Show THE KLONDYKE CRAZE RECKLESS RUSH or OF PEOPLE TO REACH THE MINES apparent tor for tho the future the romantic story of claience berry and his wife ako co tribune i san Franeis tp july SJ Call fornis Is 1 gondyke mad ever since banco tho the day 1 week ago that news nevis came of 0 the ble big placer bindi andi in ili the ali far noich tt nothing has its been talked of 0 on the cochet but the klondyke Klun dyke gold lipids 11 lda the tariff and ami the floour lal question tire no lie longer in arnn roli mil lidl Kl tho the wonderful am to lr blought almin front from tile the north of rn pen rm who bred foith to the fi zea icalas of the lee rini king in ali birtt t of toi toil tune iuie and foaud it 11 and brought it baal have hern been told enil vilh ever growing gi owene int rest fuld dally daily addition ot of detail the P acors surrender their space to lo the most incident if 1 it relates to tile nothing else cle Is 13 talked or of or thought of A slight was mascit con cit tit at ont one of 0 thi the hotels hotel t ot of mi eila yoA erday that gane gac dazzling evi donet of 0 tile the riches of 0 the th new ga eold infields Id neld fields it as aa a spread spi cad of 0 gold nide made by clarence perry newly p arrived from the north ills his room looked like a mint gold AN nas as ei everywhere ery where slid and apparently paren Parent tty ly there was no effort to go aid it against slie lie crotida of 0 intensely excited spectators who naho pushed themselves it to clars at its mounir poll po sensor ne isor and to a ask ash sk questions quist long of 0 him ubach he answered again and again in ith good nature BOTTLES or OF NUGGETS miners aro are used to speaking of 0 bottles OC 0 gold cold duyl ond and fore of oc habit led to discuss ar clr barrys berrys bottles ot of dust dual but there aas as no dust dual the smallest tn in evidence were as C ourse course as ag bird shot cliot the bolt bell lee lea looked I 1 like ike they were filled kllc d with pebbles one of 0 them said bald to contain worth of gold wa the product of 0 ono one pan the alie bottles alili a few nuggets nuR frets that n were ere handed around for or inspection were said to r represent ep resent a 0 value ot of over 1000 in ili bags lying around on chairs luid and apparently not clo guarded vere N ere other and dust that stood for or of 0 wealth the telegraphic dispatch est have told these details but they could never draw a picture of 0 the scene in that room old miners handled the hie treasure treasury tre asuro with hands that shook vi with ith nervous excitement and their eyes danced and their inouchi twitched nf 11 they ade minute In quirles of 0 mr lr perry berry as to the extent of 0 the HIB gold cold country how lie he found it how the work was flono done how long it took to ret get there and endless other questions were showered upon hire him that he never tired of perry berry and his young wife are ace crea cuica t alies 0 of romance that are talked ot of li scarcely less than the marvelous roar gold cold ind find mith which they aro are to so closely connected A bridal tour to the arctic wllis ams in quest of fortune was ever a biln it thins so unheard of nothing except the finding ot of fortune beyond their oun oin most moat reckless fa fancies reles eighteen hun bull dita miles front the frondle front lere r ll 11 of f civilization Iz iza tion atlon and trackless wastes waste e and and t snows snowa they stu stumbled bled upon riches etches and in B R few months mont lis had picked from tho the frozen earth of 0 gold and had claims that are fairly estimated to be worth millions As aa a victim of fortune barney barnato wa wasi out of date dale eten before he jumped in tile the sea THE RUSH TO ALASKA everybody want sto pet get to the new diggings the offices of the alaskan steamers steamer are crowded from their opening to their closing and more berths have been spoken tor for than the ships can supply men alen are mortgaging their homes for money to carry them to where fortunes they believe an aall alt them art an extraordinary increase in real estate transfers PI ll accounted tr for by the B IIII of 0 land at sacrifices tor for means to enable tile the owners to pet get to the lie klondyke Klon dyk dyko personal property Is pledged or told for what it will trill bring with mith tile tho ame end cad lit in view the want avant columns of tile the dally daily papers papera are croud crow tied with advertisements of men appealing tor for assistance to gel eel to the gold cold country tn in return re turn for an interest in the mines they locate workingmen with ith scant mean meana axe are forming clubs ind and their money together to ncnd one of their ahelf number at after riches r I 1 e h es for all it was it a pitiful sight air at tho taif I 1 hill kinces to ie e nim ien alth ith it a hund hundred red dollars or me BO tura turned d abay because the they Y u el ei e shot phoi 1 L of t 1 lie h fare oven even t to 0 carry I 1 them 0 o TA to the til point of debarkation from froin I 1 lie p steam rs irs what they would have ilon had they found means to pay their fate so for far and had bee botn n put down there ponti lifts Is a thing they appear never to have thought of great buffering ering Is predicted the corn ing ili iter as tho th insult of this crazy of met men mho will nill roach reach the klondyke without It hout provisions or money though they expect to flud work as toon soon as they hy get there |