Show L OFF CONVENTION FOR Telegraphers Delegate Leaves to Take Part in Milwaukee Meeting I IC IC C N Smith the representative of local No 30 of oC the Commercial Telegraphers left yesterday forenoon by way wa of oC the Denver Rio Grande for Milwaukee where he will take part in the delibera deliberations deliberations of the national meeting Mr Smith will meet the Denver delegates today and together they will vill proceed eastward Mr Smith understands the conditions In Salt Lake and the surrounding territory per perhaps perhaps perhaps haps as fully as any man among the strikers and he goes to Milwaukee thor thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly equipped for a presentation or Salt Lakes needs and Salt Lakes cir circumstances circumstances circumstances to the national body Mr Smith has talked the matter of schedules and working conditions condition over th the members of the local union and the local has left him free to ct In the of ot the to President Sylvester Slvester J Small the man whom the executive board depole a few days das age This forenoon at 10 there therl will be a of the strikers in their head headquarters headquarters headquarters quarters In Harmony hall |