Show BATTLE OF HOUND AND BEAR it wits a desperate conflict but the i dog doff finally won george W V mccredy a prominent shee of at I 1 county and a party parly of she sheep hopmen men consisting of fit will W III coifman Coic 10 man eman milt ml I 1 t moorehead george van va astran tile the older elder coleman and it a holder heider 1 while in tile the vicinity Ity 0 of the ilu AMP corrals 11 on tin tile upper kile kalck k flat n nver ata taint across iver a ye alling brown broni bear car chich was quickly by tile pack treed of 0 coyote nu number m ber belon tario in belonging idne to will ill co Col colemall email the 1 ho bear teeing beina treed only a yearling and n 1 I so 90 cas bailly cailly ily van all 0 norad to climb the tr arec and abak him out evidently thinking till aking him oil u pat par alth a coon atut ciul the bear held into tile ahe ellinb ind and to be I 1 given the rho shake then a rope aaa it t in t a van V a 0 tran trail ho n R noose noole over tile abcar cad and alzin a ing the the he rope to ono one at 0 latter boys boya ho he was of on 1101 schack alio llio lie took look a turn lurn tha around the horn lot n ot of eat die ind and ui u i ile he waa as riding a pretty pre ty good co cou durue he pul ling the bear doun don and succeeded right liero hero in ill tle the fun commenced for the bear oil tile lie hear rushed at ilia horse land and aftuck him a erful blow with his rutting en a deep banh in tile the horsen ph C anil I 1 ald 8 lilt and freeing himself from frocil the earl a I 1 the bere all up bull pines by this time arid and had a line alow 0 of th the battle the houndt being as alsted by it L Ph it opherd dorm doe the rile shep beld g fiet tint 00 too oo near lax the bear made a kilpe ipe at ai him g E 9 his claws under tho the dogs collar kojl mul off at arms arma lb mado him dance a per tot or bomp minutes ml the houn hounds dethe then 11 in to help hap the phap herd dos dog out they 0 eru ere put lut out 0 of the glim in one til two three a er with the exception ot of A 8 staghound 1 1 0 u 7 d rat aler nho IN seized tile thi bear ly by the throat r a a tand and was ilia locked in an ceib aco such as an only a boar bear give lv the two roiling over and over vrr oil en the ground the dug dog never breaking break lne hilt hold and lying close cloae so BO to aci tha jhb bear is a breast that h he van as unable apparently to squeeze him hard thus they ought for conr twenty rat until at last the bear tuc buc combed with ills his windpipe rut tn in mi live old man coleman raid kald he had killed a 0 gcoy many bears in hla his time but ho hn never paw such auch a game fight ahl as li rattier made on oil that orr rattler hauler raised by A 0 at arlington ind and Is in une one ot of the I 1 be etrain ol of bruglio bru glit here by n R T con col flom port land some three years year ago portland Ore oregonians oregonian gonian |