Show toda I 1 LL ili t k A i I 1 tha h on onders derf it to 0 o calls r cottay toila aul I 1 in ti 11 c gf ate TrU BUIND OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY TODAY gat a copy of fifty yeats years ago jubilee or todrys paper rt and d pend na to your friends and aal take tahe one honie home TO gabrieli GABri ELD BEACH trains tor for gm field beach rig ns follows follow 1045 it L ni in and every hour com am mp nelna at p rn the artly oa white whit bathing 1 ady I beach dancing dancene on the taft take inke Boat boating Bo atins lEtT opry ALL ALI DAY toila todi ot ot a opy ot of fiat T arm ani apo ago jublin uvenali enli uv or ps paper per and pend lid ti it your frienda ni 81 I 1 taki fait in n r me m TRIBUNE OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY TODAY get gel a copy at 0 fifty years ago jubilee souvenir or paper and end to lo your friends lenda tr and take one horne home S ate hollers Flonc rs the state flower bower of minnesota Is the hie rn CLI flodter the favorite nv orlie ot of drw deracy li 14 lh wild clever the golden rod Is the favorite in alabama t t the he in georgia and the pon puch ch blossom in delaware two N ew en ehlt iti lanil land stale only oaly bave it a pre fire brnt Tr nt for fo any flower vari ant for ih rl red it i t li art of 0 th lalla I 1 bui luie ana nail gland I 1 ba 11 iio of its in n r 1 1 I 1 hillan hill rn tot tor aho victor A poor rule remember my ron pon that early to bed and early to 1 rie makes it man healthy and wealthy anti uese talat Is that the naon the farmers fart lee fire the chest class of people in tile the xa ka taun journal how lie ha feels now of 0 course coue nall hold chest osman rasha ancient ancl tnt greece produced write remarkable Gener uaral Un ral alti lon leon adai alexander oh ob athan interrupted ill ih sutton sultan how con can INI what hat would have harrel harr rl ered to lo them it 1 thy tied had run up against me WISE ADVICE TO HUS HUSBANDS those who havo allias aillinn wives will do to accept it io do not wrangle and quarrel and finally rush into the courts couri and try to get a separation separ atlon irom from your faithful wife but just stop a moment and khinki your I 1 wife who was even cven tempered and amiable and all that was lovely when 11 y you oil i married marr icil iter has changed now she Is peevish irritable jealous 1 ous discontented and miserable in a word sho she ling has uterine 7 disorder ot of somo some mad kind r e I 1 1 I 1 4 L lw law w is not the remedy for this condition she needs medical i treatment her storine system Is lit at fault X I 1 yo L J my to you Is sit down hail and write a 11 lotter letter to that friend of women mrs tin 1 ui i 1 I 1 fh of lyn mass state fully and freely ile hc V I 1 yh 1 whole case casa to her and she will vill lOn honestly ho neatly eRtlY oil d I 1 vise you what to do give your wife that P i I 1 chance good man el it if you do not wish to write about your I 1 1 wife bring her a bottle of lydia U acl bick S I 1 V r I 1 hams vegetable compound Compon nd watch its ef 0 felts you 1011 will hoon boon tile be beginning annino In nino of I 1 the file improvement then get her an otiler anil and I 1 I 1 keep it up until rho ho la Is restored to you yon the N 4 1 lovely 1 woman oman I you married years 3 neo I 1 i following we bolato the 1 of a 06 case of this nature jarg of I 1 1 camby ind says 1 I have used lydia E rink liams vegetable Vcr vego otaMa table comati compound u rid rind found it to be of great g benefit to me tho the doctors doctora sn id I 1 had bad womb trouble I 1 had tho the headache all tile the time also a 6 terrible ba Lacka clinchot ebo was nervous erosa cross and irritable I 1 looked so palo pale that people would sak WO what was ilia matter I 1 suffered milTer cd in this way for about four years until one I 1 day ia y about 0 u t ino in de despair s p rny ay husband brought me ma a bottle ot of lydia E Pink baras V vegetable c 1 a compound p 0 u tl I 1 commenced it t ilse aie and much to every ones onas surprise pirl sil it cured me it has completely changed my disposition forthe better also of my neighbors kun knowing what the Iia Iluk kham hato medicine medi olno has ba dono for vt ime me arc taking takio it slid and are arc much pleated pleased with ith the result I 1 FIFTY beans yeans AGO TODAY Joura ity of th the utah tribune jubilee at tribune office domce bv mail TRIBUNE OPEN OPE N ALL AIL DAY TODAY get a copy of 0 fifty rears A ago go juble tir or paper pap r a and nd send to your friends and an take onto oni annio air ton millas up th ohp e ity a of the modern modera man or of science knoes tin no bounds one of hlo hie latret la 14 and bringing down to th tile ground with the aid of an automatic apparatus attached to a balloon of the upper nir flora the th of almost ten ml leg the apparao appa ii and the experiment were of french invention and bt at a recent meeting of the academy of science lit in paris sir Call lete tete reported the result of the analysis of the camtu captured betl air ir it simply imply showed that at the height of feet above sea level the comeil tion ot of the atmosphere Is practically elio hi same its BB at the surface of t alir lie earl barili it its den density ity of coulee la is com flight |