Show f ELECTION FORECAST I Republicans Have the Best of tho Outlook Party Predictions Both parties aro claiming AVebor county coun-ty this hotbed of political dissension upon which tho eyes of the State will bo turned on election day localizing that time tide of limo Stato election may ho turned by tho vote hero both parties are exerting every effort to carry tho county The Republican1 appear to have time t beta of tho battle They aro united on lie election ol their ticket while ills senslon and Internal strlfo has racked tho Democratic organization to a very noticeable extent Not tile least of tho many bitter pills whichthe Weber county coun-ty Democrat Is asked swallow Is tho personnel of the ticket which Is considered consid-ered the weakest combination over put up by any party In the county The forecast fore-cast as given out by the respective chairmen chair-men la as follows REt U 13 IAIQAN Weber county will go Republican by at least 750 majority said l Secretary Ilulanlski of tho Republican county central cen-tral committee yesterday Vo will carry car-ry thin city by EfX and will get a good majority In lh county1 An air of confidence icrvadcd Republican Republi-can headquarters ycstcjrdny and Secretary Secre-tary Ilulanlskl spoke in a confident way when he made limo prediction The forecast fore-cast Is based upon a careful poll of the various precincts I Chairman Anderson of the Second Judicial Ju-dicial district Republican committee Is Just as contldcnt that Judge Hc wood und Cot A B Hayes will I be elected 3Ir Anderson says that the Kopubllcan Judicial Ju-dicial ticket will como to time Weber county coun-ty line with almost an even break und that Webor county will glvo It In time neighborhood of GOO majority This predIction pre-diction In based on an Increased Republican Republi-can majority In Morgan county RC1JUbll1 remarkable decrease of the Democratic majority In Davis u 1 DEMOCRATIC Chairman LLamer fjie Democratic committee on the oIlier hand Is claiming claim-ing Vober county by i 1000 majority for the Brynn electoral ticket but thinks the legislative 1 ticket wdhit Jiuvo to exceed OX1 TheT county amf Svlto ticket lo thinks win run about e3jul with the ILK Islutlvo tlekfi Ho ojjicftblalniH the oleij tlon ot Jndgo RolappunXL Val Gideon on tho Judicial ticket Republican Love Fenst limo jfcpubllcsin ladlca ldta l love feast at headquarters yesterday afternoon Tho assemblyroom was crowded from 2 until 5 lImo meeting being addressed by Mrs Jones Mrs Allenand Mrs McVlck er of SaIL l akd and Mrs Vest of Ogden I After tho addresses refreshments were served If 1 1 C au r I R G W New Tracks Work on the grading for tho new tracks in the Rio Grande yards Is progressing pro-gressing rapidly The dirt Is being Imnlcd In from the rtaysvilld cut About JliOOO feet of pew truckage lacing I put in find runs from Wall to Washington aveUue A Youthful Traveler I A lad named Ranjsey 13 years of age whoso homo Is In CUIcago passed through Ogden yesterday en route homo from a tour of tho world lie Joined a company lor soldiers about two yours ago to go to the Philippines where ho was arrested arrest-ed and sent back toSan Francisco Snydcrs Hearing The hearing of Frank IL Snydcr charged with forgery camo up before Justlco Hall yesterday He waived lJX umlnutlon and will Jiiivo his hearing Thursday New York for McKinley I F S Dickinson of New York member of a largo manufacturing concern and a promlncnt moorntl WHO In Ogden yesterday yes-terday Ho declared that iho Empire State would go for McKinley notwithstanding notwith-standing the clalmn oC the party managerS man-agerS Ho Coffers to buck Judgment with bltf money 0 qjp Y < I I Gravities t SamiTlurrmanwa3 m towiiydijlcrduy I The total roRlslraMon In WoMor county 10 9500 j 1 Prof1 George Eaton was Intown yes terdny f Hon > D Lvlil Ecclcs roturnctyyegtcrday from O logon Joo Young of the Short LInOwas In Ogden yesterday v C C Richards Jr returned > yesterday from a mission In Euiopo I < John Cully and wife have relurncil from their wedding trip to Denver i D H Gray of the Southern Racine at Suit Lake was In Ogden yostcrtfity MIs Adelaide llolton of Salt Lake addressed ad-dressed Jl1n oily teachers at tho high school bultijlng ycatcrday I t John J ONeilliiKcCl 27 amid Miss Lulu 1 Brown aged 2 both of Ogden ubro yesterday I I yes-terday granted a license to wed Lllllo 1C Wlhuuptor luis potltioncd tho District court to bn appolntoil administra I trix of limo cstuio of Fro J Uallmilter dc cClwll Thw body of CJureiieO Covlnglon time young OnOon mini killed nt Pocalollo 1 FrUhn arrived In the city last evening I Tho runeral will be itiinoiincpd later A J Weber la campaigning In Summit county Gov Wells hUH accepted tho Invitation In-vitation extended by W 1Watlll of I the Columbia club to bo present at tho animal ball of that association to be held In the near future The ladles of Ihof Order ot time Eastern I Star will give a reception nnd musical with light rofrctilimontH complimentary to Weber lodge F and A M and their ladles on Tuesday evening November 13th at Masonic hull Tho Columbia club has tendered to tho directors of the public library the use of Its handsome I rooms for an entortaln went to be given for LImo librarys bcno I lit Tho otter has been gratefully accepted ac-cepted and complolo aiTaiigcments Will bo mado for a delightful evening Thu details will appear in a later notice I At the Uaptlst church today 23ii7 Grant there will be sorvlcca morning and cvon Ing rime pastor will preach In the mornIng morn-Ing oi Tho Seeking Savior In tutu ovonlni tile yonnj people will hold n missionary conquest service A jcood programmi wjll by remlered Special musIc mu-sIc Mrs Skccno and Jay Smith will 1 slug iiuluH All nr < cordially lmuvl Lcd lu Uiul theso nervlcop |