Show ELECTRIC LIGHT TROUBLE CITY IN DARKNESS EARLY IN EVENING j Manager Campbell of the Opinion i that Malicious People Caused the 1 Trouble in Big Cottonwood Canyon I The electric lights all over town went out about S oclock last night and leu the city In darkness except for such light as ihe moon save for some tea minutes There was then a slight return re-turn of the current but it faded way again for some twenty minutes more and there was a general runtle tot lamps and candles over town Manag Campbell of the Klectrlr Light company > com-pany had the emergency engines of the city plant started as soon us possible and the arcu and Incaldc cents began to glow again and after that there was no marC trouble The servIce at Ogden was also for the time demoralized us It Is I connected with the Salt Lake cii cult but this difllciilly was adjusted r presently and the lights up the i started again Mr Campbell said ncr tho trouble was over that he could not state positively Just where the trouble had occurred but as tho lights had acted the same a they did the other night when the current was short CII culLed below the Cottonwood plant h believed the trouble last night was from the same source and that mal Ious persons were at the bottom of It Imes LSn lon later In I the night convinced con-vinced the management that the suspicions sus-picions were well grounded and time lEmmas will be carefully guarded hereafter here-after |