Show THE NERVE japanese officials grow exceedingly cee saucy 1 DARED TO DEFY AMERICA I 1 count minister of foreign affairs says ills country will maintain its protest against hawaiian if annexation even though the senate passes the treaty few Coun counti tiles acs would dare to treat america in such a way ot of an alliance Allin uco with spain revival Re revived vivel sun san rian vIsco july 21 the steamship chinn china arrived today hom hong bong find and yokohama bringing japanese japa klepo ail ailleen lees to july tito japa japanese I 1 lese papers contain more fully an interview with count okuma thy the japanese minister of affairs a brief syn of which was wa from Varie nuNer a mw few days aljy BO ago in the 1 in I borlew ten tor low lew which mas published la in the count okuma 1 Is 14 4 quoted as c saying relative to tile proposed annexation or of hawaii by the united states japan must oppose it to the utmost the annexation must visit be ri i cognized england has tried to lo make egypt dependent but france being opposed to the arrangement kneland england ls to 0 o abide by tile the status quo just in tile yam sam way japan oppose the annexation to the utmost and mut must stand by tills this decision resolutely jn in diplomatic disputes dispute 8 if one country linds finds lie ita own insufficient for atta irling a certain end it Is 14 frequently undertaken by the jint efforts of 0 two tire or lanee for if by tho the combined endeavors of similarly interested potters a policy by justice Is ay iy maintained nothing could prevent its iti attainment J japan a pan has communicated to tn ens land lad and france the to leu sons sells rot for tier her protect against american annexation annex atlon thy they may send their nn an aweis before long ion after all no ox ex citer rient should hould be raised over hiis tiis this anair sir IV olalia alce of ture suit and commerce Comm Comme cico ice who he Is regarded dod as an one of tho the lieutenants ints of count okuma according to tile ili japan gazette Is t said to have spoken on tin the annexation question to the following error effect i we e have now made a vigorous protest a the lie united states lih ith ft a view to maintaining the f pence of tho ilia pacific this la is a great advance in japans diplomacy just see how many countries there ere are in the world which dare to prefer such auch a protest against america even the so called six alx poi per or arre 0 of t europe concego con ced a stop step to the unit united oil states stales japans protest it has as astonished the european powers for her plucky resolve and they seem inclined to follow japans example 0 in future the powers avill n the attitude of japan in any important question that may arise in the pacific and the far east before they map out their policy should the treaty pass the senate unfortunately we must maintain our protest under tiny any circumstances cum cuMA stances Lances and for any length of time the japanese are apt to be very heni henl annir ant and impatient in dealing mith diplomatic matters and often tn malic a ice undue conces for the sake of early settlements this la in a trait I 1 to 0 bo be guarded against inith caution according to the japanese Japa neso papers the government proposes to order mr jjr i hamaya consul at san francisco to proceed to hawaii in the calfi capacity city of adviser A to minister Alint ster mamura it Is stated that the cruiser r tons Is 14 making preparations to leave lave for Hai hawaii nall where slie site will ic lieve the iho Nal nanawa liwa tito japanese I 1 bet at fuji and Yo phlin rite nn expected to leave lac england IGn for or japan via tho ih sues canal tito ali fornier wll M take 11 II R J H I 1 brince arlaca Ar laua va ill hoard board and wili hlll call at one tit f the San lati ports it tn Is stated slated it by y one oat nf n the local papers of boklo that tit ali object of this call Is 14 tor to makit it a L arc caay tty will spain to combine against I 1 th he ted states stales as regains cuba and hawaii tile th united states yorktown ls Is 1 now 0 W at nobe kube TI alic e y Yoni 0 n 1 I lurl U i a a t that h it on OIL tho the bill of jun rt it 1 lonar 0 n K a aal n 1 i important m p 0 ge arrived at the alie orein ople mossa from roni america it lias lag not yet i acut made public |