Show I 1 i ail q kihne c c GOODWIN EDITOR I 1 TERMS OP subscription duy daily tribune one OD yr year ft 1 m tribune ois alx lx mont hB W M bally wildly jy tribuna Trl buno three thre months montha lot bunday tribune Trl bun on one acar SW d tribune Trl buno six south sf Z I 1 lm I 1 11 I 1 sailly tribune ono on year 1 l all ajl to nw news of editorial matter should bould iio all to t adt editor or tri trifun 1 hun una AU all reni 1 atances and business s ho 4 to tho tribune poll bould BS lejb hajn f cornean Comp tny salt lake fit chy y idt afta T THE TRIB 1 I 1 0 ca CO P H LAWMAN LANNAN state and county scrip bought I 1 a olen glen finier liffer fo bi at nala street r so 13 D n EVAN s I 1 ime r HI I 1 OPEN ALL NIMIT 64 dij 2 STATS STATE ST salt S UT LAKS LAKE CITY UTAH I 1 zi WHOLESALE RETAIL CHOICE applon alphis kojra lius 1 luina cherr toa prune apricots nectarines Necta N rines of it alj goose eg currents etc etc 0 ornu and abid shade shad tr ej hoses sh shrub rubit nut trees Lver greens oto eto arm hardy traen iroc our tn S fialty browers or of at the chuika early si aw b berry erry prune premium apple ill alio bout for he horn and market A carcil selection or of the th beat of 0 and st at riess to suit bult th ahn times hund end us uj it a ailt at ro or r your wants and ret our prices orar r arly bourly address THE PAYETTE NURSERIES RIES IDAHO the St vika siegel clothing Clo 0 1 I 1 11 I 1 61 63 and 65 main street I 1 I 1 I 1 f I 1 SPECIAL I 1 I 1 r r e I 1 A I 1 L I 1 I 1 4 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 14 I 1 i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i CLO CLOTHING TrUNG T T SAL SAI 1 t I 1 the need ot of modem clothing eloth tos lit t modette prices was r zema never i I 1 I 1 necessity than now DOW our seven dollar dallar and a half balf monte denb quite alt I 1 t die fergee chevious cheviots chef chevi lots and other up to fashion clotts r ing wood browns browm checks check and are an TIB luei absolutely pure pur wool woo thoe theme suits are in broken lots let AU all sizes in the th whole whal lota lot a P sizes in iny any ono one lot these the are suits that sold lold regular from pa 10 t I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 children s clothing 1 I 1 ft 1 1 I 1 4 F arms 1 0 1 1 1 5 I 1 I 1 la Is the tb price that we IUT have put on an about two hundred child relli that sold from rom to they all go while they lut last at ci at 1 1 lar jar and ninety five ave cents I 1 I 1 twenty per cent discount on oil all our childrens suits that are r i and nd A REALISTIC SCENE I 1 1 I 1 A harvest field shown id the streets of the city 1 A scene at t rest may be ever so beautiful yet it has haa not the charm anil and fascination ci of a scene in motion this may bo be the secret of 0 the great attention attracted to the float ot of the coop co op wagon find and machine company la in every parade during tile the carnival it has drawn the eyes 0 of th the multitude long ero ere it reached them and they huva have followed rollow cd it with delight long lone att r it has passed its ita attractiveness was decidedly cid edly enhanced under tinder the spell 0 of the red light in thursdays illuminated pa raae six horses are required to draw it one first catches eight of a beautifully painted windmill so delicately poised that it turns with the friction of the air cause by the motion of 0 the lichine it Is a harvester and binder also lit in motion its ita artistic colors glit bering lit in the sunlight by this time the noat float has haa reached us and ae 10 obtene their striking reathur s A now naw champl champion n draw cut mower momerto to which Is in a attached a beautiful span 0 of parlor papier macho loor ses lifelike life like in their artistico arti stio beauty the aront front 0 of the hoat float the team Is bilsen dilsen by ribbons ot of the pioneer coloia in the alie hands of miss bliss joun cai on each corner in fro front nt Is a shock 0 of ripened graan while by the side of 0 the sets a mail on a bicycle tho the i heels moving at it a scorching but lie does doca not oNer overtax taice tho mio mower it Is the first and by tar far the most elaborate of the th private floats noticing tho the interest of the leporter leport cr the manager kindly invited him on board where lic ho could inspect the exhibit at closer ranso rance Nt minnie laule Is th name painted on the harvester and binder which la Is of the c celebrated walter A wooi wood malta mak it in it the same that vas on exhibition at the worlds calr it cost to manufacture I 1 ond and it la Is a delight to the heart I 1 of 0 e cry farmer ilia cliot t looks at it the mower ro po the roxa manager explains Is unique in the tact fact that it la is madi made specially for the western t talde te where lead dead furrows and ditches xe it quire unusual strength the Is 13 tailed the th ideal still anil worthy of 0 IW its name it was wa made by the stone lone manufacturing company on its it wings tire nr painted nine prominent manufacturing lima fictum for which tho the coop co op wason and machine lach lne company are agents the bicycle man roae coile n colemma s heel which Is exclusively handled brindled by ahli inn firm the reporter noticed now tor for the first time that the apparently solid pillars at each corner of 0 the float were made up I 1 of balls of 0 red ked tag binding 11 one upon another this proda manager explained Is a of 0 the lie present ae sea aiona zons trade p behind the float was an oil i wagon the webber tola 7 tile the biln buln front from which 2500 I 1 fajt memorandum at I 1 distributed dally nine nina I 1 VL pounds 0 of advertising dwer 0 i reporter was informed Int ormed irona boulli i dietri distributed buted during the th jubilee t i A firm tault can do nuch much mrk ix so evidently an boote ln tsal al part of c I 1 gross v u hach this jubilee Is 13 it cel celebrate that no other 1 l needed tor for the th sketches chea of 0 ito in i and development which la Is P V j herewith i T the he firm wa organized in tui 1 i IS ISM S 3 when mr george T at 0 present general manager wo nov to salt S allt 1 arid and associated himself in 1 4 it I 1 ire reber n ber J and J 1 F C L der ahn firm name ot of 0 gmt to I 1 I 1 1 co its first purchase so of f tafe mentz menta gave ean it the lie U ou the leading Lead ln Ini t it 4 t tho he west a distinction WI wh whid ck maintained ever since duran z the year IMS th the cult was dwle increased and brittle branc were established in velious i utah and idaho idabo and today tarl the bif a working capital 0 of over a 1 SA to million dollars what 1 Is still ill t it llop ing atit it business methods bv such as aa to malke mako its name a ito re region word throughout this antem li the companas comp anys business so it it informed the th reporter Is I 1 to 1 prosperous at present A ari w it of exceedingly v it rn cleft tor for which the th comac comp it debated in a measure to mr ul 4 lowe has so swelled uia ilia tt ki ua 11 business that the firm now to in the home institution A lb branches branched a total 0 of over 1 94 list 0 of the manufacturers 1 that it their products to the coop co op Blachl roo company Is 1 the lh astrov ep sililo ilo commend allon of oe its I 1 11 fani lins anion amor T these sue r illi w wood deere oil eliter ver homp cin ar 17 0 co case caa T VV V 31 V cl ney scraped company BU it pany ohlen st sons company com panr 1 barq stover k and mant others oth B of rr I 1 me 1 grant phav contributed V bs IN mako mae the jubilee a bucce the record of the coop co op AV Z machine cor company 1 la is sue r viii all cco lien of 0 tho th Us 1 argement p r it Is 1 i concerns it v alch ell anerk or P for tr fr ill the dam ecret ret bont Ne neej mJ a S t and ay mcw ill A boarding k ROWLAND HALL I 1 GIRLS k under the lh auspices of 0 the it protestant EPISCOPAL CHURCH 16 60 A A SMALL BOYS RECEIVED AS DAY PUPILS 4 J if the tb very tory best advantages given prepares girls fur for smith C colaw 11 4 of TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER ath itt ia for and information addreal k it ROWLAND BOWLAND HALL SALT LA 91 or II 11 it |