Show I Bluo Book for IDOl R L Polk Cos Blue Book for 19012 is now in coursd of publication Tho opcdlal protege j of tho ladles Supplies Information that Inessential In every wellregulcted household AsocIal A-social convenience R L POLE CO Publishers W P Cooper Sec and Mgr Drunkenness A safe and permanent cure for drunkenness < drunk-enness arid drug addictions Address Kcelcy Institute Flrst North and West Temple or Box 480 Salt Lake Utah Royal Bread Purest and best Look for the label Ask your grocer for It IL I 9S eHzaoo GOO 9a Q 9 OO GOOOO GroOOO 9 g OOG SS 9S oo ce oo9OOOOBtWM THEY ANOTHER SHIPMENT THEY f C Black and D1CSS GJ I Cl A Rare I Cm Dm r B 0 Occtirrence ARE HERE OF = ARE HERE c Colored i unlit nd Banketo ccurrence i 3l t 1 t Mh Special inducements to those who This Department to be the Center of Excitement for this Week m frencnflannels c desire new dresses Bright stylish Q i a1r goods at prices that should prove irresistible TOMORRO T MORNING were going to give some values in BlANKETS and QuiiTS a o X11 ir-resistible that are little short of marvelous c f or 0 h if t W 31S t S O 1 r CJ Black Mohair Slcl lan 54 Inches wide Q m tr Alll Ti1tIh 11 Yol4htf W I I The nom no dh t111 f A t At t 9 8c a 51Inch English Storm Serges Priest i 1111 f Ii U est V J W ft Hill u l1D Il cuuudt I u Il Wo have Just received another invoice of new French ifs la C yard ley C Co New Black Fancies 10 pieces 0 0 0 Q Flannels In plain colors such aa Lavender Bluee Garnet 1tlt NeWiCrcponclles and new Black I Crei I U The FnJ111e 1t fJJow1l1landSnllk QUilts 0 g Automobile Red Gray Brown Tan Pink Light Blue materials is well o pons cither of these m I g Creamy nd new Violet alsa Jolka Dot Bowknot and fan h i worth 150 and 175 Your cnplco for G t cy stripe effects representing only the best qualities genuine v7a 1r only 9Sc a yard I At the most extraordinary > price > concessions ever known on such merchandise Just note the gen-uine French make the most satisfying kinds l no others en J E a 10 pieces Black hard twisted all wool VALUES and the SELLING PRICES The combination is i strong enough to sell them ter our stockand i all at the most REASONABLE PRICE t f the kind i that sheds dust Gr h Storm Serges C I 11 LJtv yard easily and well worth GDC 1 out before Honda T night Here are > what will be offered > and you owe it tot yourself to be V eave Arranged for This Week r c to-t here early as naturally the bet will be first f to go h 11Inch Silk Crcponettes and Matlasse 18 1 Some specially good valuea THESE ARE FACTS AND J At 2 I Suitings new designs worth 350 a t FIGURES THAT MEAN BIG MONEY SAVING TO J W o yard I Finest White Blankets Finest Down and Bilk Quilts 0 if YOU ARE YOU INTERESTED VALUES Selling price this week VALuEs Selling price this week 1F Storm Serges just received for this per pair At a J 3 115 1000 yards Sanitary Flannels In gray i t all o best hard twisted O 1 and weeks selling SSOO and 5S50 values In fine White Wool Blankets some t1E J150 Down Quilts on sale ateach oJl G blue brown and pink specially J gds wool Serges in all the leading 1 street o 101 and some 121 size finely finished and the wool Is 5 1U I i f d recommended for Underwear and 8 colors SS Inches wide r Ql 1 1 clean and heath ful weight from u toG pounds oh sale 0 f V GiG Down Quilts on sale at each h tfb8 t7 sold elsewhere at 12 > Special for 3C U this week at this week a yard I 900 and 950 values In fine white allwool Blankets possessing j I 350 Down Quilts on sale at each 660 j > Flannel i Colored Suit ins large assortment of l pos-sessing t the finest of finish some 70S2 inches 1 some 6 65 1000 yards white Shaker Flannel full At t Uir a Cainelshair plaids Brocatella checked o 10T size on sale this week at o 900 g vard wide good weight and well 1 0 I ro z ae A yard and fancy weave Dress Goods values I 0 0 1 lOO Down QuIlls on sale at each s f napped yard special for this week per J I r u IL to 50c closing at lOc 1000 and 105Q values in extra fine white all wool California A 1350 Down Quilts silk on one side satlne on the other 03 laaI I i t Califor-nia Blankets which forwear strength and durability 7 onsale at each V wcarslrenJth on < 8 y1004 yards white Canton Flannel full I + cant be beaten 124 slueon sale this week at t2PaiO f1 t L c heavjvreguiar 4 dl 11 bleached and extra heavyregular iSc 1 2J 20aIlsllk at each I oPS r J silk ownQlIntsonsa1catmch r 2 rtyar Special for this week stand 0 60 The best 1250 and 1300 values In superfine nilwool 9 52500 all silk Down only limited few on sale rt S n Quilts on n I Gl white California Blankets made for finest retail trade 9 5 f aj 19 25 l f I + f l p come 7pound tome Spound size I 121 I on sale 1 this I Q 0 J a t each I 0 10 more bolts of that fine all wool I f I eec e d t i = week at < ca s white Flannel full y and wide usually AIOC 1 in and II i iJ1 A 32BO Satin Down Quilt elegant n design coloring anl 27 00 H 7 j c m Better grades cutIn proportion quilting on sale I at each 61 70c Special for this f week > a yard r I p < c C LIR Ifrtr3t Jl3tk0e < 0bt613fJGflBr3Q0fl0Wsl < < tE INM wflflr0ft < > rG 430a93 QGV1l 1 Cotton osier Y I = i C MImi rmss Y iButtenck l T JJ You II Certainly be Interested V For cold l weather wear Judicious orders Pattems in this tr h buyers will not slight this opportunity Ya Note Note to save money See the line we have Carefully For to no eOn t em gathered for you It is i complete 1 in and h November 1 the ° the every point medium to the finest Promptly now 1 ke r grades I Filled ro in Cut t A STARTLING OFFERING Cut I r ryM o i i GOlnch wide very heavy Table Linen lrg Price a German Homespun drill loom dice Price Is OOZ W3OJOGG Eu39 f t31cDSO0t3 0 s a C 33 000 s eOOOO r7EdtdtEa OJ ID0aeoo a SGeoo MCXZ g Damask the very best article for v ttrlC I LADIES fast black seamless cotton U Hotel or Restaurant use worth i regular h Lose heavy fleeced youd expect to 15 jiI j i u pO date Suits c regu-lar 85c Special for this szt pay 22c for themOur C C3 C k d S mt D tm t t Skirts Waists r week a yard 5 6 ftp 1 ft-p price i c O a a n D I J ep a r en w 11 f LADIES full regular made fast black Jackets Capes fiSl allkficeced Cotton Hose sizes 3 to 10 i 6 rridJrlJ aji aj fJ a them very at superior a 33c grade We offer 25 C CJ 6 Golf Skirts Golf Capes etc in the most fashionable charming 1 conceits at lowest 1 prices Ins CO A KTD GLO VD 1 SALE I 1oii pair > 0 C the city Below are a few of our special leaders 0 I I 1etj LADIES extra quality double silk + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + 1 + Ileeccd Maco Cotton Hose full regular 3 5 9IIfd i regu-lar f made In all sizes A J C Ej > r a Misses Suits Ladies Tailormade Suits f x i special value at I C i n r + For Thursday and Friday + i ffl ill < + + tiirl LADIES extra heavy double silk < j t About 20 nobby Suits for Girls ages A splendid line of Suits In this seasons l I + + I Y n fleeced fast black Cotton Hose in all 45c > 14 16 IS years In the very latest i newest styles every one correct In fit + t1 + l I tNf I U sizes at Special trade inducement I 1 f r i is ojI styles received Just ten days ago in style In black gray or brown shades 5 I = 3 + A PHENOMENAL + + Ji l < 0 lark r IA blue gray and brown shades either c regular price 1500 all 4 I LADIES very finest Maco Cotton 5 blouse Eton Shield front stylo etc sizes this week only + + y Hose double silk fleeced In fast SOcy ts S y If 1 handsomely made of excellent mate f a tin pre fJ r T + + r = 1 black a grand G5c grade C t1 l i rials c p-re marked 1750Te will a 9050 yce f CL + Id I 61 ove + fp 1cf t this week ut c J offer them this week for g + V + I l CHILDRENS fast black 1 ribbed seam 1 r 1rl i + + g Zi PI Q3 BALBo + a less splendid fleeced l Cotton heavy Hose grade In on all sizes sale 1 15 f 8 t f I I i1111 g t 1 H2050 Girls i Jackets gj Q + + + t > c c + J T tt t this week at a 1 rr 0 r JT d b 4 1 No charge for altering Childs Jacket 3i J C t k t + c pair n iS r + tiiiil Ages 14 and 1G years Special Bargain 11 > z + This sale offers the opportunity + CHILDRENS extra heavy ficeccd fast c > I I rIJ Special a few only In tan color splendid i for one of the greatest + C I I Y Ifl 7 l r 1 1 n I Plush Jackets L material braid trim were s + nJ ty ° 0 + black Cotton Hose in all slzeo the 20c m t c C I e + 5oTo close for + savings of the year this In I 25c grade week < J I Mri l Il Age G to 11 I years n t b + al Jr + l I 3 About 10 assorted Plush Ja lets excellent red or brown + + ii I iJ r ices v Melton trim 4 T GO dozen fine clasp Kid Gloves In heavy e I lent quality heavy satin 3 + ti + lt H q 3 n lining very with fancy Strapping o 0 o Cloth Cape T white black tan brown and red all + r = J trimmed In handsomely n iS applique applique i 1 t sizes made of fine pliable kid perfect + Q c were sold from 20 to SG t a W rn Melton value SS50 ecial t + t to close we offer them for for Special T in lit and finish Its the greatest + W 01 + 444 shownRegular c Glove Bargain ever shown + i ref 1 t i t Underskirt Bargain 125 grade THE SALE PRICE + S W lT ir c i 1ff 9050 i 500 In brown or navy fc > Q t g i n SEA k T S IiL Fur Collarette f Ladles colored Mercerized Sateen Underskirt blue double cape < r P + a + frT1 cv Q JJA fLP L L 1 L e o s7 ur 0 are c Un-derskirt large variety shades ac style trimmed C + 3 U J i7t Cy gt l g Special I Ladies r Jackets Golf Skirt cor eon plaited ruffle Splendid with braid and fur E 9 Aj pan + o tz = = o < I t this week value for 5200 This week only value 1 350 this r j + + We are offering our entire + i en-tire stock of plain leather dog collar Imitation Stone CORRECT STYLES + Bargain week I tJ + Y V1 Marten Collarette CORRErCT J i + I lR 11 J t Warranted f RQlA and pulley Belts In 0 special lots at 0 like cut with 17 EXCELLENT MATERIALS This J1 3 9 200 + Every Pair a ran + fd r This week wo offer + e I d a e t inch deep storm tab collar front LOWEST PRICES of-fer CO Golf Skirls 0 pIJ + See Them in Our Window + > Sc35c > SOC 1 5c 100 1 125 Each large finished with GThc newest styles In Ladles Jackets In light brown or e1 + 4 OSt r > 1 Stone Marten tails are being received dally ao that we are gray only l Camclctle for Plush Cape 20Inch handsome plush Cape O + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + value for able to show S1250 at all crt limes the largest t elaborately trimmed with beads 1 j c Any one of them worth double tho and most comprehensive flock In the lV 8050 ell 1o 9 5 Pedal anti braid excellent quality value Si Go O r rices kedforthemandmnu y of city 0 TZlfD GLOTE SALE n d y them much more tri > ffiCeoaQ g ooe < < eoo < i > G0GSeOQ < B a e H 0020a3 o a Q Q IA l 8861 a 1 pk11 c QGO 10 tli J99iaQdflG > Od nOOe tQ r t I l i > 1t o f R E IT PKLYS o Great S m Shoe SIe 2 edBargains IT VllYS n To buy shoes of us re a DeCIth oe ale n To buy Shoes of us E llour Shoes and Rub f W een Jy JJJVJ 411 our 1t Ofvne E All our Shoes and Rub SiJ n hers are warranted SPECIAL BARGAIN NOL SPECIAL n bers are warranted BARGAIN NO 2 SPECIALBARGAINNO NOI B line of lined BARGAIN NO 3 SPECIAL BARGAINING 1 i J Our warm > I Jt jTrv1 B Our line o warm lined E shoes is largest and Lad 1 en good quality Don g ola Kid But Ladles apkrtdld quality Viol Kid Shoo Chllds and Misses Dongpla Kid button i = i 1 Boys box and Kangaroo Calf lace shoes is eSt and b and Lace Shoe comcsln E largest ton flat comes and Lt a1g < 1J y I button and lace kid and pat tip t ton and lace Shoe straight pat tip Shoe splendid shoe for service sizes lt r R cheapest kid tip all sizes OUR 1 39 Ilcel and spring heel sizes sy to IOUR jj ss 0 to 13 = OUR SPECIAL R cheapest J SPECIAL PRICE OUR SPECIAL PRICE 1 59 SPECIAL PJITCE3 1200 PRICE ° 2 S 1 4 I 1J1 l r I I I |