Show r l ir ire e o s The rho welcome calm which has come over oer society Is being really appreciated these days by all classes unless it be bea e ea a few of the alleged butterflies who find life lite dull even under Ideal condi conditions conditions conditions unless doing a great deal of ot flit flitting flitting ting The social season of ot the spring and early summer which lasted till the advent of August when It abated left everyone everone ready to rest and decide things before beCore beginning again Stich s ch a around around around round of teas luncheons and alleged entertainments as was lived down last year Consequently everyone who can canis canIs canis is enjoying the relief relict and In some in st aces at least is getting back to nor normal normal mal The long days are spent In or motor rides in the country I If i f nd many devotees of nature are seek in the outlying places for their real enjoyment c before they are obliged to tro hm to the indoor diversions of ot the writer winter season f There rI re are two classes of people discussing dis cussing cus stocks stock these days those who L lie ve them and those who have not The rite rh former Cormer are fond of telling how poor they thE are and recounting the hard times they are having with their dividends The Tito others well they the 1 are In ju jut just t the same slime old fix Recently one fir Ir one ono was telling how it would take al all of one months dividends to pay for her winter suit Another whose month monthly ly income Is pretty prett well known sighed and aid placed pl ced her household expenses at att atif if 1 t price way wa in advance of the sum to tot t Kl td I saying I just have to keep the household expenses down to that n The Tho news from San Francisco of or the coming coining nuptials of the pair In whom Salt Lake is most interested is any anything anything thing but welcome to Salt Lakers The matter i has been fairly well aired In InThe The hl he Wasp hut but of course not for it Developments are awaited by numerous old friends here before opinions as to the probability of the match are forthcoming The ques question question question tion of desirability is s not open to dis dle discussion russion at all c French is the faddy thing just at present No less than fifty classes ranging In size from a half halt dozen to toa toa toa a score are to be counted among the younger women and girls Whether one plays playa bridge or not one must be able to say at least a few words in the po polite polite polite lite language and some of oC the more diligent ones have reached the stage required A merry party of oC guided and counseled by b Mr Ir and Mrs L 1 P Judd left town yesterday morning morn morning ing for the west Intending to follow the example of the children of or Israel In crossing over on dry land Their des destination destination destination is Antelope Island and they are provisioned for two days It is expected that the return trip will be made this evening Many more of those rescue parties are planned and the success of ot the thelast thelast thelast last which was an afternoon affair has led fed the men to demand that they the thebe be tie taken in with an nn evening soon soon More than one of the strikers at the local boarding houses have that lean and hungry look No wonder the building industry holds good with hungry men clamoring for homes When the football team goes to Butte the members will take with them many messages from certain girls of the younger set whose parents and guar guardians guardians guardians deem it quite out of the question to allow these boosters to go along H And speaking of Irish bulls comes cornea this one The subject t was the price of ot theatre tickets and the fair one stated that she had been where they had to pay hay fla 2 a seat for standing room DOHL BARET COMING EVENTS IN LOCAL SOCIETY Mrs Irs Morris L Ritchie received informally in informally Informally formally yesterday afternoon at a tea teator for tor her guest Mrs J C E King of ot Portland The house was bright with the autumn flowers In the living room chrysanthemums were used while tall showy howy cosmos decorated the hall and den The warm glowing shades of to the nasturtiums lia lent their beauty dining room where Mrs Irs William C Jennings and Mrs Irs C E Pilchards poured Assisting them were a num number number ber her of young girls among them being Rosamond Ritchie Dorothy Doroth Bailey and Richards A large number of oC the former friends of Mrs Irs King tailed railed during the late lato hours of ot the aft afternoon afternoon afternoon Mrs Irs Ritchie gives gIes the second of such affairs on Tuesday afternoon next Miss Geneve Clark entertained yes yesterday yesterday yesterday at a luncheon for eight of her girl friends In hi honor of Miss Claire Young Y whose marriage takes place this week The table decorations were all nil in yellow and white while whilo pink and white cosmos decorated the rest of the house a Mrs Thomas Weir will give gIe a talk next Friday evening Glimpses of the Northland In the First Presbyterian church for the benefit of the organ fund Profesor George E Skelton will give a musical program Mrs airs rs John Earls will entertain on Oct 28 S 8 at the second of or a series of ot get I acquainted teas for the women of ot the Presbyterian church of which the first was as given glyen by Mrs William H Child Mrs W R Wightman entertained yesterday at a small luncheon in com compliment compliment compliment to a few fen of her friends who have haye recently been abroad or away on long trips The Tho marriage of Miss lIss Claire Young Young Toung daughter of Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Willard Young Toung to Joseph M 1 How Howton l I will take place on Wednesday of ot thi this week I Mrs Charles Read entertain tho the society Thursday after afternoon afternoon noon noor at her home homo in honor of Mrs J JC JC JC C E King of Portland Mrs rs William C Jennings will eni en entertain entertain i at dinner dinn r tomorrow evening In honor of or Mrs J 3 C E King of Portland Port Portland Portland land r I Mrs Edwin Hunt Dorman Donnan and Miss Margaret Dorman Donnan returned during the week from a six weeks visit in the east cast I i W Montague Ferry will be back to toi toI i V t tf f t 1 A row t i Y A Y Yb Yr 9 34 b r g gr r r I 4 m rr k Pt oaf t tL L t t ta a aa a f rC a t tA x A 1 MISS LEIGH LEICH WHITTEMORE The second daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles O 0 Whittemore Miss Whit Whittemore Whittemore temore has gone with her parents to make her home in Los Angeles after having won a place among the popular younger girls of the city morrow from a stay of oC a week or so 30 on the coast j 1 Mr and Mrs firs J M I Callow are now settled at East Fifth South street t where Mrs Callow has resumed her Thursdays at home T Mr tIr and Mrs E P left last evening for the northwest and British Columbia Mrs Douglas Folk Fok of t Denver Demer is the guest of Mr Ir and Mrs W L Greiner at the Manitou Mrs Irs Sheehan formerly Miss Ella Godbe of this city cit has returned from froma a stay sta of two years in Idaho and is with th Mrs Irs C P Brooks for a short time a Mr and Mrs Irs Jo Joseph ph F Wright right and daughter Tola and two youngest sons are the guests of Mr and Irs J JH JH JH H Witbeck fe k Miss Katherine Page Is home from spending the early autumn in the country countr fe k Mr Ir and Mrs frs John W Royer are set settled settled settled temporarily at the Tuxedo Mr Ir and Mrs Irs John Stuart Manley will leave leae shortly for a visit with friends in Marion Ind The Misses Rae and Olive Bartch ex ox expect expect to leave shortly to Join their fath father er in Mexico Mr and Mrs Irs Sam Neel eel have bought a home here and are now settled at 9 Second avenue c fr Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Fred Sands are at home for the winter at No 6 the Bransford Brans ford Mrs A J T Davis will entertain the Twentieth Century club at her home on Tuesday afternoon lie Mrs Irs N M 1 Hamilton leaves today for New York on a a short business trip TJ Jr George H is back from Sioux City and will be joined shortly by Mrs and Mrs T F Sin giser X The Misses Isabel and an Amy Am Osborne will entertain at a dinner Tuesday for tor Miss tUss Hannah LeCompte of Park City Ben Davis is back from the east easta a x It Mr Ir and Mrs George L 1 Geiger Gelger have hae moved and are now at home at Third avenue Miss Rae Campbell has gone to Logan Lo Logan Logan gan and Idaho to spend the winter 1 Mr Ir and Mrs Con left day da evening for tor Los Is Angeles after atter a sojourn of three months in Salt Lake City CIt The next meeting of the Ladies Lit Literary Literary Literary club will be held h ld next ex Friday afternoon at the club house Charles CharlesL Charlest L t 1 Rood who with Mrs airs Irs Rood and a party of oC friends sp s spent nt a part of the past year Jear In Egypt will read a paper on ou The Land of the th The Toe music will be he furnished by b Mrs Irs Mar Martha Martha Marthe tha the Royle Boyle King and Miss Rowena Korns president and Miss Teresa Teres secretary and treasurer A part P rt of t the evening was spent In games JUmes and music Dainty refreshments were W e served ser ed edThe m The meeting of of the Womans Athe of ot Park City was waR held Monday afternoon at the home of the secretary Mrs Arthur Williams s Dickens Dl k s Old Curiosity Curlo Shop was the lesson of ot tho the afternoon and was led by Mrs Irs J T M 1 Martin The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted Mrs Irs C W Street and Miss Diehl were elected members and the names of Miss Eva Hughes and Miss Elizabeth Lanning were proposed for member membership membership membership ship Mrs Irs E J Beggs gave Stoddards England and Mrs F W pa paper paper paper per on Dickens was exceptionally YR well prepared and was very much en enJoyed enjoyed Joyed joed by the members Mrs Grabill then read a sketch from the Outlook Magazine v i I IThe The Pallas club of Provo met at the th home of Miss Eva Ward Vard Thursday evening The principal feature was the election of new officers for the en ensuing ensuing ensuing suing year ear Mies Eva Ward was elect elected elected ed cd president Mis Beesley Beesle vice The TIle Utah of Provo met Wed Ved Wednesday Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Irs May Ia Roylance A very interesting pa paper paper paper per was w s read by Mrs Irs Maw entitled The Tho Thirty Year War Wars Tar s Mrs Mr Dallas Mrs tIrs Mrs Judd and Mrs Hauxhurst entertained the Wasatch Literary club at the home of Mrs Dal Dallas Dallas Dallas las on Tuesday afternoon The house ouse was beautifully beautiful decorated with cosmos A large number of members rs and guests were in attendance An excellent paper on Fraternities and Sororities was given by Mrs Troxell Items of inter interest Interest interest est by b Miss Cummings was followed by bya a discussion The United Daughters D of oC the Con Confederacy Confederacy met with Mrs Irs Bodell at 2 2 East First South street The following officers were elected Honorary president president president dent Mrs Sarah M 1 Day Da president Mrs Mattie B Prosser first vice pres president presIdent ident Mrs Kate Ray Silvers Slivers second vice president Mrs Irs Margaret Shea recording secretary Mum Miss Minnie Win Wingate Wingate Wingate gate corresponding secretary Mrs Irs Willie C Keyes treasurer Miss Ruby Lee ff The P E O 0 cey has issued a new and attractive year book setting forth the program for the year The meet meetings meetings ings Ins are aie held fortnightly at the home of the members and a variety of ot lite literary literary Mry subjects are outlined for study The music section of the Ladies Ladles Lit Literary Literary club will meet Wednesday morn mornIng mornIng morning Ing at 10 at the club house The composer for the day is Richard Strauss and the th program is in charge chargo of the committee Mrs Irs H F James Tames and Miss Lena Hague The paper will be bo bogen given gen by Mrs Bower Bowar instrumental se selections selections by Mrs McAleer and Mrs Oglesby vocal selections by Mrs Irs Jack Keith Mrs Irs Fisher Harris and Mrs frs Charles Read Club members are cor cordially cordially Invited k I i The meets Wednesday next with Mrs Irs Thomas Sloan Mrs Irs Susie Riter Wells Veils will present the topic The Court Life LICe of at Louis IV IVy IVi y i The Womans club will ill meet Tues Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday day with Mrs Allen T Sanford at her homo home on R street Miss Ethel Paul will read a paper on Barrie The Undine club met Thursday even evening evenIng evening ing with its president Miss Jennie Nelson Kelson After the transaction of bust bustness bustness bustness ness musical numbers were enjoyed from Miss Virginia Smith and Enid 1 The club will meet next 1 week with Miss Beth Bradford I A large larg number of Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met at the Lion House Wednesday afternoon Remarks In the reminiscent section were made mado by Mrs Mm Camilla Cobb Three new members I were we noted in Nov 6 is the date of oC 1 the next meeting I T 1 The rh Junior class of the High school I Is making preparations for a dance to tobe tobe tobe be given early next x month m nth Miss Lena Brown k entertained Friday II evening for f r Miss g Alice Pratt of Bur Burlingame Burlingame Burlingame lingame Kan who is her guest The was w s in the nature of a banquet and George Ross acted as Mrs John L and son Er Ernest Ernest nest left for Los Angeles last night to visit relatives Mrs D A Fitzpatrick and daughter Miss Kathleen entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening in honor hon r of J T B Shifflet who left for his home In New NewYork Ke KeYork NewYork York on Friday t The Undine club girls will entertain i I I at a Halloween party on Wednesday day evening Oct 30 In the Waterloo ward hall ic I k The Misses Mary McKean McK and Lila Dangerfield entertained Friday even evenIng evening Ing at the McKean home when about fifteen of their friends were present presentA A very enjoyable evening evening was spent T by y the members of the M 11 M S club last Thursday y at the home of Miss lIss Hazel Heath Miss Silva Jarvis will entertain them next Thursday evening The Pythian Sisters will give a ball ba l 1 Tuesday night at Unity hallA hall hallA hallA A pleasant birthday surprise party was given Wednesday night on Miss Grace Hewlett Howlett at her residence East Seventh South S uth street by b a num ber of her girl friends Wends The evening w was agreeably spent pent in games and mu my mv sic and refreshments were served Those inose present were Misses Jennie Stromness Ruth Stromness Edna Tan Tanner Tanner ner nero LUlie Lillie Amanda Nord NordI berg Esther Nordberg Sarah Lind holm Anna nna Stromness Belle Gibby Sigred Johnson Bessie Ditty Annie Jensen Minerva Shaw and Mr and Mrs E S Case 01 Miss Hettle Hettie Stewart entertained a number of or friends Friday evening the event being a china shower In honor honorof of Miss Florence Walters Valters whose wed wedding wedding wedding ding takes place In the near future The evening was spent In music games and dancing the prizes being carried off by the Misses Elliott and Walters Refreshments were served Those pres present present present ent were sere the Misses Florence F rence Walters Lulu Lane Ella EHa Kroll Edith Dean Bessie Dean Edith Nellon Josie Max Diax Maxfield field feld Anna Elliott Frances 1 Lane Della Delia DellaI Stewart Emily Coshell Flossie Glenn I Margaret Kimball Eunice Golding Myrtle Van Eloise I Hettie Hettle Stewart Emily Walters Kate Walters alters and Mrs Stewart I j T iT i Mrs Irs June Sadler Donnell has re reopened reopened reopened opened her dancing classes in the La Ladies Ladies Ladies dies Literary club 1 Mrs C N Needham and Mrs A J T Scott entertained the members of a acard acard acard card club on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs Needham The decora decorations decorations decorations were chrysanthemums and au autumn autumn autumn leaves the same scheme being carried out |