Show the genuine lobbey out cut glass has ha the name cut in every place piece TRIBUNE OFFICE OP OPEN EN ALL DAY DAT TODAY get a copy ot or fifty years AGO J jubilee souvenir or paper unit send to your friends and take one home borne TO biacio BEACH trains for Caril eld beach as follows 1045 alit ain and zery hour earn com inin clog at p lit tho the only white randy didach OR on the lake boating bathing dancing TRIBUNE OPEN ALL DAY TODAY got get 1 a I copy of fifty years ago affo jubilee souvenir or godava paper and aji send bend to bour filinda filc and take lake one home LAGOON 1 LAGOON LAGOON go to the lagoon this I 1 aft afternoon abrio and see ace the crowd round id trip including admission 5 cents centa trains every hour commencing at p in our fashion cut this week shows chows a most bosl fascinating rown b by beer of parla pails for or dazar bazar li it la Is mode made of seline with palo bauo seline and late i two jirec rhinestone buttone aira on the lh front of 0 tile tho waist the list hal from madame carlier Is of ihlae straw velh aitla cronn cron of ecru and trimmed with three thre buhite n alto fea enter ent thoro hr it louis XV V buckle and a band of black velvet tho the parn para rat matches the ali gown being of ari moua us solane do yolo atole also cashmere goti ue are extremely baab tor for the col days daya and a pretty I 1 lda des for or one of 0 these costumes carries ono application way irmar hair to its natural color and makes hair any shade ot at color desired di the imperial hair r regenerator substitute are dr erous afuso then them somo homo no are to tell tho the exact shalo or of thear hair if you will mail us uit it ot at your I 1 wr we vo will restore it to its natural color freo free of 0 chakir ana d tell you which num berot Legen eru for ai t to a vend pond for or get at 01 your druggist or haira no 1 llach black no Z 2 dark drown no 3 medium B brown own no 4 chaleil N no 6 light C chestnut t elau t ro no 0 fold blonds oil no 0 7 ah wood sol solo mid pal biml portal chemical company W M YOM l iolli avenue now york in laka cit chiy old hy hv all and nl smith drug company corner main and 3 SM south streets blons co lit institution diilio Di TRIBUNE omen OFFICE OPEN OPE ALL DAY DAT TODAY get a copy ot of fifty years ago jubilee souvenir yr dolay tolay to lay paper and send to your friends and tako take one home TO GARFIELD BEACH trains for garfield beach as B follows 1045 10 H a a in and every hour dour earn corn st st in thi the only malte bite dandy bandy beach on the th lake boating bathing dancing philadelphia lea cream rull ir rs ta fancy bakery next to Salt Lake theater ar 1 z n Z 4 1 1 ig I 1 evv 11 1 afi j U A OP DO DB SOIE FROM KARPER 5 BAZAR from ernest Raud at 0 paris the th model Is 3 a go it of 0 brown cashmere particularly notIce noticeably ablo for its ita double skirt having the upper skirt draped to anit in four ne in ono on tn in the bade back and one at either side bide the tha faast ta Is draped very gracefully and rell relieved eved by a deep lace yoke trimmed a d nith uh bands of 0 velvet put on in points A bertha of at sauze tho color of oc uie tale ys conidi n extends over the sleeves which have a choit short hish high puff and aro are quimp tight the hat we worn ith thin gown 14 f or fluit brown straw trimmed n if ith it fencers feal hers and toba roses eye this optical store Is 14 as aboe uehl or ua as though we vc hai had tie no luthr r busl dom but it 11 I 1 ih run on f angular lencs e dont let lei oil have tho the wrong lont we do not noi oily any chances f ac r new nn in oculist 8 help 0 a tell you i K you renar tao not flat flood wo tell loll oit so flo nest est nod ami htwe uro ro ea un ait i come io in ond talk abe ma nitter or cr we ore are oiin id ost bil had and rellus rell uble e eloa examined frets free of at charge ALGX 1 I WYATT optician and jeweler MAIN SiRri STREET cr yjih fin 0 A 10 vil buy comfort in the th kitchen tor for that small sum will buy bay the largest size majestic oil cooking stove v complete with oven 14 ITO 10 dust no waste beat no asber no odor mid and absolutely sol no danger we W parau tea its ca CY I 1 it will bako bread aud and ron roust st beet beef hoi 1101 a than nov ta in use in this city and every n one giving perfo perfect t satisfaction 1 3 H dinwoodey furniture co I 1 IT I V AT K E BARGAINS TALLY MID U time grows shorter tile trend tf n of summer s m disc is toward the bargain procession ion low prices now light the way for or future newet ne denak these brief ef paragraphs should interest S dennial folk shirt waists the line fresh shirt waists are vanishing great saint of last weaks pr icings greater thou do it dalar of lawns Orga milles dimitries dimities Dimi ties etc w so cheap prices begin at neaver important sale of P retty pretty summer dresses dressy for children some of plain color others fancy figwood fl said ts lawns Bati stes etc just HALF PRICE all aai are well made prettily S trimmed with dainty embroidery embr elegant cheapness in these remarkable cheapness of sheer stuffs stuff for summer dresses beautiful embroidered linen ejects ten te aboyo all season at t and 30 a yard about yda left to be clo FIFTEEN CENTS A YARD lawns oa 04 weak and orlandies organdies Org 01 0 andies 1 the 10 1017 cent a yard qualities axe this imported pattern suits TITE THE STAR attraction OP OF THE DRESS colty c only a few left they have received orders to move o on this 0 pa addition to last weeks offering of PRICE we add dr ings for instance prices on k these range aroln 11 to cem now you get them for 5 0 land and the following g findings i 2 yards r silesia m 1 cotton 8 6 yards cambric I 1 iamino dozen stay 8 1 haidi can cam as 03 1 card ws A tobol silk bilk I 1 bolt binding ribbon this Is is bargain giving without precedent and money P this wise bears good interest even if laid aside for future skirt patterns A SEPARATE PATTERN roil FOR EVERY OVE ONE S krieps T reft the slimmest slim to ta purses not cheap goods by any means such ajl not been offered before for tile very good d reason that the x c afford it more than tto once in a sonson one 06 blue alt relt clr sc some om local point of interest tott comple ten Salt etc givert zi wit pattern length prices on r patt tn bar run from 70 up to FOULARD the nbc na and as per yard 1 l beauties all one priced ud marked nik the tb yard dardat fit WAIST SILKS sold at per p yard now BLAC K INDIA SILE jut just ten pieces the best t weaves sell eu ac at t es and nd pr per yard regular now mens alens suits tho the perfect fittane perfectly tailored kinds kind that nil all critical crit icil know of great selling sel line though him has left the sorts in broken nl sl theres a ticket of leava attachment alj wool bui sineas sulta suits neat dark mixtures alto also plain bab blacks the 6 7 and bunched 1 and l ai A one i priced p th is week for early choosing catcher it the kinds negligee shirts nade made of ling quality percale or madras cloth IL attached collars collar and cuffs regular and lines will lio be closed out at mens bicycle shoes CHEAPNESS TO WONDER AT we will sell this week N mens ons bicycle shoos shoes th the a value tor for summer knit underwear white whit maco cotton vests low neck ana sieve to so the low neck find and short bort sleeves Bl eeves values this thi week at summer hosiery tun tan or black hose fast dyo dye double soles high asplind thu this full regular made these you pay for ordinarily week peak thy they are but h cheap sailors of back arrivals hornen bernena a short MIDSUMMER est cheapest most desirable mid season hat new ores ones now hero at chail AS IVE 00 the merits merita of the cloth in a suit of clothes axe are a herple hard bard thin 1 problem to most people new goods are a pretty i size up with accuracy A min man may look and examine again and again but la is I 1 I 1 end he generally has to take the th clothiers clo thiers word for it so it easy to see sea the importance of picking out a reliable pis trade selection lectON you can come to this store and make maka your own se what you aau buy will be what hat we toll tell you it is it if its t 5 only IC wool well so if we say its all wool it will prove tot all wool we dout dont make a specialty of low priced caf but what we do sell fit at the small prices 0 find to be ali 1 I best that a small sum can buy we have none of the doubts treacherous m merchandise that is sold on the halt price plan yo you u will find our fill all wool mens suits at give per atri satisfaction tion not ria quite as fine as the one ones onebia bit but the 10 lo 12 suits dav the style fit and finish you would have hat to t ko double for at a custom tallor tailor a ONE PRICE J JP P GARDNER 38 MAIN STREET |