Show SCHOOL TAX EXGESS I i How Proposed Constitutional Amendment Would Work 4 SALT LAKE CITYS DAMAGE Tho County Schools Would Thrive from tho Citys Tax Moneys and the City Schools Would be Crippled No Basis of Reason in the Proposition Propo-sition Statement of Cold Facts I Which All Taxpayers in the City 2 Should Rend A Great Injustice is by This Threatened Them I All the schools of the State share In i the general State school fund which Is apportioned to each school district tf j upon the basis of its school population i popula-tion i In addition to this each school district i dis-trict Is maintained by a school lax for 1 maintenance purposes In cities of the 1 first and second class under the lawn WI as II stands at present the city as a school district levies Its tax and other J districts are maintained by the county 1 school tax This county school tax is i1 limited to 4 mills and the revenue thus t raised together with the State apportionment i ap-portionment Is the fund which supports f sup-ports the schools i If more funds arc needed for tho 1 erection of school buildings purchase of sites etc a special tax Is levied q by each school district If Ina city of the first class It becomes a special 1 school tax throughout the whole city f I If in a county school district It is a special school tax limited to that particular 4 par-ticular district The proposition before the people Is i i to so amend the Constitution as to enable the Legislature to enact a law which shall compel the ordinary school tax to be levied uniformly throughout the whole county and to be distributed J to each and every school district including 1 71 J in-cluding cities of the first and second class In the county In proportion to its i school population After this school J law shall have been thus amended tho County Commissioners would fix the 1J amount of school taxes to be levied I uniformly throughout the whole county j 9 coun-ty and to be divided to each school district proportionately to the number ii i of school children in the district We jj had this system in vogue some years i ago and it was the custom of the I County Commissioners levy a tax of I 2 mills on the dollar for these purposes The result of this system will be to I still further burden the city of Salt I i Lake with the maintenance of schools > i outside Its limits and proportionately proportion-ately to relieve the inhabitants of school districts within Salt Lake county = coun-ty from the fair burden of educating their own children At present the city of Salt Lake contributes something like j c 45000 more than it receives to the education of the children of the State = outside of Its own limits If the Constitution ji Con-stitution and the present law shall be j amended this excess of moneys paid out over moneys received for educational 3 educa-tional purposes In Salt Lake City will = be raised by an additional 2o000 as appears from the following figures it Total valuation of Salt Lake county In 10W S3S3SSOW Valuation of Salt Lake City 9302lOrUO Valuation of Salt Lako county k coun-ty outside of Salt Lake City G917ESOOQ School population SalLI C J I23 1 Salt Lake county outside of crfftq f d i1lil Total j At 4 mills the total acli j1 j = n I Salt Lake county would be 15317230 or this amount Salt Lake City would pay 127SOOS and upon the basis of Its school population would receive 10210021 making an excess of moneys mon-eys con tll hulod over moneys Iec led of 25650 the benefit of which would go to the schools ol Salt Lake county outside out-side of tho city limits In the same manner Salt Luke county outside the city would contribute 2767154 and would receive 5C32S10S NO BASIS OF 11I3ASON Thero Is no basis of reason In the I proposed amendment The school dls i trlcts outside of Salt Lake City iro today much more able to educate thcr children than the cltlzenn ot Salt Lake City Their taxes are not so high and their ability to pay is greater The city limits of Snit Lake City are very widely extended Within its limits Ira Ir-a wide extent of area which Is very sparsely settled Int < yd the area of Salt Lake City is so great that It should be a city and county by Itself land l-and and the territory south of Salt Lake City ought to be embraced In n county by itself If this were dono any propositon which would compel Salt Lake City and county to help to educate the children of any other county coun-ty would not fora moment be favorably favor-ably considered Yet that is exactly what will be theeffcct the passage of this amendment The effect of the carrying of this amendment will be to cut down the county school tax from 4 1 mills Its present pres-ent limit to 2 mills From the fund thus derived the districts lying outside out-side of Salt Lake City deriving ar they would so much money from the taxes raised In Salt Lake City would be able to support their schools in much better shape than they do at present while the schools of Salt Lake City deriving a revenue from a 2mlll tax I only Instead a 4mill tax as at present pres-ent would be unable to keep I the schools I open more than seven or eight months in the year To IlluSstrale the burden under which Salt Lake City Is now laboring we call attention to the following figqres I The State school tax Is 3 mills on the dollar I Tho total valuation of the Stato Is 510407025300 or which Salt Lake City Is assessed at E un 319 0210W Tho total chool tax derived Thf 31191000 The total schpol populatlonTof the Stale is 1419 which glves avpcrcap I Ita allotment of 373 Salt Lake City has a school population popu-lation of 14425 and at S3 73 per capita draws from tho Stato fund S53S1G14 But It etmtrlhllt to tho Stale funJ D38o063 Making an excess contributed by Salt Lako City to education throughout tho State of 4503119 To tho Voters of Salt Lake City You will observe on the bottom of I your ballot a proposition to amend I section C article 10 of the Constitution Constitu-tion The success of this amendment means that the taxpayers of Salt Lake City in addUon to maintaining their own schools must contribute annually over 25000 to maintain the schools of the county outside the city It means ellheiun enormous Increase of city school taxes or a serious crippling crip-pling of our school system His essential that every voter I VOTE AGAINST IT Therefore be sure mill put an X In the apace at the bottom ot ballot as indicated below I For amendment proposed to I section G atUcla 10 oC the I Constitution relatIng to thc control and maintenance or pubHc schools I I Against amendment proposed I to section G article 10 oC the Constitution relatIng X to the control and main tcnanceC public schools request of the Board oC Educa tltfn rr |