Show J I I 4 fliJrc 4 Z 0 41w n fJd 1170111 I 4 1 d t i f 1 1 j l J f > t = c > pt r c fi t 4 illi p h f7i i l t I nV 4Ji Sf T qft1 J J1 4iP c t fJ I H I r r 7t X f I 0 This week Salt Lake Theater Frank Daniels in The Ameer Thursday Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday matinee Grand Kellys Kids Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Wednesday matinee A Wise Guy Thursday Friday and Saturday evenings even-ings and Saturday matinee S Political and social activity combined to upset business at bolh theaters during dur-ing the week just past Under ordinary ordi-nary conditions both houses with the J attractions they furnished would have I enjoyed profitable engagements The slim patronage the Nelll company received re-ceived here was a disappointment to Mr Nelll and the Theater management and yet coming when It did nothing much more satisfactory could be expected ex-pected At the Grand Mr Muhey presented pre-sented an organization deserving of fur better patronage than It received Those who attended durIng the entire engagement could easily have been accommodated in three evenings The weak spots in this company came in staging and mountings And too If ever 1 company of players needed a fcv lessons in makeups It Is the FalkVcronee organization Even the leading members daubed themselves In ouch unprofessional style as to render I their appearance ludicrous Miss Lillian Lil-lian Mortimer In every way led the company She and her sister who will be remembered for her love scene with David Garrlck In Oliver Goldsmith were both born In this city They spent their early childhood days here and then went East taking up the stage as a profession while very young Both have appeared In support of leading stars a b After seeing Mr Nelll In his character char-acter studies during his engagement the past week It can only be said that lie Is a genius In dramatic art He has been exploited as an actor ot versatility I versa-tility almost without a peer But that possibly is too broad an assertion True he has a most enviable record for producing 1 pro-ducing many and varied characters In a short space of time It must be remembered re-membered however in passing judgment Judg-ment on his work that Mr Nelll appeared ap-peared here in plays which have been carefully selected as being best adapted adapt-ed to his accomplishments Mr Nelll hasa wonderful mind for aptness of change a most remarkable faculty for 1 easily shifting it to new tasks but he Is not possessed of that marked versatility ver-satility In action His studied exactness exact-ness in his lines In all his Interpretations Interpreta-tions here was a test of memory which lie endured with ease and therein as an actor Is where Ihe finds his surest anchorage Not once during his whole engagement did he hesitate or miss a cue Mr Ncllla forte Is In the part of the hero or In the Interpretation of the loftier characters Ills David Holmes role gave him full score In this direction I direc-tion When ho came to parts like Cruger In An American Citizen he could not maintain his hold on the audience I au-dience While he workcd with energy he hardly succeeded bringing out the situations And yet this was not al i n T LUbtIIfL LW Id lL Ul UL lCIIJ 1115 company on the whole v lacking In this regard and Miss Chapmo1 in particular par-ticular Only In Aristocracy did she really do good work All her parts sere spoken In mich a matleroffact jort of way and action was Inclined toe to-e rather lifeless so that many of the pood points In Mr Neills worJc were lost He has Hucli striking mannerisms that they ire injected unconsciously in all the roles he essays and the David Holmes of A bachelors Romance could be seen in his pictures of Cruger Stockton and Chcvrlal i 40 A letter just to hand from Victory Batcman conveys the Information that ohc has been engaged for the present season as leading woman of the Pltts burg Grand Operahouse stock company com-pany In which capacity she appeared last season She opens her engagement engage-ment there tomorrow evening In Annie Russells play oJ She William In Eersoll Is I also a member of the company com-pany Ralph E Cummings who opens opensI his stock season at the Grand the beginning be-ginning of the new year tired Mica Bateman in rotation to accenting a position po-sition with hlfl company and coming here but she had already closed with the Pittsburgh people She spent the Bummer In vaudeville appearing In Sweethearts and meeting with great BUCCCSS She says that she hopes to return to vaudeville work after the present engagement Miss Bateman writes that ahc Is enjoying perfect health and lookn forward to her en casement with pleasure This will be gratifying news to her many friends and admirers here as when she left Salt Lake she was In poor health and since her ntay In the East has suffc cd considerable sickness I a Arrangements aro being closed In the East by Mr CumminGs for bringing his stock company to open at the Grand about January 1st Mr Cummings Is I organizing his company with great care and has Just closed with Miss Stone leading lady of the Woodward Stock I j < r i company of Kansas City to occupy that position with his company here Miss Stone is a universal favorite In Kansas Kan-sas City and considerable regret Is being be-ing expressed ovc her departure The opening production of the company has not yet been announced It has been decided to present two plays each week I so that theatergoers will not want for diversion Mr Cummings is at present I pres-ent In Indiana o 0 Kellys Kids which will be seen the first three nights of the present week at the Grand Is a stage version of Outcnults famous caricatures formerly I for-merly published In the New York World John Cosgrovo secured the rights to present these pictures which attracted such wide notice and has I used them In building a dramatic Performance per-formance The piece permits of special spe-cial features pretty girls and different costumes and lots of fun The Kids are ever present In the piece and fill In by their mischievous pranks For the last throe nights of the week A Wise Guy will be on the Grand boards The skit tells the story of a young oman who goes to Long Branch to marry a rich husband A poor dry goods clerk hears of her and I thinking she has come to make a husband hus-band rich falls in love with her The I girl thinks she should have a father and calUj to her aid a piano mover The fun grows out of these situations The company carries a trick horse Dewey oo Definite arnngemcnts have been made for the presentation of the Stabat Mater Ma-ter In the Tabernacle by the Grau Metropolitan Opera company Manager Kronberg writes Prof Stephens that he sent the contract to New York and he will be here rlglit after the election to manage all the details The organization was duo In New York yesterday The company when It sailed from Southampton carried 250 I persons the largest organization of Its I kind which ever left England Most of the members were recruited from Covent Cov-ent Garden A review of the programme just to hand for the San Francisco engagement en-gagement of the company gives an Idea of what Salt Lakers missed when L it was decided not to hold the engagement engage-ment In the Theater The operas to be given during the first week of the engagement en-gagement will be Romeo and Juliet Tannhauser Alda Faust Lo hengrin Lucia DI Lammermoor and The Flying Dutchman Another element ele-ment of novelty attached to the performance per-formance will be the production In Its entirety of Wagners Ring of the Nebelung consisting of the four music dramas Das Rhelngold Die WalkS ure Siegfried and Gotterdamme rung which will be conducted by Mr Damrosch Salt Lake was given its choice of these pieces and the pick of the artists who would appear An idea of what San Francisco will pay for the appearance of the company may be gained from the following scheduleof prices for the season engagement en-gagement of twenty performances Or rhestraand dress circle 100 back ros of orchestra SO family circle S50 gal lery I 35 proscenium boxes seating six soo to 1000 orchestra logos I SOO and 5300 Already nearly every box has been subscribed for the season I Frank Daniels will be here again next week in a new rolo that of the ruler of Afghanistan In a ooinc opera I called Tho Ameer written by Fred M Ranken amridrkc La Shelle The music of the opera was written by Vic I tor Herbert The scene of the piece is i in Afghanistan the immediate locale I being the court grounds of the Ameer The story Is remarkable for originality and richness of humor the central theme being the methods which the Ameer Is compelled to employ to pre serve his life Mr Daniels Introduces topical songs quite on a par with his celebrated Tattooed Man In The Idols Eye The costuming and mount ings of the niece are in keeping with the splendor of the Ameers COUlt Helen Redmond is i Danielss prima don I lift Kate Uart his contralto und Norma I Iopp his soubrctle The services of Rhys Thomas the young American n I tenor have been enlisted and Will I Danforth Owen Wealford and William I i Corliss are among the principal The chorus Is a large one und made up of pretty girls who are good singers The I opera is acknowledged to bo one of the best Mr Daniels has ever appeared in I and Is gorgeously mounted |