Show physicians ORGANIZE interstate association rord includes include doctors doctor ot of tiva five states and aad i d two territories list of 0 officer filters rel Cla chon ossia meeta next at If denver euver at a convention of 0 prominent intermountain mount aln physicians held in this city yesterday yett erday me ali rocky Moun mountain tala inter medical association was organized delegates Delo eates wre wore present from rom utah idalgo colorado montana wyoming arizona and now mexico ati the purpose pun of 0 tho the organization Is 19 to promote the interests of ct the science of 0 medicine and surgery in the west to leavo love scientific courses and enjoy discussions cus upon topics ot of this description the following were named AS i a corn com mi IK B to draft the th constitution and bylaws to govern the new society dro dr C K fleming D IL 11 coover clayton parkhill Park hlll of 0 denver C K X colo cole ot of Il mclena elena chappell of 0 billings murray of 0 butte K E ot of wyoming Wyom lOB 1 I it II M moore of 0 idaho C P housh hough C G P plummer 1 A S bower of utah IV IL tipton ot of las vegas ID dameron of phoenix the convention elected BJ officers for or tho the society ao cloty C P hough of utah president C K cole coin of 0 montana lice president clayton claylon 0 colorado Po lorado second vice president and I 1 E of 0 rawlins ns wyo secretary and tres surer it was decided to hold the first annual meeting in Den denver verIn in june 1899 during the meeting there ot of the american medical association |