Show I ALL SORTS IN NEW YORK I The World of Iho Theater Companies Everything This Scnsou I I New York Oct 28lt takes all sorts I of entertainment to make up the world of tho theater This I statement does I I not strike one with full force until one I has contemplated the amusements of New York Here he who does not choose to his taste will not for surely ho Is surrounded sur-rounded on every side with allure ments For those who like romantic drama there Is Richard Carvel A I I Royal Family Her Majesty Nell I Gwynno Nearer I the earth and I pres I I i t A ij > i t v ent day are Sag Harbor and David Uaruni For thrillers we have Arizona Ari-zona and Lost River Historical tastes will be drawn to the Knicker bocker to see Maude Adams In LAig lon and Mansfield upholds Shakespeare I Shake-speare at the Garden In Henry V For vaudeville one has not far to seek and the inimitable Weber and Fields still carry the banner for burlesque I It would be difficult to mention everything every-thing but it suffices to say that all ia I to be had melodrama or musk farce or tragedy romanticism or realism for f hlph i prices or low Mansfields seats are selling four weeks ahead and at a I j premium and Donnellys stock company com-pany i at the Murray 1TI11 theater is giving Romeo and Juliet for SO cents Grand opera is given In English at the Metropolitan at a dollar and a half for the best Beats and there is speculation spec-ulation as to whether the success of the scheme will not spoil the 1 patronage of the foreign company which comes later On the other hand one pays fancy prices for symphony concerts and singh recitals The week before election Is the managers man-agers bugbear and extra efforts are nov put forth to en trap even the political politi-cal enthusiast Those who arc able to brave the storm will breathe a sigh of relief when It Is over The company at the Metropolitan will descend from the plnne of Lohengrin and Romeo and Juliet to sing Mikado on the I supposition that light entertainment 1 will be in order after heavy 0 excitement I The managers of Blanche Valsh have I wisely concluded to withdraw the hopeless hope-less Marcellc and next week will put on the Julia Arthur production of More than Queen Miss Walsh has secured all Miss Arthurs scenery and costumes through which the play gained so much advertising last season sea-son A change for the better Is expected ex-pected Mr Harold Russell will be a leading member of the rQrc > than Queen company Mr Frank Sheridan Is also In the cast Mr W A Brady does the best presswork press-work in New York for his wife Grace George whom he is starring in a romantic ro-mantic play entitled Her Majesty The press work however Is the very best thing about it The play is a dramatization of a novel by Elizabeth Knight Tompkins Perhaps the novel f is very pretty for in reading one can form his own Idea of the characters to a large extent The play borders too dangerously and unintentionally near burlesque to entitle It to serious consideration con-sideration even as 1 fairy tale Exaggerated Ex-aggerated just a trifle more It would make a capital satire on the romantic melodrama As it is It Is a hopeless Jumble of heavy excitement and light comedy anarchy and heroism And in the center of this hubbub stands The Girl Queen whom Miss George makes Morless and lacking In vivacity In his ambition for his wifes success Mr Brady no doubt thought that a queen would afford the proper opportunity but the role of a Queen has requirements require-ments and Miss George does not lit the measure There is another ambitious woman on Broadway at present who has been fortunate enough to Und her niche It would be difficult to Imagine anything more charming than Miss Henrietta Grossman as Nell Gwynne The part I of Charles Hs favorite actress fits her to perfection and In it she has made one of the biggest hits known here In years The play written by a beginner in I the playwrights craft Is dainty witty and thoroughly charming In It there Is no suggestion of offense nothing to mar Its delicacy of tone Mr Aubrey Boucicault makes a most attractive King Charles It Is a pleasure pleas-ure to note the success of one who Is outside the charmed circle as It were e 0 u I Mrs Sarah Cowell Le Moyne who Is one of the leading Interpreters of I Browning in this country achieved a triumph on Friday afternoon at Wai lacks where she presented In a Balcony Bal-cony She was assisted by Otis Skinner Skin-ner and Eleanor Robson The theater I was crowded with an audience composed com-posed of many Interesting elements First of all It was a plvasurc to see how loyally the actors rally around their friends and all through the house could he seen the fellow workers of the performers to applaud their individual work and those who always seize an opportunity to applaud the advancement advance-ment of their art Then there were literary men and women poets and many newspaper people musicians of society n large percentage and schoolgirls school-girls with volumes of Browning under their arms In short It was an audience audi-ence such as one rarely sees assembled to see a performance of truly extraor dinary merit For a curtainraiser anew a-new play by W B Yeats entitled The Land of Hearts Desire was used This weird little play Is founded upon a Gaelic legend The musical effects vere very fine and the part of thc Faery Child admirably played by Miss Adelaide Thurston was most remarkable The story is of a > oung wife whose head has been turned by fairy stories and she longs to be taken to the Land of Hearts Desire Voices are heard singing in the forest nearby and beggars come to the door to beg milk and lire Then comes the fairy I child to lure the wife away She will I not come in body as the fairies call her soul and she dies as the curtain descends It Is an odd fancy The performance of In u Balcony was remarkably fine and followed with breathless interest by the audience MJS Le Moyno is one of the great artists of our stage and Interpreted the part of the queen in superb fashion Norbert played by Mr Skinner displayed dis-played well that actors line diction and intellgence Ills performance was a rare treat Miss Hobson was a beau tiful Constance and read her lines with charm and discretion This young girl Is one of the most promising actresses in Nrvv Vnrlr n nil linr luf > nrllntlnn nt Constance is i aU great stride I for her so well did she stand the test of association asso-ciation with two of Americas foremost fore-most artists Thc re 1 was no prouder woman In the audience than her mother Madge Carr Cook whom her Salt Lake friends armly congratulate upon hor daughters success At the close of the performance the nu dlenio demanded a speech from Mrs Le Moyne As she was suffering from a cold she requested Mr Sklnmr to speak for her Ho said Ladies and Gentlemen Mrs Le Moyne has asked me to tell you that she holmes you will make no more common Jokes about Robert Browning Mrs Lc Moyne rna be assured that her request will be heeded by all who saw the perform ance of In a Balcprvy and she Is to be heartily thanked for the step she has taken for art and culture EDNA C COlIN I |