Show COPPER KING OF THE WORLD W A CLARK OF MONTANA ENTITLED TO THAT TITLE owner of the united verde arx an arizona mino mine that has just got a good start TV IV AL A clark to is tho the copper king 0 of the world arid wild said chance hanla of 0 anaconda moot I 1 tho other othe day ond whon when ho he gets cots through with bis big improve on tho the united verde elno at jorome J ariz there iam IMS be no question of i ahli li i glehs to the pro title have you any ida j j of the extent at 0 that pro vity in tho the m mines anes and r reduction vork it employ i ovar W ann and d 40 aw toils or of ore tier per uy the th principal cipal ehm 1 JH NAI bolit 44 0 feet feel deep and from dur dinzil prent lonii 1 have becil brhen th tile underground der dor ground ur kingi beang vry very tho the corfino capacity of tho the plant Is oler oer at lox w ill r ami imar whirl Is utilized lit in hall holti t thi 1 ore OM air drills capr ronar air inac mac lilno litria snaps and a rony rally ton A vust amount at new iron work in IK teeing put in of oc and billor convert m blast fur or be A and nd foundries art ad eb Ine s und b boilers mid and two new ittu being pul pui A uw now ro re vp burnaw has baa just been earn com ted which be used in ni elting ainor ores theme th aleh f in 1 silver I 1 I ne r the a oro when tabb item luin alio ill min IA first roasted in dicapi along alon tho live slope lopo of the mountain lit lii three long owe lowa I 1 hereby it is it IL tr then goes eoa to tho a blast and ly IY to lo utu lite I 1 he h colder bullion to IB thu pro produced dated 1 augut w r cent cenit tol of r raiv urt opar er tho the mines smelt r town 11 vf jerome UL art situated as oil ahe cast slob ax of ili iho mark kills range P e t IY moil up toward I 1 ahn tin ai a tit of 0 attoun agui 6 arja om acot ajolo lh tile tm ivell and at least POP isiel fet abone aboe the ilif 6 rio verde alley velch spreads out olit in fix a enung Panor to lu tile tho east arid fhe town lown con coltaine cont alna taine 3 ak inhabitants and while a 9 of 0 crip ink ing 1 M boing poing on in the live Y there Is practically no mining in pronty pr orty r os k timi lu imley inse on hy tn air L binl ni tel verdo rile oni in n the rh 0 C corn ol 01 n p pany a ll 11 hit t alto so it batt watt h W wal mem al 0 f tamo M 0 n I 1 R X R I 1 tu d e elio alfo supply beant from the cited verile railroad chieft front froni jeromo jerome junction ott to a or of MC alty VIX alx juila lulle lu lle Is an example ample of ilic anil I 1 waring fourteen miles mile ot of the row thai eliot portion em the rolack tila ck range antul curnes L aj or of watch aich are of 11 1 decrees df dex rees two iwo of oc 45 aex and from y W to lo 40 degrees in ill ahl df s q dis inco of 0 14 miles ebert tile me but lo 10 hora it at trula of livor ix cars carn call straighten out tho th returns of t he are it A little in coccas or of 3 oro ill O aller or this princely r ir nt v ati I 1 tun elutil 1 ills Is millions bat of revenue rv nu an a an ordinary orUn iry business bul nei tribe would colt cou i atu hat t 0 chouffi 10 u fid Is v arit ml to lo AI monwilla onemia ay w A 1 t e lit r but A mry arv stion poon aei a me lu in te rested ll 11 tn L mining tn in which ile bo was fcc ucc abl Austal caloud md a tremp itam afo in all of his ololla eions llo lie was wj a aty R hill hi li tano long bo b lora lie ho required it united verde clo property and otery dollar of fits wealth linn hi x begin takeji out of the th mound lie he IR in 1 f ly b bi it in beuic as it a nt nit u ural aresu 1 0 ot t him h vast vant toji but lilt bra tiela of hi ills buP inest is in left entirely to tho the ot of trusted lils hla work ork 1 nailing puro pure and Pir himple fanti aa his operations arf are ho he rive hda as rp re dumal them bliem to lo uch 1101 t L g tn t rn i thul they no require hk him fol enuch at ft fits vote wink ant ili t duron and the ot in n ilia inami coment of him nandlal floan nanc elal lal Lter hi each of lil ill great goner tecc a year nial mal ex A ihor ounh mn of tile th workings suggests improvements or correct orro arrora woj leades tho amt to his hl mart mono it gors who are off alj mn men of uati orial re tation for kill in conducting great mj eui but lie never lores lases touch with will hilt bullot bux lot ile he Is in in n receipt of reports lie ho may be ond and ties ho he mustered mu iferd all th the d majl of hilt undertaking that he h in n mantly oil aror or a a failure to idil red and ill ih r in all iam business ho IP 16 and derisive slid or 0 I 1 pit rAle eat projects and not given to ill aln opt rat ionia hut but necel lm V roo con wk ejk us its learly anil and as u any anun in ili thi country with elih a all lit arc ji wealth ho he 1 IM krivit not loot extravagant t though thong extremely atai litral when his hb oro thin abl i wm a 1101 notably during tho the dryan c 1 allig his is contributions to tho the curn paig n enrid re ri irl gillic very largis ta lay in enuch uch r than lhnn voll ever bo be knewt known B donica en or republican |