Show i I 1 I 1 I 1 THE LONDON SEASON vanity fair criticises criticizes its results I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 PROMOTES intemperance 1 1 women who drag themselves Tea from const on house to another must aus t R clort to stimulants to keep up under the strain lady Some somerset iset resigns from the temperance association beerbohm treo broo has a now new and successful play ilay gon gen miles accorded Accor deil i extraordinary favors not notes C S london july N 1 According to 6 van aty calr the th london season which Is inow n nearing its end hoa has lin been ismark ablo able for brIng hir into prominence tho the intemperate habits babits of mor society letY in tho courso of a long lone mirt article icle vanity pair fair says tito the viar tile aio as aa ba bud d as tile men allen perhaps the length ot of the london reason la Is bleily responsible for tile evil front from lite beg beginning luning of may to 10 tho the end ot of july the season la Is one on stretch of 0 katique fiill tue long before the brnt six elx weeks elie aie over pleasure plea suie sule haa become rin thIng but pain the women drug drag them neles wearily from house to house aud and only manage to do this by the lite old ald ot of incessant the rifle competitions at MACY this I 1 week pk havo have provo provoked keil a variety 0 of opinion among the exports experts but they are nit all gowd to ono one thing thine and that Is that the shooting haa ban been too good dozens made the hig highest heat possible decap repeating repealing the teat feat during tho the hooting ting off some now new method ot of scoring Is now imperative WELL RECEIVED gern gen 1 miles having finished his hinves on the tha military system in england Eu gland has rono gone to carlsbad from which point he go to russia where he will ince meet t the czar he asked pur ivr mission to inspect the russian army in england uen ell 1 miles haa boa bee been it 41 nord wl id every fac facility lIlEy lie he has haa b been 1 I permitted to cibit tho the arsenals and d barracks to sample the soldiers soldier e rations rational and to examine their equipments equipment although tho the newspapers recently protested against tho the granting ot of such privileges leres to officers from rom tho the continent no mention has been made ot of gen miles in tills this connection the developments at tile hie inquest thich followed the iho terrible death of mrs afra frances franices samuelson Sai nuelson who choso whoso hair abille hll in the hands of if the hairdresser took look fire as a the result ot of the elie hair wash being used in the dressing have calmed the most moat intense interest In teresi thai newspaper news papera ee axe are filled interviews on tho the S subject and a question hlll 1 ill be asked in the ilonia 0 of commons alth ith a view of 0 the imbor tallon ot of the article liaci SOMERSET RESIGNS lady henry somerset has resigned the presidency of 0 the british temperance association site she recently addressed aecil a circular to 10 the presidents of af tile the branch association risking asking them hem not to approve or sign petitions to lord george hamilton secretary of 0 state atalo lor for india against the benena I 1 of 0 the contagious cOntag lous disease acts tor for india tho the almost exception re to he be governed by lady henrys request and fihe bh lias him consequently conse que fitly le ic bignel the pre presidency ot or the ass ocLa lion it Is announced that the ho hon n win sion churchill eldest son of the lato late randolph churchill will stand for or par lian ieni tit in the conservative int interest crest at the next opportunity lord Randolp randolphe hs lounger son john henry churchill AT nov 0 17 years ot of age 1111 study tor for the bar b ar the lord of 0 rosslyn rosalyn nho ho has haa been prominent in the prince of 0 get anil and mixed up in private theatricals and art c arting maevers with the prince was waa in court thursday wit walli I 1 I 1 a AT money ney lending truiE atlon anything but bul creditable to film the judge lit in char charging ging the jury paid there was only one word to des describe oribe the transaction and I 1 thai hat nas lag eliade narl rosalyn 11 had asked a money lender to let lit him have IW tho the latter had agreed to analco tho the all nation lanco it give ble him a due clue hill for and pill purchase chase a per IUT fullway 1 business fw for 1600 this continued the judge ili he nome earl did burld thought to tn evada paying the 1600 bp caus the perfumery was visa ilot worth 60 tile the noble karf carl continued the judge hag haa put homdt in a very a isard ward olleon ol llon hut but the money lender Is in entitled to the lh ordinary rights ot or a british subject and eari Ross lyli yit call cannot evade paying I after afier his aL attempts tempts on an two continents to infuse the buttil tit n llop giop Al larItY into the seats of 0 the mighty beerbohm KeT bohm tren tree haa 1111 upon tilt im undoubted sepress su Press lii in tile silver sill or key tha th play Is 1 a nother us display of 0 tho the I 1 school with 1 ith gentit emen n lit in blackleg bl Ackles and wl Kaird d lacos jaees slid and many line fine and much gallant gallanty pal lantry y us was the ill fated tho the seats of abc the ahchoy yet it tile public n ja tile lie final feet tile meats eata havu have t unusual figures and mr tree i will probably malic malce the play ills ilia main for next avason ahe tree 0 of knowledge which Gle olge alexander Is to produce ILL at the st it james I 1 n ill III bt bi a return to the lem the heroine will be a woi man witha walli a past tt h hoso hoar tribulations are ve 1 to b bb by julla julia neilson mile ho shone A team time in the second SIM tan lueray the situations ot of tile the play are arc undoubtedly strong and the linal final act Is said to be particularly or c fec tive WILL VISIT AI tierica ErICA anthony hope hopkins in irn ios tc 10 a question by the carl respondent esponde nt of oc the life associated press as aa to ilia hie report rew arti that lie was waa engaged to mlis elliot 1 batra knorp w lio ho IH a now playing in ill fifi cret service tn in london said all there I 1 11 no truth in it Is whatever the papers I 1 balve had mo me loveral coulig leg aar aal jonii jj ilax it 2 nil of nr I 1 1 I 1 hem oven twy I 1 aw M up them anen i A bould cali con I 1 ant i 1 t IT 4 i I 1 jim va aked it if hc would bilte a bokon america after hn n front from mi f llin reading frill in thol United kia arii n at tall fall not if you treat me inc well I 1 aver there lie ile replied judd udd I jud d I 1 will lit lie be thore too long to lo I 1 arlle rite my I 1 alons I 1 under plautt that no traveler I 1 aver ver arites a book who aho nays mays in ILI a inore than ii a week ond find I 1 wilt will lie iv least leam 1 ancel I 1 lea I 1 eli months at the I 1 i william gillette GIll i elte Is ai slaying maying at tile isle into I 1 of f wight for or a 1 rw w days dayn for the ber benelie tefil J of hla liti alth although Nhat recovered r I 1 I 1 r I 1 I 1 his recent attack 0 of lipfin ail friends are exceedingly acx albut his 1110 condition 1 I anne anna held field vi IL a krellar qt at j frice tinn tit ai one on of 0 atin the leading halls mile shines by no means 1 no HO conspicuously as ephe did inder more I 1 management in ill the united klites slie bile Is 1 IV lo 10 return C t tollio if itlen lien ade for abe tic be season loir I 1 0 oscar acl r ln ekartd lier her during tilt H recent visit to london to play tile purt part in ln pompio 1 a Fre play nelch litch lies has been one ona or of the recant tit at 14 aiji ince t j sues t I 1 f was not a threat london london jul july 21 lies from AN say ay that in funny liras of f he h states ilio lag of it her baj atys steamship 1 I glenron llen ron W to arti agthe 01 thu of tic alir 1 british noich All atlantic antle squadron Is f regarded recorded mi ito lord Salli huryN answer to lo mr I 1 sheriynn Sherin nn in UK IN me albirT vy inasmuch as this llila jr is the lite first ethric I 1 hut hat a battlos battleship hP of ali the first chasi chisi lien been went C lit into timi klinl jull 1 tar r the fads facts or the came n nf ro tin tile AdmI admiralty rally hall had do i aided vided lo 10 a sen and i the renown bf fore ill p 1 oi I 1 it to dorila dor hay y us u brittell lt tn ADVICES FROM HONOLULU I 1 no ko progress made in negotiations with japan I 1 son pan francisco july 21 24 the stencil I 1 still china arrived front from yokohama tills ihla morning nin ati honolulu bringing tho the follow ing win advises advices lees to the associated press il honolulu 0 july 17 coun conn elor do akiyama who vaa alas hont to duall by the japa Jap ajia govern CIA la als special commissioner on Isel ellet ili hi lite to boklo oil the nib the japanese question remains lit in LIU quo qui suld attorney G enral we have given out our ls I evvs N illch happen liappa n to br b din metrically appo sito tn thaile of japan still and there vie vc ale aio the last la n phase watt was submitted I 1 to 31 inIster about aboul two coka a KO go in all ail of our intercom sc be velh ith him AI minister tit f or lies shown hewn himself se if to bis IT L ncik IOU 3 to have hav bhe diffor cares settled amicably an and le it itil illi it os little trouble us as possible J path aih publicly imal privately hr ho hs ban h s been nil all that any one could deac ls lio he is in carryll carrying ig out the or of his in mc ki TIC us to accede cede in certain things I 1 aich vatch wo cannot do lie ito dory nor nc feel that lie call civo may und and that Is id our position wo we have li ive certainly cc nalo mule ito headway and it dow 10 not look as though ie can under the con biti na you understand that wo we claim tile the right to pass and cli enforce force laws lawn chich regulate the immigration to this jn in one ot the communications received from mini tor slit lamure on I 1 iho he subject he admitted that right but bill inter ho he for hs his that tile tho ot of such huch a law waa ivas in tilt cc L violation of the clause of oc the gienty which gives subjects or oc japan thi the rame rights as those of the most favored nation what do I 1 think if japan would onto ever hr ber treaty relations relation with nith hawaii Hava ii why ahe A he would be th thrown out of court go BO far as tills dafile alty Is 13 concerned I 1 do not know ahat the gon pral oral result would be b tho the timaly has been mutually beneficial our oui interests e a to b havo a v 0 been benefited by the japan on cac e it ani n it those people having benefited through barning money for themselves an abid their families when arbitration waa ties suggested as the only solution to the dilemma mr ir smith ventured no opinion admiral beardsley Beards leo za 3 notified C capt all t book that he hn ban no intention of bend ing the Nf marion arlon amay the vessel la Is now being thoroughly repaired tit this port arbitration AGREED TO japan ind hawaiian differences to bo be adjudicated washington july 24 though no official advices advises havo have been received tit at either tho the state department or the japanese legation here of tho the report that japan has agreed to the proposal of oc the hawaiian Ha wallan government to arbitrator arb itrato the questions at issue between tile tho two governments it is s not doubted that this Is the fact such unofficial information as has bas come to hand sho sholing xing that the proffer was made and was under consideration all ad tends to warrant the belief that this bats satisfactory factory outcome of the affair has haa been arranged though there Is no means of know ans as yet what nhat will be the nature of the machinery of tho the arbitration bit ration nor the amounts and I 1 issues involved tho the story coming from parrs to tho the C effect that germany has lodged a protest pretest with our government against the annexation of nf tho the ma hawaiian wallan islands it Is IB sale said nt it the state depa department amont has junt this measure of in it lathat that the german government did pre propose pose a joint control of the islands island many y years cars ago aeo and that the pArn proposition position nas promptly declined by the united states without having led ell to a any IT sequent proceedings or a renewal ren wal of of t the be offer irvings sons play london july V 2 at the close of the season at the lyceum theater last As t night sir henry levins irving made a s sp acell in he be announced that he bould produce a play hi fit december by his BOH lawrence on the subject of peter pete r I 1 ile hie great which will mill lie he fol followed lowet by another original play by il II D traill and rid robert nichlas Ili chins |