Show lt r r act tr 1 ar W tar tan A ir asit wy L L L L L n VIM L 1 L 1 L ysl v f ef e v vi i ss vs asi asi a f M 5 yn ys sl ya y S sis ft ysl vsev Z L W ifor tf n ott P W STEEL SCISSORS back sain HAIR CORSET STEELS WHISK ZIRCONS BROOMS SAFETY TINS FINS PINS HOOKS AND EYES THIMBLES JAPANESE rans FANS 1000 PAL 0 4 fc wood bao aaa 14 5 SOO calra a 3 of lims da jhc rushes brushes genuine hard the bett spring steel manufactured from in two sizes nick gross of geri swan bill m silvered and I 1 gel Gl genian MA nIAn n aluminum I 1 in many beautiful dothe dethe METO PANS fw I 1 14 d sll mieka us ti steel scissors cla or wood backa jean curved in white best beat broome broomcorn orn I 1 aled safety capped for non man adamantine pins Ja paned will not thimbles light as r a signs dont suffer par a ehMed h e lit t a bargain bar elii drab and blackb your tour grown fire fastened the ridiculous figure I 1 icedoe pol pointed n ted during durin bond bend or break I 1 feather will be sold with the heat beat wh when whenn splendid ponacio Po br breeze breeze fea ren orators ern torB while ayou on got t ese as a this choice tor for you need one only ot or the 1 sale tor for I 1 you can get them toren they lust last 2 bale ale fo for 12 50 5 50 5 10 1 lf 10 per paper per card 20 iff 44 ai r STOP you toil mutt must read this 44 list ot of A si I 1 1 t S 8 ait 1 l it means mass money to you WITCH HAZEL i the wonderful healing t extract of li sells bella ot at the csc our price az I 1 63 IM 89 bottle W t SOAP W 43 cakes in a box reg eg ji t jl ul alar or price csc sale 1 9 H fr CASTILE SOAP athing afner ag s 5 i AL SOAP especially adapted to the removal of ob corlous exio us skin diseases peculiar pecullar to the face I 1 sale price T WITCH HAZEL SOAP combination of he ha amiles glycerine and buttermilk 3 cakes ln it box sale price fig 11 f ir ir the only soap which III positively remove ft taina ins of all natures inuring salo sale 1 WOOL SOAP apor or washing gr all wool ans se rendering the them in boft it and non le 70 7 VASELINE j i aheard of price 30 3 per bottle battle fatt t the cheap trashy tras and nd but a high grade era tract attract in white rose ro diac fact heliotrope jockey jock lub regular price abc 4 sale le price 17 TOILET PAPER j fine fin medicated paper er in large rolls rolla bite jt it lusts I ta during during ahe e sale 30 3 per roll SPONGES extra floe fine large kgb worth csc tor for extra tood old TOILET SOAP it wont last ion g sale arc E to p syi gwi MOST biggee i mi C L L ea AN UP ba ow A L ON I 1 1 commencing FOR 01 1 I 1 10 I 1 r rr 74 1 ati 1 I 1 PIN al IV ONE ONLY qa MONDAY MORNING at io Oclo dc V A store will be closed until twenty extra salespeople 10 monday have been engaged no morn M va 4 WE mg 0 M order to give us ambe tl waiting everybody will I 1 ale time to prepare for this served promptly lit grea t sale JUST ONE TODAY ft we moved into our elegant store and in commemoration of the event we open our doors MONDAY MORNING promptly at 10 with A 11 TS ri tta MARK mank MARKDOWN DOWN SALE it will be one of those sales which we have but twice a year when EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR BIG ESTABLISH adent will be marked down to the LOWEST NOTCH evry every lady in salt lake knows what these sales mean and therefore needs no further explanation WE GUARANTEE that SUCH BARGAINS AS WE SHALL GIVE THIS WEEK HAVE NEVER BEEN SEN SEEN read these prices below they tell the tale j r t ts MUSLIN UNDERWEAR EAR s e A complete line of skirts ara drawers aers chemises and gowns in fine mullins muslins Mus Alus lins cambrice Cam brics and linens trimmed ed in i n dainty embroideries and filmy laces many beautiful creations and going during this sale for one half the cost to manufacture linen dept hosiery kid gloves glove s ribbons this la Is where the cut Is deepest we we 0 will divide wit hyou not the hose no c exception made these goods go no cheap trashy cotton ribbon here are determined to unload some dome 0 of our but the price we must have somo some 0 of with the rest and go with a rush you only the best grade of 0 silk but you get immense stocks of 0 linens at any sac one the money tied up in III tills department dopart ment must comei come early or dont blamo blame us if ic thern them for less lees than you pay day for cotton rm e you need them we e want N ant you to and y you ou get the hose at your own oun you dunt dont get sonie some of these plums have them fidure t no 1 14 all silk satin and LT Gr grosgrain 30 a prices price themselves ladies 2 monarch kid JT tor for clasp gloves in ribbed black ff no 2 all silk satin and full size 10 bed Bcd spread pread marseilles cotton hose all sixes 1 5 0 all colors color sold bold the world over Gr 50 or childrens quality at 2 a pair sale bale iq no 3 alt all silk satin and black mf pat terru regular fl 1 price pl 40 price f if cotton I 1 lose all Gr ar ao 70 mile 0 price 77 elzoa r no 5 all silk satin and iffa la large U unbleached tin kash af boys T atra heavy bicycle ilose hose regular ladles 2 clasp regent kid gloves cloves in r towels ng gc N worth orth ie now 80 y price sue for it the i nii all sha lea sla grado grade t no 7 alt all silk satin and i large turkish beth bath tow foft 1 ale l 14 tor for 1 handkerchiefs Gr 2 r no 3 9 all silk satin and els cis sold regularly for we me f left ladles ladies elack black cotton hose af 2 clarp chanola in nhit 0 ir gro min 15 or extra largo large very heavy turkish and n natural tural worth 1 for or fo 1 no 13 12 all silk satin and rath halli towel boxi worth arff Lad ie 11 lesTan iab taxi lloyc 7 70 ig af pf ne y not an article in m tho the house escapes escape 1 ajr la ladies L a onyx fla black ladles ladies 2 and 3 clasp kid gloves in all the no in 19 alt all ifie silk aua satin and crash annihilation perfect these flit fill bleached table dat cot cotton ton how hose worth UY chads shads shod xii worth north all 22 mask regular price 19 at L fadlem adalem csc quality black C cotton t t hoac for goods practically given away no 2 22 3 all suk kiin satin arid and 26 ta extra quality table Dai damask high spliced 11 heel and f worth regular ar H salo toe bladl L adias ablack black silk mitts a fi ladles fine white embroidered no N 0 40 all suk silk satin and aff 27 goe coc quality extra alno j ff a 1 l quality at 20 broade broi dered r ed Handkerchief arc h lets si ag Gr yr very heavy unbleached rute german black bidack cotton cotto n hope ladles irine fine hemstitch hemstitcher Hem stitched c f moire taffeta reduced in linen table rable da vat ladles lisle thread clack black I 1 loots colored laduca black jersey silk iff ilan ar 40 the same mask worth north price OOT or ed top worth goe ie sills our ac quality for or i 47 ladles swiss embroidered proportion pr cc 1 39 3 9 lit 72 inch very line fine bleached table domask damask A white very fine worth sale worth abc for or tho the r rf lad ladles les pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs worth ladies knit our dineh 73 72 inch satin table adamsk shirtwaists shirt waists sic za 0 I 1 our regular price 11 iffa 1 all adl ladles I 1 fine linen embd emad sale price wr handkerchiefs worth lid genuine table damask turkey red bed alyf our stock la Is tho the and most corsets train from we to me OOT underwear genan laret alzo hemstitcher hemstitched Hem Hern stitched hand 4 red tahl tab covers complete le nw now in the city more chaij desm kerchiefs colored bor f lar price data price I 1 rice jo i IWO 1100 organdy Or Randy lan lann battite madras ll adras der 30 jr ID 10 1 4 name Parne cover worth aff cloth waists now on liand hand but the entire stock including the celebrated unheard 0 of values never such fa si 1 op 1 hey are arc marked to W r childs Cl illda colored border 20 downfall alne anc the time of 0 adam W C C and B 13 brand corsets r FIDO in Illo ILa ached chod table na da calleg Lal leg fine laundered waists with chaldo better grade colored I 1 mask ink regular alm 1 GO tor for alj 41 co collars llata worth north reduced to manufacturers a c coat ost border 3 ladles sleeveless vest taped nock neck and shoulders worth csc TOWELING we sale bal price 0 37 cery pair must be sold at the cleanup at I 1 60 t good quality check chech towel ff rie quality sale prica 53 ladles ladies sleeveless taped neck and shoulder derp in white and W lyall quality n R a corset 98 it 51 00 lu quality 1111 idl eal pra 6 68 8 ce ecru our 00 quality linen nen glass fin toweling ladles ladies Richell lUc hellou mi ribbed white and worth loo a baid palo pale wr 1123 1125 quality sale eale price 02 82 ecru vests silk price 70 alco quality it G corset tj IT taped a 30 00 quality t r extra heuy heasy russian crop arah quality pale pal price arc 98 bailles La lall illes pure spun silk sleeveless regular price T quality n R 11 cret I 5 moulder band in all colom aull t bli jure napkin lt quality sale al price 1 I 08 or worth north soc our iff aur worth bor th alb ac quality block sateen 33 prine price t 0 11 ll quality qua llly sale bale ericc ladles ladies extra quality silk vests our st 1 r arad ly rades in all shades shade affif extra fine damask danief k N ackins lna regular 1425 quality ity veto bal pi p ice 60 quality r D da corset 36 f tor 0 r r pric t from 3 3 1 to L ladles 8 dies pure egyptian cotton for dozen anso SO quality nu allty calell rice 16 W Ilu quality alfY p D corset jt 0 tor for vests long fr lee leevia v C 1 I n r T 50 0 ladies wash suits nasin in fine organdies orlandies Org andies percales percalee Per cales nt id i d prompt and careful attention will be paid dimities dimitries Dimi ties and other wash ali fat fabrics COUNTRY ORDERS worth from sa 3 to aj 7 j to all orders which will be filled at sale the entire lot will be sold old this week it at nf ta prices if sent immediately f PINS j various ari styles and col on 0 the tha und kind that do S not slip sll 0 40 4 w dozen CABINET W WISE in E g HAIB PINS assorted t A sizes straight and nd crim crippled pled sold every whore for loe sale aa price i ii 30 box S clip KinS kinsber BEB COXES COMBS extra quality hird hard rubber rul 06 combs worth you yott foru 80 MG IBOUS t la 14 taras sizes lard asi awl hancho steel worth sa be elb for T 4 s 9 20 3 T 1 1 COTTON fa thi the lest best quality 0 ads it tal assorted colors f tor oriff per fet ball ai CROCHET COT TON TOM in shades which I 1 S Q would dull the tha colors sylb ot or the rainbow reu regu 4 lax lar price be salo trice ii 30 at per lall ball 0 SPOOL COTTON the th best brand mada ad for gif role 30 ff spool DRESS STAYS ever aver ready you yon know what they are regular price salt sale price 11 per doam S iki IRIA I 1 MA MAT is aih J EN EIT ki 14 I 1 sells sella tor for loo or teg ing sale our price fw afra 11 aff per spool nil rl ic 1 LADIES tres TIES all silk beautiful styles and coloring lorinc co made especially to match prevailing pat jq terns ol of waists regular kegl ular price sola sale 5 price 20 2 each V s LINEN col all linen in all 1 the lat at li 1 est styles worth csc 06 salo sale price 0 3 U aak go 9 stationery BELT PINS BOX PAPER AND BOX PAPER AND BOX PAPER LADIES CUFFS INK WRITING TABLETS AND BOX PAPER AND A ladles beautiful package of fine jeweled COTTON TAPE nil all W white bite ENVELOPES worth ENVELOPES worth ENVELOPES worth ENVELOPES worth and enameled envelopes commercial widths lis for straight and nd turnback sale price belt pins regular price f sizel boc sale price sale price salo sale price tt best 4 sale price ply 10 30 erich each 30 3 80 8 n sig ff iff per roll irish linen for tor pair f sa itt I 1 I 1 I 1 to 2 4 A ij |