Show I 1 SPEND NEARLY hats 1 about the sum turned guined looss loose by folk fleeing from city heats I 1 I 1 MILLION SUMMER BOARDERS how they are bringing new prosperity to barms that had been abandoned as unprofitable more than llian one million perilous lf in ahli great country are today bal lid ill or preparing to spend their vacation hl a and nil their vacation money lit in the country this Is an exceedingly exLee low estimate all and I 1 doos du not include those who having relAr tives in the country lall them tor for it a va vacation slid ami leave kave little or it no money behind to gladden tire heart and fill ilia alie pockets of the farmer SI 4 by those competent to speak it Is is I 1 judged L al that the airaite ae alre amount spent by each eacle individual ot of this mill million inri of oc plea sure scelars its ij 75 it will T ill instantly In occur to you that many rich persons particularly those w ho own country home spend a hundred bundled and even a thousand times thi this i figure but or tic other hand ba nil aliv Is a far water greater number 1 I nhuoc expenditure if I 1 limited to n little litlie ittle itlie more than the railroad faie far a and the price of board it S Ss it s safe ao then to say that from 31 to t Wi will be loft left behind nhen will all tanned and bested the illy city cousins return to their it lit in ohp fall all some stay say that kin ell Is a small email est hante ot ef the money tont on oil va vacations OPINION OF cab JUDGES two of the men inott competent io to judge these theae matters are arc george it II dan mi jets passenger ascot agent of the new york yolk central railroad and isobell brobeil P porter Tor ler superintendent dent of the census caZ almus of boll I 1 of these auth polities expressed their belief thit that the country over lODO paling Is it a fair air oval a low estimate of oc the numbers ubo lio flat front from tire the tty fly to the country lit in the hot months but mr air daniels remembering how many thousands are al in A pocket et money was war inclined to think that 1100 apiece Is pretty gilb erld a as art an estimate eStlin Ate of what tile the millions million spend in the country louT itry As aa to hat tile the balb railroads Is get out of the summer resort sir mr dangela D aels thiekl that 11 10 per pen cent or of ill the ps s c alcor earnings a id ile be it a large esti estimate binate take the new net it if tent central ral a an example its s trifflie lic amounts ant to foan a year of nf noih hlf h 81 art per cent Is 14 local and be li boulls doul dou ls if 11 ilia lie road gets cok of oc sta sli jetty icily vacation navel ff avel A VA FAI IM MS S ru orrim AGAIN I 1 lias has licen been said paid or of tile alie loss insa to tile the country by tile of its boys to the titles otle daims r arras have hair laven b n lert left utha out men to mork them the orpia 14 ill ally to nome c extent liaa fault beert hebl heaed ical ed oy DY foreign laborers lab aers anil and they hac fui found their asly ay to I 1 hie lie barins but there H I 1 A no manner of nf al doubt that fa fall ill pi ducts rano and values a have been lelitA lily ly anal d by tile cv avor anili n of the youner incisi in agi districts to get atay ff aiom can the dullness and oy ony of r it hf I 1 tann ars yet th ral tan ili bi no all dehui anub I 1 that in summer droit sn S n it slates ut at least the ali ale left lit b tile the I 1 my try 1 itol 4 lin h N 4 to tile hie mail thal 1 I the countley lf ba 1 a hie e desel llon of lav lier suits buns S atall in konsis they nil div bilat that tile the cows haac the legage in new bowier jersey atlin athi d Is lintl d vall C lit ill and either state slates I 1 ile dummer ICV lias as i raised thern them more orion often I 1 or air the vall to 0 dr city mail inan has ha houret for bli bl Is i summer home a farm that alo never er pay expenses an d 1111 ill cot coult ild be sold 11 for or oldin tty farmen far tring ewul while ahil bah lilt the proceeds ds t ahe if e lonner former owners i addren irell arc aire m ant nt to college and tile the otti old toll folks 1111 1 enough calou gh left to io alp on nil is in comdoll tor for tile of jelv lass dais non as aim acier before it Is the tit of 01 the 1101 i ieli to in buy ind find keep up all I 1 alip 11 yr year r diomes in tho alie country to which hilll they tha 4 may go eo dzilna root four months of the yc lj I 1 anil and every V tile sale or a farm ter 0 o a N ea I 1 I 1 by rl ahli I 1 en I 1 ln i the value allic of f the property prop eity laj ljj IT AT L COST coat all aloni allstar star alth alth fill of air tile cott c bt anti and the multiple lue inc tit of br b r of resorts lias ilas en come 1117 I 1 ile ibe of f ih il 10 1 0 od A week used to til lie be t his standard bt an a rd i it ta atilan nonday Nowa NO dayh aday it is i ot 81 lal a ten len dobs at and more ofte often 1 I tw tr wee weeks ah pay in ill full a and nd in advance Is 11 forthcoming on the day that tile the cm 4 leaca lea es the office with fairly n nell 1140 io do af pf people w A ito ho live aili in crowded vitice vItI ct tile custom cu his ha 6 I 1 become 1 come general of illava the 1110 A 1 1 family to 10 son some e resort c out ot toll I 1 I 1 for tho the entire summer toe the fath father r going down doun to rejoins thin all f in n tile i and returning to his film pork luff whether lie merely boards or of v hether he rents renta a cittato cit tagO fort torl hin hii runs mm juer iner the man on the average salary can afford to gin ei e his talfe N ife and children one lent holiday each york year 0 it if his home la in inland arid nd lie he doess t eare are for or the seashore there are tile tho II 11 lakes aca kc a creot arl and ard danail and the various an minor in pleasure A re places of which america I ica orders no BO r n loo 11 H x choice I i needful lif Is within hi hak leach the long I inc for green crean field iving grain I 1 i shady groves rolling breakers at or quiet I 1 stream la Is inborn with acry Ameri american call never haw have there hwn bee n uch such a aps ops families for the of ft desires as B now n ow I 1 II 11 a 11 1 afi d wen at nee whether v ab I 1 man irian adly horn rat and ared ce erht r he as in per boris the alapit of 0 jasd i illy man was horn I 1 and in i country lie has the e s flame e lovo love 01 it I 1 lure ure and fang to se nature lure in mood makra FARM FARI 17 III ill K alle v h I 1 ho ely roan illan KO to 1 ho r clr lr rak I 1 aal n I 1 a morals ills his altai n s be a j ahl here thi the cot country in fr 1 r 1 hoy a to i abating oni ln rik worth iv to I 1 oc that W T far a I 1 i A Ar taking of money is A crin rived 11 into the hohlt hn of sta borne unit fixing un tip I 1 things h irig f w the hp 11 M ahli the of the th pason when lie he casto up api upi Ok ints fine aal fill liels that hr he it iras more mor c money in I 1 four months than roula from the sometimes uncil ing roll poll all tile the rest ot caf the year LABOR 3 in n tile pap allme arly tona rin gaage re OC ft tile the cilyk excursionist the live borer lisa has n pharr at the popular korlin big I 1 antell rat arp built and th already alro aly largo arp are duade still larger joining the boiola are tho the fumul taka a s all these scebon enod at ions i bel incan thes miltom of 0 Kment for foi months bi fore opening ot of the season anti anil it tain army of wage earworm to keep it h aring for the four months of nt the area act summer niner cAmp algra AJI this thin arf a imi the hie na nama e or 0 laurre it 11 I 1 ness liess which tell brinan the throng tiff hit but tile burning desire to lu put busil beair tir far behind them alit m YET SIT ALIDO NOT ro the of elf the m the country exodus s are arc far greater t the of the past tio i P porter i ays that flat 1 1116 familiar mark everyone lv orone Is 14 eq 0 of tonn ton re beani that va per cent of the pop float Is in town own the cassea have hate if lett left the city at all with the co conal 14 I 1 cheapening of the cost however c r tile hie lengthening of vaca vacations ail ons w walh all I 1 in alliance adan cf the day may come v the percentages quoted by str fr pi may be reversed I 1 one wily way to cool oft off great real relief relict iran the rho bell beat on a day d my can lie ile obtained by by plura iring barrels arid and wrists int into c lea ice cold t i and keeping them there for two or lb 1 another method ot or doing tame thing Is 14 to t turn on tj t the i rall 0 v N im faucet anti and hold the c rl F t under as stream tho vill mill hep ly IY by this method mel hol and then little danger of catching catchens g com cold train front rora etching on glas I 1 the art of etching upon tinon glass las IlA covered ty hy it gla blaa a r ter 14 by accident a few te dallies dai di i of 01 a I 1 fortia fell uvon his teel aclA ife t ticen that the owls klam beame be ame tw carroe and softened here the add acid h touched it 1 31 I their ihen drew glass vm mith vai niNh applied the A soiling iodine fluid and 0 ito o cut audy anay the i 9 ill around tire rhe drawing drawl ni when the ih I 1 its a removed tire the figure appe PEC ralmon fron from as a dirk dark ground |