Show NOT ICV 0 V al G star gold nod and silver co notice li Is hereby riven given that the current annual of tile tho star gold nod aud silver bining Pom any parly was passed without holding sold ind and AVI terea I 1 JL I 1 Is 14 neef to hot holl a meeting of file ho stockholders of said notice therefore im in herail fiven clvin that a 1 af tpola pf la lal I 1 an t ing or of the sto ato i kelders or maw star go gold 1 I on und it silver all ilig company bo be held ni at k KS S alan pt bl 8 SAI 11 lake city uta uenh on the iho 2 and 2nd duy day of atal ot at 2 p I 1 tit tor for tile the purl purpose oo 00 or electing a hoard card ol of directors for artio le 0 pur eur and such match other bust busl ne neb us as MAY como before the meeting by order of the board al of f directors RANE KANU yoc sec rotary dated july ill 15 17 diw 2 ANNUAL MEETING tile tho annual meeting of the th stockholders of tho the chapman atilt company will bo be i held in its office in salt lake city utah on august auau t sih R ni 2 p in G F C I 1 11 hyo boci soci clary MEETING OF TIIE THE CACTUS WINING MINING COMPANY public notice is IH beneby beteby hei aby given that v vila tere a vacancy has haa occurred to in tho the office 0 of ono one of tile directors ot of mid cac tits nn filling calop coin pt y by the death of 0 sal a aid rouze do anil whereas four of tho the directors of anta company coni pany beir JL a thereof have instructed a let flit tile tho secretary of 0 salt raid company iny to give this notice to tile the ra of 0 gild company compi iny for t iho ll 11 a purpose po e of filling aid va cap I 1 anuw N u w thre fose tills this no OL 1 it given to iho ah mock hoi dm of oc tile iho i actus alining company that ft meet of nm mork fork 1 ad r will w ill lo be 10 hold nt at in 0 0 f iles of bald id oil tuv in the office of roi ac lit in tile ills lity fily and dounty of salt iste aste atme ot of utah on saturday tits the it day of july will at 2 2 0 clo k p in m of thoat adny dar fic oc tile llie purpose of electing ti a ni ector oc ci at it company to lo nil fth said va barny annl so for ro luth other purposes ia as kiy a e edme before said limet I 1 g at fell coating tho sald stoc knold fi arc re re 1 led to lv lo 10 10 L 0 present to day a oi of july I 1 lt r ial HARRY RRY T DUKE laa secretary 0 of f said corporation notice 11 ilea ficichy by given that a proof 1 injecting of i till in m ck holders or of galna galen a atthe italene wall mill he 10 held nc tho companas comp anys office offelo loom all aiu ck block in tile ih pity city of salt knit aalke and state ciaio of 0 utah on oil 1 I prin day tile ilio 2 asih doy day of 0 juh JR la HI fat 2 1 p an of 0 city for the purpose of 0 i e ing tiu trustees 0 or eald coap corporation oration to sin aeed those now flow anti w lioio home term of oc has haa now cl and for life or such other as ag i iiii Y legally lr raHy corno como before said stockholders nl at hakl bull in bw ia arttns AITT ns cosmon secretary Soc rotary |