Show TO GARFIELD REACH BEACH train tor for garfield Gill field beach las aa follows 1041 a ri ill and every hour cc cam m jiner clog it at r p tit the only white r alay beach bach on oil ill the lake boating bathing balli inc lundina TRIBUNE ore OPEN ALI PAT DAY TODAY get a copy of 0 fitly fifty yearn A ml TO exears jubilee souvenir or toda 9 pap pit lp erand ran send id to your friends friend and take onu one home hom A TRUST OF TRU TRUSTS gigantic industrial combine to b be formed I 1 chicago Chlea so july 24 2 the rost post says nays an industrial combination on it a scale alch 1111 mark an epoch tit in centralization la ili promised in the near future according to lo 1 I toch gossip the follow i ifil corporations ar are mantione ment ione 4 ax as I 1 likely ik PI y on to merge their idi nally into ono on I 1 collOs Aill abole ahole tin tile oil i united states slate coulp aily arneal can sugar compi tny national leather i ither company united states luib bor company american tobacco o company american spirits manufacturing con roni 1 pany amerlean cotton oil company ny and tsow new york chicault and bay state gas GP company tile tha capital will be this thip amount ot of capital stock chock inart be added to the lh vatious atias represented by tho the bonds af the above romp attles to collier alth the ho ap ti Ill vAlues of the various aboc atoc standyard Stand jArd oil alone representing nearly four times its nominal f face value the lending spirit in this mammoth combination is ig said bald to be b the standard oil company tribuna Nn OFFICE OPEN alt ALL DAY DAT TODAY TOJ AY lel get copy of fity fifty tears tear AKO ago jubilee mou souvenir venir or today paper and send end to your friends fr lenda and take tine one home borne LAGOON LAGOON LAGOON go to the tb lagoon this afternoon ald see nee tho the crowd hound bound trip in ludan E arnt ts trains irwy hour a at t la 10 p 01 LAGOON go to the lagoon this afternoon and see tho the crowd round hound trip in eluding admission trains every hour at p tn ICI OPEN ALL DAY DAT TODAY get a copy of 0 years apt ago jubilee souvenir or op paper and n nd to your friends and take ink one home TO GARFIELD OAKriE LD BEACH trains for gatfield galfield gat gal field bench beach BS as follows 1041 a ni and every hour corn com at p V tn the only oly white vandy anly beach on the th lake boating Boat lne bathing dancing OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY TODAY get gel a COPY of ritty fifty years ago aeo jubilee souvenir or paper and send bid to your fri and take ono one home FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY journey jearner of r the th utah irlo er eri tribune jubilee souvenir at tribune orrice csc by mall mail ac the latest and mot most his hl lory or at utah years tn in ha half an hour see hp trl un almanac for far 1997 0 beautiful by madame laselle La selles 9 BALM BALAI AND SILVER t crean CRE an as 10 it will beautify f their complexion by removing in wrinkles pimples frecks les S moth patches and all 0 facial exist blemishes T ASK NOUR fot FOR I 1 IT T klondyke gold fields alaska ala SO two y care on yukon token want mony money to build boat to return with next spring and for ono no dollar will send large map or of alaska jM te an alt questions and art 0 t lan completes complete up rodj of kold gold country how kiil anti when shen to iro go chat wh at to ak find and other livain dolA li iain that thai will inuos money arhl and many I 1 A HAYS HATS care car V A handsome comple complexion xio n T ta one of tho t hancik 11 ean p 0 fotr 1 in nc A if Ts 7 JB T I 1 L E E T 0 tr ap in consequence of the GREAT RUSH at our SALE last week we could not wait on all to enable you to get bargains we will continue this sale until 0 D wednesday july at 6 p me at the equitable coop building Q CORNER FIRST SOUTH AND RICHARDS LOOK AT PRICES BELOW SHOES CLOTHING etc buckles Ar DRY GOODS etc A mens black clay worsted suits coffee A worth 12 for suit 5 william aloyts ault close cut line sizes 4 4 P ants coat vest and two packages for I 1 and au worth for 99 3 all wool suits 99 primmie shoes latest cash childrens all wool klit i and pants on borgola kid worth 2 for it stilts for 2 embroidered suspenders rf mens whole suits worth 3 for picnic hams worth only one pair 0 each bip mens clay worsted worth 16 suit P mon for ai b for bos silk embroidered suspend 4 0 I 1 1 ac p r pound ers worth for jo suspenders and tie thrown tn 04 fj mens aji woal pants boj rth 3 bosyj fancy caps worth we for 24 for mens fancy for bacon boys for waists mens hats at a below cost underwear se mens fine mummer for straw hats half price for suit pound alv ac per mens fine shoes beat the ahil la harts for is N ab worth 32 50 pair for 11 men uh to shirt ladies fine kid shoes worth for 34 for flour mens soft bosom fancy ay come and see ILK for 9 best fit grade 10 mens and carpet slipper 3 7 adles Oxford 3 will take calr 45 for V OM L a ill es biln oxfords Ox fords buckle worth balers no I 1 flour 1 gerim 01 N for pair 69 r cure 4 ply linen collara for oj ladles kid shoes our fairy worth hurlers Hus lers flig eit alens pure 3 ply linen collari for 03 2 for 89 lens still hats fee 04 childrens heavy black stockings pairs men a u ork gloves roa ts XA borth it foe 9 for pair stac deviled haan very nice 4 cans for 1 25 10 4 amy and hite blankets for 50 les black sateen worth one pound can armours corned mens red 2 for 49 beef can 1 all sizes for 05 ladles silk parasols and umbrellas lit domestic sardine 6 cans for 26 amoskeag Amos kear and other brands ging half eastern cost one pound package corn lit ach ham 25 yards for 1 0 5 finest quality clia ting flan chats spool cotton doz darior matches 12 bodem for net regular price csc for buttermilk soap 3 bars in box for 10 fruit of loom bleached and lons I 1 ladles summer vests 3 for 10 nh breakfast food per I 1 dale blanched blenched blen ched 14 maids for 01 we have a line of colored deems goods ge 10 god go d quality table damia k yard IS oatmeal pounds for good roller tow oling 30 matix fo 11 nice mea colors just one i on pound bars olive queen soap indro blue cloth latest half price for this late I 1 for 15 sta leg all sizes north 12 for ca tit 5 E itta b 11 61 1 tri Q 11 T 0 A ity 4 va OW TRIBUNE ALMANAC 5 PRICE CE 25 CENTS zia 0 2 14 6 fw az 1 k 4 ebi 2 1 ja e it b I 1 41 vi 4 0 W OR PAZ rs al N 4 you are cordially invited to call at 0 anut during your stay in the f 1 city and inspect the comple test linc of house F 1 to be found in utah and the prices we guarantee to be the lowest and terms the easiest MCI re KIN 0 the 0 s furniture ab deat r 01 t A Is renowned for CHOICE GOODS BIG and S fa A v TREATMENT we carry a complete stock of H and grades of V it F U F 0 at 4 FINE l OF ilk 0 tl 10 BF S r I 1 it 1 R A C AR A east 31 0 f IN lUp holstered chairs mid rockers 4 44 willow rockers wid chairs 1144 CHINAWARE AND GLASSWARE PEI iron an d brass bedsteads N pitt etc etc av it g N M ORT vt CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS I 1 I 1 Q YN N M z I 1 rk I 1 7 6 v fladds house 41 vt 4 STATE STREET hm 9 PV cwm 4 e j |