Show CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD Campbells Illustrated Journal for October Octo-ber has a page description of Salt LaUc county and city cl Dealers report that the supply of Utah turkovs DenIcl Is very promising this fall and will largely supply tho local market Hospital Steward Thomas Robinson of Hospial from Fort thu army arrived yesterday Huachuca Ariz and has taken station at Fort Douglas 0 a Rev Father I Ioly vlcargcncral of this diocese has romoved his headquarters to KoarnsSt Anns orplmnago from tho bishops residence a a Hardware dealers report that Jobbers are soiling larger quantities of skates I than usual to retailers although quoted as 10 per cent higher In the medium and low grades than last u a full I 1 The bank clearings yesterday amounted I to 5373275 with 31vKl for tho same day last year Tho weeks clearings reached 1 total oC 2112925 I as compared with t 2060020 for the corresponding period In ISOT e I ft I Oscar F Hunter and wife yesterday I transferred by warranty deed to John E Uooly part ot lot S block 52 plat A 10x2 rods with building near tho corner of Third South and State streets The consideration con-sideration was 7rnX I slderaton a c o Extensive repairs arc being made on the I roof of the Tabernacle Several months ago a leak was noticed After diligent examination ex-amination It was learned that tho driving rain was blown In between tho galvanised I Iron on tho top of the building propor and the metal shingles which uro on the sides It will take several thousand feet ot galvanized wi vanized iron to cover the space now boiS bo-iS worked upon I The accidental explosion ot a revolver In Brockmoyers saloon on East Second South street caueed considerable excitement for enue consllorablo a short time last night Tho gun was In a tme tho Inside pocket of an overcoat belonging Inslc to a man who was In tho saloon He placed the coat on the bar and presently causing the to go it fell to the floor gun off Officer Hemplo who was standing near ran into tho place as soon as ho heard tho shot When the officer asked tho bartender the cause of I the latter I denied that any such thing had happened but the coat was still on the floor and was burnIng the result of the discharge of tho weapon The bartender then meekly meek-ly oXl11alne to Hemplo how it all happened hap-pened IHPj |