Show Waddell the CutUp Howard Wilson who hed a couple of oC seasons for Tor Washington a few tew years back Is now In the watch and clock business and whenever any of ot the ball ballplayers ballplayers ballplayers players want anything in this line they patronize the genial Howard 0 Some days daya ago the versatile Waddell determined to buy by a clock so that when he retired to his home for tor the winter he would have a reliable timepiece thai would arouse him from his slumbers each e h morning so 50 that be ho could be b in ini Iner i er time for breakfast which is a meal that Rube Rubs thinks a whole lot of oC So going up to the store kept by b Wil Wilson Wilson Wilson son in company with Harry Hamo Davis and Sacks Seybold George Geore Edward began looking over the various timepieces that were put out by b o the accommodating dating Howard for his Inspection Rube was hard to suit and finally Howard said to him Ed here is an au extra fine French clock that I will give to you vou ou for half price Its a pretty prett piece of work all right Howard replied the Rube as he be began began gan scratching his head and I woul nt mind owning it only you see sec he explained It be any an angood good to me as I want a clock that I Ican Ican Ican can understand when it strikes Fielder Jones Fear Fielder Jones of the Chicago Amer Americans AmerIcans and Johnny Johnn Evers of or the Cube Cuba come from the same vicinity in New NewYork NewYork NewYork York state and although they the perform in different leagues yet they are firm friends they return to their homes for the season they tIey are often otten together Last fall Call when baseball was a thing of or the past Fielder Jones Jonel happened to tobe tobe tobe be on a visit to the hustling little town of Binghamton and while hile there he be met Evers who was al also o visiting some friends in that neighborhood Acting on a suggestion made by Jones little Evers Eyers accompanied that great player in a stroll and while they were wore walking down the street It was as noticed that a lot of the passersby turned to look after the two spiked shoe lads Just JUt about this time there had been beena a lot of revival services in Bingham Binghamton ton and in consequence exhorters had been coming and going for Cor the past couple of weeks and when Fielder saw sat FO so many people looking at himself and Evers he turned to that gallant little and said saidI I wonder Johnny Johnn what makes those fellows all rubber at us so eo soI soI I think Its because they the imagine that we are some of or those church speakers who have been bean holding forth here replied Evers Great Scott they gave gae me a scare cried Jones with a expression expresion expression sion of or fright on his countenance I thought they might have sized up to tobe tobe tobe be a pair of aC baseball players |