Show OUTLOOK AT ENTERPRISE Ii I i I McKinley Electors Will Get About k I I I Half the Vote There i TRIBUNE SPECIAL I St George Nov 3A political meeting meet-ing was held at Enterprise on the 31st niL Messrs Marloneaux and Greenwood Green-wood presented the Democratic side and Messrs Hlrschl and Workman tho Republican Next morning reports came In favor of Republicanism Heretofore Here-tofore Democrats announce themselves Republicans McKinley will get about half the votes there A Rally for Springvillc Provo Nov 3 Springvillc will have a monster Republican rally Monday night Hon John M Zane has been I secured by the energetic City Republicans Repub-licans of Sprlngville to deliver tho closing address of the campaign Mr Zanes reputation as a campaign orator I will draw an Immense crowd from Sprlngville and vicinity and to provide for the accommodation of the large number of people vho will turn out the local committee has rented the Rcynoldss hall for the occasion Moyle and Weber at Park City ITR1BUNE SPECIAL Park City Nov 3I II Moylc and A J Weber held forth In the opera house here this evening In the Interest of the Democracy There was a good audience and a fair amount of enthusiasm enthu-siasm Mr Webers talk way mostly devoted to a discussion of the silver question while Moyle handled the labor la-bor question and labored hard In an endeavor to convince his audience that I the Democratic party Is the friend of I the working man |